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SHMS Q2 with Beam Line Shield Pipe

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1 SHMS Q2 with Beam Line Shield Pipe
Updated Oct 6, 2016

2 HB case 9.3 & V10 HB with additional Side plates, Front field clamp and NO Beamline shielding. What was asked for at the meeting.

3 HB Case v10 Sum of Stray Fields Fitted Data [T.m]
Spectrometer Angle 5.5° HB (v10) Q1 Q2 Q3 criteria < gev/c Momentum [Gev/c] Side Fe / Field Clamp unshielded Sum 3 -0.005 -0.001 0.003 -0.004 5 -0.007 -0.002 0.008 -0.003 0.005 6 -0.009 0.012 0.007 7 -0.013 0.016 8 -0.018 0.020 0.009 9 -0.027 0.002 0.027 -0.006 0.010 10 -0.040 0.013 0.039 0.011 11 -0.060 0.038 0.060 -0.015 0.023

4 Q2’s Beam Line Shield Pipe
OD 5.5” ID 5.05” Thickness 0.25” Length 96.0” Material 1006 steel Weight ~85 lbs

5 Q2 at 3660A [11.33Gev] Base model - Pipes have air properties

6 Q2 at 3660A [11.33Gev] Beam Line Shield at 5.5 degrees
Max Field in Pipe is 1.75 T

7 Q2 at 3660A [11.33Gev] Beam Line Shield at 10 degrees
Max Field in Pipe is 0.3 T

8 Q2 - Stray Field Plot - ¼” thick Pipe 3,660A
5.5 Degrees SF = 76,613 Base SF = 8,352 Shielded 10 Degrees SF = 16,429 Base SF = 3,556 Shielded

9 Beam Line Shield Pipe OD 5.5” ID 5.25” Thickness 1/8” Length 96.0”
Material 1006 steel Weight ~43 lbs

10 Q2 - Stray Field Plot - 1/8” thick Pipe 3,660A
5.5 Degrees SF = 76,699 Base SF = 19,464 Shielded 10 Degrees SF = 16,429 Base SF = 3, Shielded

11 Beam Line Shield Flared Half Pipe
OD 5.5” ID 5.25”, then flared Thickness 1/4” Length 96.0” Material 1006 steel Attached to Magnet and travels with magnet.

12 Q2- Stray Field Plots ¼” Flared Beam Pipe 3,660A
5.5 Degrees SF = 76,758 Base SF = 29,027 Shielded 10 Degrees SF = 16,422 Base SF = 15,087 Shielded

13 Q2 Beam Line Shielding Results Stray Field Integrals []
Base 5.5 deg Shielded 5.5 deg Reduction factor Base 10.0 deg Shielded 10 deg 1/4” beam Pipe 76,613 8,352 9.2 16,429 3,556 4.6 1/8” beam pipe 76,699 19,464 3.9 3,707 4.4 ¼” half pipe flared wings 76,758 29,027 2.6 16,422 15,087 1.1 Variations in Base Stray Field mainly due to meshing effects on solution

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