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Definition of a Thesis Statement

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2 Definition of a Thesis Statement
. A sentence in an essay, report, research paper, or speech that identifies the main idea and/or central purpose of the text. What is the function/ purpose of a Thesis Statement? The thesis statement serves as the organizing principle of the text and usually appears in the introductory paragraph, often at the end.

3 A Sentence Main idea End of first paragraph ( Intro) )
Key Words A Sentence Main idea End of first paragraph ( Intro) )

4 The Inverted Pyramid What is that ?

5 General topic sentence
Begin focusing TS

6 A Good Introduction Learning to be a successful writer in college involves a lot of hard work. To become a successful writer, students should follow some important steps. Just attending classes and going to workshops are not enough. Students need to have a good background in grammar and vocabulary, organizational skills in writing essays, and knowledge of editing techniques.

7 Example of a Good Introduction
Learning to be a successful writer in college involves a lot of hard work. (Topic Sentence) To become a successful writer, students should follow some important steps. Just attending classes and going to workshops are not enough.( more info and opinion) Students need to have a good background in grammar and vocabulary, organizational skills in writing essays, and knowledge of editing techniques. (TS)

8 Remember 1. Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper. 2. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement.

9 How can you get ideas for your TS?
1. Brainstorming 2. Free writing 3. Listing 4. Clustering

10 Sample Writing Prompt These days online learning has become very popular as an alternative to traditional university-based education. Some students prefer this type of learning while others do not. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

11 Sample Thesis Statement
Online learning gives the opportunity to many students to avail of a university education offering a) flexible hours of courses, (BP1) b)affordable programs (BP2) and c) international recognition. ( BP3)

12 Repetition( overlap) in the Thesis Statement
A Common Mistake Repetition( overlap) in the Thesis Statement

13 Careful! Make sure your individual points in your TS do not overlap!
Example: Fast food restaurants offer many benefits to the consumer, such as tasty food, quick service and delicious desserts. This TS only has two points as tasty food and delicious desserts should be dealt with in ONE body paragraph.

14 Strong TS Diwali is an important festival for Indians because they celebrate their religion, remember traditional legends, and enjoy time with their families.

15 Weak TS Diwali is an Indian festival, which is held every year when Hindus celebrate for three days.

16 Choose the Strongest TS
A) In the last two decades, many new diseases such as AIDS, West Nile Virus, and SARS have appeared on the scene. B) Newly discovered diseases such as AIDS, West Nile Virus, and SARS are a serious threat to the health of millions of people the world over.

17 B is a stronger TS—Why? It is not neutral It offers a point of view

18 Is there a point of view??? A: Although living standards have increased worldwide, there is no doubt that such raised levels have definitely caused some negative impacts on mankind’s environment, health and social integration. B: As hunting wild animals for food is no longer necessary in today’s world, it can be argued that hunting for sport is cruel, damaging to our environment and causing some wildlife species to become extinct.

19 Revise your TS IF you do not have enough information/ supporting ideas for your body paragraphs.

20 Successful TS? Unsuccessful TS?
The Following Slide Successful TS? Unsuccessful TS?

21 “In this essay I will try to prove that drugs such as Prozac and Paxil are unnecessary and probably dangerous.”

22 Unsuccessful TS Why? Avoid using ‘I”
It reads more like an announcement rather than a TS

23 Worksheet on Thesis Statements
Try and answer the questions 1-10 in 5 minutes.

24 Worksheet Answer Key B False
It shows you the direction ( path) the essay is going to take. B. Fatima/ Jasim is a wonderful person who loves to do volunteer work in her/his spare time and takes care of her/his family. True a) Brainstorming b) Free writing c) Clustering / Listing D 1. Examples of her reliability 2. When/where we play tennis 3. Her jokes and funny stories

25 Thank you for your attention
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