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Meet 4 People and find out their favorite food

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1 Meet 4 People and find out their favorite food
Glucose Do Now… Meet 4 People and find out their favorite food What is a plant’s favorite food?

2 Green Plants: plants with chlorophyll make their own food
Photosynthesis – chemical reaction Glucose Light energy drives photosynthesis. 6 carbon dioxide reacts with water. Carbons, hydrogens, and oxygens are rearranged to make glucose.

3 What do plants do with Glucose?
Cellular Respiration- chemical reaction Plants chemically break down the glucose into carbon dioxide and water. The process releases the energy stored as glucose breaks down. Energy released used to synthesis ATP

4 Fun Fact: Ms. Bombard’s Favorite Food - Chickpeas
One serving contains 2.4g protein 8g carbohydrates – Source of Energy .8g fat (lipids) Carbohydrates: glucose Cellular Respiration

5 Do Now: Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. How does a plant get ATP? A plant uses the products of photosynthesis to make glucose. The glucose becomes the reactant for cellular respiration so that the plant can release and make useable energy called ATP. How do you get ATP? I consume foods which contain chemical energy. I use the chemical energy, like glucose, in a process called cellular respiration to make ATP which can be used to perform all life activities.

6 Comparing the Two Reactions:
Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Endergonic Anabolic Only in green plants Exergonic Catabolic In plants, animals, fungi, bacteria

7 Review: What are Ecosystems?
Characterized by the biotic factors – populations and communities Characterized by the abiotic factors- climate, soil Perform two processes: Energy Flow (energy flow) Nutrient Cycling (chemical or biogeochemical cycling)

8 Energy Movement in the Ecosystem
The Sun is the source of energy for ecosystem. Energy enters the ecosystem through plants. Energy flows in “one” direction through the ecosystem Energy flow is illustrated in an Energy Pyramid Complete pre-lab assignment… Lab will model the flow and have you calculate The amount of energy at each level.

9 Practice Using Vocabulary: Place the words consuming, producing, and absorbing on the illustration. Replace two words on the illustration with producers, consumers. Be able to explain your placement.

10 Photosynthesis – Makes energy available in ecosystem
Where would you place the words: consuming, producing, absorbing, on The diagram? Why? Photosynthesis – Makes energy available in ecosystem Without light (ENERGY), the ecosystem will not run. Light enters the Ecosystem through the autotrophs Autotrophs - Source of Energy for Heterotrophs, aka the consumers. Cellular Respiration – Provides a useable form of energy for organisms, ATP A C P

11 Energy Flow: Trace the path
Trophic Structure: Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer Quaternary Consumer Decomposers Energy Flow: Trace the path A trophic level determines the route of energy flow Each level only receives a certain amount of energy from the previous level. Why?

12 Primary production Primary Production (GPP): the amount of sunlight energy converted to chemical energy in the form of organic compounds like glucose and other carbs. Net Primary Production (NPP): the gross primary production amount minus the amount of energy used by primary producers for their cellular respiration NPP = GPP – CRautotroph Is GPP or NPP the amount of energy that will be available for consumers? Producers convert about 1% of the energy in the sunlight

13 Pyramid of Energy or Production
Illustrate the amount of energy available at each trophic level Shows the cumulative loss of energy with each transfer in the food chain. Energy is usually expressed in kilocalories (kcal). Only 10% of the energy at a given level will transfer to the next trophic level, the 10% Rule. Efficiency of energy transfer usually range from 5-20%. 80-95% of energy transfer at one trophic level never transfers to next.

14 Each trophic level has a given amount of Energy
Calculate the amount of energy that will transfer to each level.

15 Helpful Video Links: The 10% Rule Bozeman Presentation on Energy Transfer Now try answering the end of section questions and multiple choice #1-5 on page 761.

16 Role of the Decomposer Necessary for the breakdown of organic materials to recycle nutrients Fungi, bacteria examples Obtains energy from dead organisms using decomposition What level do they feed off of? Complete Model 1 Energy Pyramid worksheet

17 How is this pyramid different from the Pyramid of energy?
It indicates the amount of biomass at each trophic level. What happens to the total biomass as you go up the pyramid?

18 Pyramid of Biomass Biomass is how much dry mass is available at each trophic level. Why the decrease?

19 Pyramid of Number

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