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Transport in nanostructures

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1 Transport in nanostructures
M. P. Anantram ( ) Center for Nanotechnology NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California Modeling of transport in ultra small MOSFETs using techniques other than traditional DD methods has been a topic of recent active research in the Computational Electronics community. In this talk, I will discuss our work on modeling of transport in ultrasmall MOSFET from a purely quantum mechanical approach. The work to be presented is not phenomenological theory, which is central to explaining experimental results. Rather, it can be regarded to be an experiment performed on a computer under idealized conditions that is often used in the modeling and simulation world. So it helps understand certain aspects of ballistic MOSFETs both qualitatively and quantitatively. 11/20/2018

2 Outline Transport: What is physically different? Applications
- Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) - Carbon Nanotubes - DNA

3 Trends in Device Miniaturization
Down scaling of semiconductor technology Molecular devices Smaller and Faster Devices Conventional Hybrid New - Ultra Small MOSFET - Interference based devices - Resonant tunneling diodes - Single electron transistors - Carbon nanotube - Molecular diodes - DNA?

4 Conventional Methods of Device Modeling
Electrons are waves. de Broglie wavelength of an electron is, h/p, where p is the momentum Device dimensions are much larger than the electron wave length Transit time through the device is much larger than the scattering time Diffusion equation for semiconductors Ballistic Phase-coherent Diffusive

5 1 Electrons behave as waves rather than particles
T(E) R(E) T(E)+R(E)=1 Electrons behave as waves rather than particles Schrodinger’s wave equation Poisson equation still important Landauer-Buttiker Scattering theory In this theory, Current, T(E) – Transmission probability for an electron to traverse the device at energy E fLEFT(E) – occupancy factor / probability for an electron to be incident from the left contact (Fermi- dirac factor)

6 Transport in molecular structures – Interplay between chemistry and physics
Quantum chemistry tools (perform energy minimization) or Molecular Dynamics (MD) are used to find chemically and mechanically stable / preferable structures Schrodinger equation describes electron flow through the device Poisson’s equation gives the self-consistent potential profile Chemically & Mechanically Stable Structures Energy Minimization, quantum chemistry (hundred atoms) Molecular Dynamics simulations (millions of atoms) Number of atoms  accuracy Current, Electron Density Schrodinger’s equation / non equilibrium Green’s function Potential (Voltage) Profile Poisson’s equation New Devices

7 Outline Transport: What is physically different? Applications
- Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) - Carbon Nanotubes - DNA

8 Resonant Tunneling Diode
GaAs AlGaAs + Typical thickness: tens of Angstrom 1 Transmission Probability T(E) Black – semi-classical Red - quantum What quantum feature does the peak represent? 200meV Energy (E)

9 Example: Resonant Tunneling Diode
Current Voltage Negative differential resistance Peak to valley ratio should be large

10 Outline Transport: What is physically different? Applications
- Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) - Carbon Nanotubes - DNA

11 Bonard et al, Appl. Phys. A 69 (1999)
Nanotube Images Single-wall nanotube Multi-wall nanotube Bonard et al, Appl. Phys. A 69 (1999) Thess et. al, Science (1996)

12 Quantum conductance experiment
Near perfect quantum wire Crossed nanotube junction: Inter-tube metal- semiconduction junction, rectifier Frank et. al, Science 280 (1998) Fuhrer et al, Science (2000) and not

13 Work horse of conventional computing
IBM Wind et. al, Appl. Phys. Lett., May 20, 2002 Logic gates, oscillators, … using many nanotubes on a single wafer has been demonstrated.

14 Bent Nanotube or Intra-molecular junction? Intra-molecular diode?
Cees Dekker, Delft University

15 Electromechanical Switch?
Tombler et al, Nature 405, 769 (2000) Mechanism for conductance decrease?

16 Graphene Blue box – unit cell of graphene a1 & a2 – lattice vectors
r1, r2 & r3 - bond vectors Two atoms per unit cell a2 a1 Applying of Bloch’s theorem: For graphene, symmetry dictates that t1=t2=t3

17 a2 a1

18 a1 a1 a2 a2

19 Graphene to Nanotube eikf=eik(f+2p)
Y = eikxx+ikyy (u v) Example, (6,0) zigzag tube,

20 Nanotube wavefunction
p - integer

21 Summary of main electronic properties
Metallic nanotubes: n-m = 3*integer Semiconducting tubes: Bandgap a 1/Diameter Armchair tubes are truly metallic Other metallic tubes have a tiny curvature induced bandgap zigzag (n,0)

22 Summary of main electronic properties
zigzag (n,0) Armchair tubes do not develop a band gap

23 Summary of main electronic properties
Metallic nanotubes: n-m = 3*integer Semiconducting tubes: Bandgap a 1/Diameter Armchair tubes are truly metallic Other metallic tubes have a tiny curvature induced bandgap zigzag (n,0)

24 Shapes in nature Nanohorns Torus

25 Armchair nanotube: Bands
Fermi energy Figure below is a pictorial representation of the MIT 25nm MOSFET Close to E=0, only two sub-bands, (6.5 kW) At higher energies, (< 1kW) Low bias record (multi-wall nanotube) (500W) Can subbands at the higher energies be accessed to drive large currents through these molecular wires?

