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Excretion – Anne Miek Kremer

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1 Excretion – Anne Miek Kremer
Task Force on GNB 14 & 15 Nov 2011 Excretion – Anne Miek Kremer

2 Content Excretion Data needs Problems DireDate recommendations
Presentation FAO Proposed actions Emissions Discussion

3 Excretion: data needs Farm budget excretion = internal flow
net manure trade/withdrawals Land budget excretion Soil budget manure application Excretion coefficients needed for GHG and NH3 emissions

4 Excretion: problems Different sources for N coefficients Harmonisation
Nitrates Directive OECD/Eurostat GNB UNFCCC GHG Inventory FAO Livestock modelling IIASA GAINS Model GGELS etc Harmonisation Different methodologies to estimate coefficients Tier 1/2/3 Expert judgement, statistical data, modelling Standardization, comparability, transparency Sparse data on P

5 Excretion: Diredate recommendations (1)
Excretion coefficients: 1) Volume * NP content 2) Based on animal input/output balances  preferred Data on animal production are relatively easy to collect, concentration of nutrient content is relatively constant Feed consumption: Surveying feeding practices per livestock category  preferred Estimating feed intake by modelling Tier 2 IPCC methodology, large amount of data Alternative: identify major variables which influence excretion and use default values for all other variables (Table 5 p51 Working Document)

6 Excretion: Diredate recommendations (2)
Regional excretion coefficients dairy cows Estimating N excretion in housing and during grazing Housing and grazing days Feed composition housing vs grazing Grazing systems at regional level where applicable Quality control measures Establishment of benchmark NUE major livestock types Calculating NUE major livestock categories using reported values for N in animal production and excretion, check with benchmark Validation farmer survey

7 Excretion: DireDate recommendations (3)
TF to develop uniform methodology Lead: Commission DG, international institutions Recommendations DireDate Identify main reasons for variations in different policy reporting Identify main components and data requirements Identify best practices / guidelines

8 Presentation: FAO FAO  Robert Mayo

9 Excretion: proposal Use of UNFCCC/IPCC excretion coefficients
Improving data availability  minimum level = DireDate alternative approach to Tier 2 Housing/grazing systems (Table 10.5 IPCC 2006 Tier 2) Average daily milk production, fat content Table 5 p51 Working Document MS are encouraged to implement DireDate recommendations Focus: dairy + beef cattle, sows, fattening pigs, broilers and laying hens

10 Emissions hGNS = GNS - aGNS Add sheet with emission estimates
Regional level: national factors applied on regional data

11 Emissions: data needs NH3 from manure (EMEP/EEA Guidebook)
NH3 from soils (min fertilisers + sewage sludge) (EMEP/EEA) NH3 from field burning (EMEP/EEA Guidebook) NO(x) from manure during storage (EMEP/EEA Guidebook) N2 from manure during storage (EMEP/EEA Guidebook) NO(x) from field burning (EMEP/EEA Guidebook) Direct N2O manure animal housing + storage (IPCCC Guidelines) NO(x) from soils (min fertilisers + sewage sludge) (EMEP/EEA) Direct N2O from soils (IPCC 1996: 1.25% of all nitrogen inputs) Data already available

12 Emissions: DireDate recommendations (1)
Emission factors: Short term: Tier2 Long term: Tier 3, TAN-based meth for NH3 Housing systems Short term: solid/liquid manure Intermediate term: (i) anaerobic lagoon, (ii) liquid system, (iii) daily spread, (iv) solid storage and dry lot, (v) pasture range and paddock, (vi) used fuel, and (vii) other systems (IPCC) Long term: Housing with fully-slatted floor, partially slatted floor tied, loose mechanical ventilation, scrubbers or biofilters manure separation, anaerobic digester (without/with added supplements)

13 Emissions: DireDate recommendations (1)
manure storage system Short term: solid/liquid manure Intermediate term: (i) anaerobic lagoon, (ii) liquid system, (iii) daily spread, (iv) solid storage and dry lot, (v) pasture range and paddock, (vi) used fuel, and (vii) other systems (IPCC) Long term: (Tier 3) Slurry stored in open tanks, in covered tanks, in lagoons, in underfloor pits Manure stored in manure heaps Manure composted Manure incinerated

14 Emissions: DireDate manure application techniques Short-term:
broadcast (no incorporation) reduced ammonia application technique Long-term: Broadcast - no incorporation, incorporation <2hrs, incorporation <1 day Band spread Deep injection Shallow injection

15 Emissions: proposal Data collection: Animal housing FSS
Manure storage systems  FSS Manure application techniques  Fertiliser survey Introduction extra sheet in GNB worksheet

16 Discussion points - Excretion
Do you agree with the recommendations of DireDate? Do you agree to use UNFCCC coefficients in GNB? Do you agree with the short term proposal for improving the excretion coefficients? Implementing DireDate alternative approach to Tier 2 Collecting data on housing/grazing systems Do you agree to collect data on grazing/housing systems and milk production at regional level? How to improve data availability on P?

17 Discussion points - Emissions
Do you agree with the recommendations of DireDate? Do you agree to include the list of N emissions presented in the GNB estimation? Do you agree to collect data on housing and manure storage in FSS? Should data on application techniques be collected in a specific survey on fertiliser use? Can regional emissions be estimated using national factors or should regional factors be estimated?

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