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Private Non Profit Wild West Texas YSLETA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT El Paso, Texas Federal and State Programs 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Private Non Profit Wild West Texas YSLETA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT El Paso, Texas Federal and State Programs 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Private Non Profit Wild West Texas YSLETA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT El Paso, Texas Federal and State Programs 2013


3 Private Non Profit Program Gilbert Rodriguez- (915) Alice Garcia- (915) Jackie Saenz- (915)


5 Downtown El Paso

6 Program regulations


8 Equitable Services to PNP Annual Notification Eligibility Funding Services Assessments Delivery of Services Evaluation Consultation Affirmations Regulations

9 P.L. 107-1120 General Requirements for Children Enrolled in Private Schools o In General - to provide equitable benefits that address the needs of the eligible PNP students o Secular, Neutral, Nonideological- services and materials o Equity - educational services and other benefits must be comparable to the services that the public school students are receiving o Expenditures – equal to the proportion of the funds allocated to participating school attendance areas based on the number of children from low-income families who attend private schools o Provision of Services – services may be provided by the LEA or through contracts with public and private agencies Equitable Services to PNP Schools

10 Title I, Part A Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title II, Part A Professional Development Title III, Part A Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act Requirements


12 Basic Rules and Regulations STEP 1 - Annual Notification STEP 2 - Student eligibility STEP 3 - Funding STEP 4 - Delivery of Services

13 Basic Rules and Regulations STEP 1 - Annual Notification Contact PNP schools annually regardless of whether the school is located within the LEA boundaries. Provide explanation of the availability of TI-A services for eligible students is the initial contact which begins the consultation process.

14 Basic Rules and Regulations STEP 2 - Student Eligibility (must meet two criteria) Residential eligibility students must reside in the LEA TI-A attendance area, regardless of PNP school location. Academic need students must be failing, or at-risk of failing, to meet high academic standards based on multiple objective criteria. Poverty is NOT an eligibility criterion for TI-A services. The LEA prioritizes student needs to determine which students will be served.

15 Basic Rules and Regulations STEP 3 – Funding Ensure equitable services for Students, teachers and families - Educational services for students ( proportionate share ) proportionate share - Professional development for teachers ( within LEA boundaries) - Parental Involvement for parents ( 1% set-a-side ) ( Funds can not be used to improve the general instructional program of the private school) (Funds should be used to show the private school teacher how to better address the needs of the Title I students ) Ensure matching funds for any LEA off the top reservations Allocation of funds / LEA must maintain control of funds at all times / LEAs retains ownership to all materials, supplies equipment. IDEA – comparable to public school services IDEA

16 Fair Share An LEA Title I, Part A allocation = $100,000.00 Participating public school children = 1,000 Eligible private school children = 25 Total students = 1025 $100,000 / 1025 = $97.56 per student $97.56 x 25 = $2, 439.00 (PNP fair share)



19 Basic Rules and Regulations STEP 4 - Delivery of Services LEA services should meet the specific educational needs of the participating private school students and teachers that show reasonable promise of effectiveness. (ESEA 9501(a)(1)-(2) Agreement of Services o Between public and private school officials o Determine what services will be offered (e.g. Math & Reading) Service delivery mechanisms o Through an employee of the LEA o Contract with a third-party provider, individual, or an educational institution

20 Eligible Activities may include: Improving knowledge and skills of teachers and staff in core academic subjects Effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills Integrating technology into curriculum Teaching students with different needs Methods to improve student behavior/classroom management Training in the use of data and assessments to improve instruction Title II-A TPTR Professional Development - PNP

21 Title I-A Private Non Profit School Services Timeline and Deadlines There is no set timeline for meeting Title I, Part A compliance requirements for equitable services, however there are several deadlines for submitting specific documentation to TEA. TEA Deadlines July1 LEAs submit NCLB/ESEA Consolidated Grant application to TEA; includes participating PNPs August 1 NCLB Compliance Report October 1 Signed affirmations with program participation details due to TEA Equitable Services worksheets due to TEA Completed documents uploaded to TEA through TEASE Reports May 1 PR7000




25 Private Non Profit School Services The student specific program follows one of these models: follows a Targeted Assistance-like Model includes secular, neutral and nonideological services and benefits utilizes a service provider Plan Design Implement Report Evaluate Annual Cycle of Services




29 PNP Program Integration ESCR19 Professional Learning Opportunities: LEAs PNP LEA * Consultation Meetings * Affirmation of consultation * Eligibility Process * Service Delivery * Assessment * Funding * Program Evaluation Establish standards Survey PNP / Listen to their concerns Campus site visits Highly Qualified – Professional Development and Appraisal System PNP Outreach to LEAs PNP Program Integration ESCR19/PNP/LEA Planning Committee Initial Consultation Meeting Initial Consultation Meeting CNA/CIP CNA/CIP Income Determination Income Determination Survey of Students Enrolled Survey of Students Enrolled Teacher Referral Forms Teacher Referral Forms Migrant Education Program Survey Migrant Education Program Survey Student Residency Questionnaire (McKinney Vento) Student Residency Questionnaire (McKinney Vento)

30 PNP/LEA/ESC Planning Committee The goals of the Private Non-Profit Committee is to coordinate and provide consistency on the Private Non-Profit requirements which include: - Consultation, Equitable Services, Professional Development, - Standards/Assessments - Programs Evaluation, & Modification Programs.

31 PNP LEA Planning Committee Address Findings Related to Texas Implementation of the Title I, Part A Programs Provided to Private Non-profit Schools; USDE Monitoring Report Meet on monthly basis or more often if necessary USDE Private School Children TI Resource Kit

32 Results of LEA Planning Committee USDE Private School Children TI Resource Kit o Income Determination Form o Survey of Students Enrolled o Teacher Referral Forms o Migrant Education Program Survey (Agricultural) o Student Residency Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento)


34 Results of LEA Planning Committee Networked and coordinated efforts among all stakeholders (LEAs, PNPs and ESCR19) Coordination from all stakeholders with all entitlements Connected PNP professional development with ESCR19 personnel based on campus needs Provided Professional Development on Campus Improvement Plans for PNP Web-Based CNA/CIP Developed a Web-Based CNA/CIP


36 Rio Grande River

37 Consultation Requirements Eligibility Campus Site Visits Tutoring Services Communication Ysleta ISD

38 Ysleta ISD Consultation Requirements: Annual Notification of Initial Consultation to all PNPs within boundaries Certified Letter sent out to all 89 Private Nonprofit Schools within ESCR19 in January of each yearCertified Letter 2 nd notice is sent out by the ESC Region 19 reminding them to register for the Private Non- Profit Initial Consultation for Federal Entitlements.Private Non- Profit Initial Consultation for Federal Entitlements. 3 rd notice is sent out through e-mail by the Ysleta Independent School District reminding them to make sure to submit their participation forms




42 Ysleta ISD Eligibility



45 Ysleta ISD Campus Site Visits Agendas Educational Services Highly Qualified Teachers (PDAS Assessed) Assessments Reading and Math Beginning, Middle, End of Year


47 Ysleta ISD Tutoring Services 13 schools 4 Highly Qualified Teachers 2 FTEs Certified PK-12 in Reading 2 PTEs - 1 certified 7-8 Math/Reading and 1 certified 7- 12 Math One-on-one and small group direct instruction in Math and Reading outside the regular classroom-pull out model Before, during and after school programs Two-45 minute sessions per week, 30 weeks Summer school

48 Ysleta ISD Communication Consultations Emails Phone Calls Campus Site Visits

49 Thank you! Finale

50 Questions

51 Ysleta ISD





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