26 Quantum conductance experiment
Frank et. al, Science 280 (1998)

27 VAPPLIED > 200mV, slow increase
Frank et. al, Science 280 (1998) VAPPLIED < 200mV, G~2e2/h VAPPLIED > 200mV, slow increase E ~ ±120meV, non-crossing bands open At E~2eV, electrons are injected into about 80 subbands Yet the conductance is ~ 5 e2/h

28 Semiclassical Picture
DENC Transmission in crossing subband Bragg refelection Zener tunneling (non crossing subbands) (r,r’) are indices for the matrix equation These equations are solved only inside the green box. Yet Sch Eqn or the above equations are not being solved for a closed system. The open boundaries in the contacts are included via a self-energy. The strength of the two processes are determined by: Tunneling distance, Barrier height (DENC), Scattering DENC a 1/Diameter. So the importance of Zener tunneling increases with increase in nanotube diameter.

29 Yao et al, Phys. Rev. Lett (2000)
dI/dV 4e2/h for Va < 2DENC ( DENC 1.9eV ) DENC changes with diameter Effect of diameter on current? 155 mA 25 mA Yao et al, Phys. Rev. Lett (2000) The first feature is directly a consequence of how the CB bends in poly silicon. The differential conductance is not comparable to the increase in the number of subbands. (20,20) nanotube – 35 subbands at 3.5eV Two classes of experiments with order of magnitude current that differs by a factor of 5! Our ballistic calculations agree with increase in conductance

30 Summary (Current carrying capacity of nanotubes)
Nanotubes are the best nanowires, at present! However, Bragg reflection limits the current carrying capacity of nanotubes Large diameter nanotubes exhibit Zener tunneling Conductance much larger than 4e2/h is difficult non crossing  non conducting crossing  conducting First term of n(x) is the electron density in the case of 3D bulk and is equal to the doping density. First term of V(x) says that the potential at x=0 increases with kf / doping These expressions are valid only at ZERO temp and are a poor approximation to what happens at ROOM TEMP and these doping densities. Nevertheless they are useful. Phys. Rev. B 62, 4837 (2000)

31 Tombler et. al, Nature 405, 769 (2000) sp2 to sp3 Upon deformation
Stretching of bonds Opens bandgap in most nanotubes [Phys. Rev. B, vol. 60 (1999)] What is the conductance decrease due to?

32 Approach 1) AFM Deformation 2) Bending Structure Relaxation
Central 150 atoms were relaxed using DFT and the remaining atoms were relaxed using a universal force field Density of states and conductance were computed using four orbital tight-binding method with various parametrizations

33 Bond Length Distribution & Conductance

34 AFM Deformed versus Stretched

35 What happens to other chiralities?
Metallic zigzag nanotubes develop largest bandgap with tensile strain. All other chiralities develop bandgap that varies with chirality (n,m). Experiments on a sample of metallic tubes will show varying decrease in conductance. Some semiconducting tubes will show an increase in conductance upon crushing with an AFM tip.

36 Summary (electromechanical switch)
Metallic nanotubes develop a bandgap upon strain. Detalied simulations show that this is a plausible explanation for the recent experiment on electromechanical properties by Tombler et al, Nature (2000) In contrast, we expect nanotube lying on a table to behave differently. A drastic decrease in conductance is expected to occur only after sp3 type hybridization occurs between the top and bottom of the nanotube. Suspended in air Table Experiment AIR SiO2

37 Outline Transport: What is physically different? Applications
- Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD) - Carbon Nanotubes - DNA

38 DNA Conductance Double helix – a backbone & base pairs
Building blocks are the base pairs: A, T, C & G Example: 10 base pairs per turn, distance of 3.4 Angstroms between base pairs. Arbitrary sequences possible A challenge for nanotechnology is controlled / reproducible growth. DNA is an example with some success. However, there are many copies in a solution! 2D and 3D structures with DNA base pairs as a building block have been demonstrated Lithography? Not yet.

39 basepair

40 Experiments Conductivity in DNA has been controversial
Electron transfer experiments (biochemistry) / possible link to cancer Transport experiments (physics)

41 Semiconducting / Insulating
Voltage (V) Current ~ 1nA Semiconducting / Insulating Porath et. al, Nature (2000) Current ~ 10nA Voltage Metallic, No gap 20mV Fink et. al, Science (1999)

42 Counter-ions Is conduction through the base pair or backbone? - Basepair When DNA is dried, where are the counter ions? Crystalline / non crystalline? Counter ions significantly modify the energy levels of the base pairs Counter-ion species is also important Resistance increases with the length of the DNA sample (exponential within the context of simple models) Counter-ions

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