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RF Gradient Data And Reporting Tools

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Presentation on theme: "RF Gradient Data And Reporting Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 RF Gradient Data And Reporting Tools
Adam Carpenter StayTreat 2017

2 Outline Introduction Pre-existing Tools and Work Flows Data Sources
New Tools RF Dashboard Demo Follow On Work Questions and Discussion

3 My Background Often a sys admin, sometimes a software developer and data analyst Working in support of the RF Gradient Team Developing an RF Gradient Dashboard Focusing on data generation, aggregation and presentation Extending current software capabilities to enable additional analysis Web-based dashboard application Presenting data to guide high-level decision making and inform maintenance work

4 RF Dashboard Focus Energy Reach!
I.e., what energy can CEBAF run with acceptable trip rates? Defined as the Linac Energy with 10 RF trips/hour for North and South Linacs combined. Assumes two non-C25 TrueArc RF trips/hour Leaves room for eight C25 trips/hour (TrueArcs) An estimated quantity determined as the energy at which LEM predicts eight (C25 TrueArc) trips/hour How has CEBAF been performing energy reach-wise? More easily map changes in energy reach to changes in cavity set points Klystron Mod Anode Voltage Induced to prolong klystron tube life We know it’s impacting energy reach and trip rates, but how much? How many klystrons have mod anode voltage? How to prioritize replacements or swap limiting tubes to match otherwise limited cavities? Bypassed Cavities How many and which ones? What are the historical trends for all of this?

5 Previous Work Flow Understanding changes in energy reach
Someone writes/runs a custom script to generate LEM data and charts at ad hoc time intervals Manually disperse results or post to logbook Someone else data mines logbook, etc. to piece together historical trends Work through RF Cavity History tool, CED, Archiver data, etc. Weeks later … rinse and repeat Estimating trip rate increases due to klystron mod anode voltage Not immediately obvious Not replacing existing tools, but combining aspects to direct further investigation and effort

6 Data Sources CED ‘history’ workspace
Provides current and historical view of CED parameters About two years of history available and growing MYA Archiver Current and historical values for many EPICS PVs Maintains about two years of historical data online at a time LemScan and LEMSim Databases (new) Maintains data from running LEM daily at varying energy levels Started recording data in December 2016 (LemScan) and July 2017 (LEMSim) Key Points Mixtures of data that “ages out” with data that doesn’t Different data available at different times Show what we have for the times we have it

7 New Tools Web-based MYA query tools (beta)
LEMHarvester and LemScan database Determines and saves current energy reach Runs lem at range of linac energies 1000 MeV to 1190 MeV at 5 MeV increments North and South linacs Saves trips rates of each linac at each energy to database Run via cron

8 (simulated control system)
New Tools LEMSim Run batch-mode LEM in a simulated control system environment Loads EPICS environment in isolated Soft IOC Uses archiver to create historical representations Allows custom modifications Can provide a custom CED workspace Uses ced2Epics to sync workspace to simulated control system Archiver CED _lemSim Standard LEM output (trips per shift, GSETs, etc.) Soft IOC (simulated control system) LEM lem.cfg LEMSim

9 New Tools ModAnodeHarvester and associated database
Uses LEMSim to estimate the impact of mod anode voltage on linac trip rates and cavity GSETs Specify date to use for EPICS control system, e.g. – last “runnable” CEBAF configuration Use copy of current CED workspace with and without ModAnode This will miss recent, unmerged “LiveEdit” updates Run through cron Only recently started data collection NOTE: The CED ModAnode update process is manual and somewhat spotty. Definite potential for improvement.

10 New Tools RF Dashboard Web-based dashboard for integrating high level RF metrics with drill downs to lower level details

RF Dashboard Demo

12 Follow On Work Short-term:
Development on hold, receiving feedback and requests Mid-Term: Continued updates of RF Dashboard RF Trip and Recovery Viewer/Analyzer Tool Display RF trip interval and recovery times Incorporate statistical models Long-Term: Make the dashboard “proactive” Alert RF personnel to specific changes or trends Suggest possible avenues of improvement

13 Open Issues and Questions
The dashboard is retrospective, but ideally this would provide real time feedback and alerts to possible changes LEMSim is only currently used for estimating impacts of mod anode voltage? Perhaps broader use cases? How to best use LEMSim Mod Anode Voltage results? What are possible improvements to the CED ModAnode value synchronization process?

14 Questions and Discussion

15 Backup Slides








23 New Tools Proto-typed RF Fault Recovery Viewer
Alpha-phase product for visualizing RF trip frequency and recovery times

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