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Questioning The aim of this part of the module is to understand and practice questioning.

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Presentation on theme: "Questioning The aim of this part of the module is to understand and practice questioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questioning The aim of this part of the module is to understand and practice questioning.

2 Questioning for Attention
Imagine you are about to start a presentation or a workshop … How could you capture every person’s attention, build rapport, and get ‘buy in’ from the beginning? What questions could you ask? Slide Outline Attention needs to happen to get retention! Get the group to break up into small groups or pairs and come up with some ideas. Find out what has worked for others.

3 Opening Question Options
An opening question that sparks a vivid image can start the flow of ideas and create a feeling … “Imagine you are …” “Consider the following …” “Picture this … ” Slide Aim To outline how a great opening question can create thought and imagery which leads to buy in and starts things with a buzz. Slide Outline Discuss why starting the question with words like “imagine…..” or “consider…..” might make a difference. The aim is to get the group picturing themselves in a real scenario with real problems to solve.

4 The Power of Questions Activity
Discuss the following questions (5min): What are the positive impacts of good questions ? When can questioning create a negative impact? Aim of slide Create awareness of the power of questioning, positive and negative. Can be discussed in pairs, small groups, or large group. Outline of slide Write points from group on whiteboard etc. Or get groups to capture on paper After points are on the board, ask how they might apply to coach developers Elaborate and ask for examples where appropriate Ask at the end ‘What might be some of the positives of just telling or presenting (v questioning)?’ Possible points (questioning) Creates thought, buy in, empowerment, ownership goes to person questioned, can create deeper understanding, shows you value the other persons opinion, can break up monotony of a presenters voice, keeps a presentation more interesting, engages participants, presenter seems modest (not a know it all) Possible points (telling) Information gets across quickly, a large amount of information can be given

5 Questioning for Understanding
One aim of questioning is to create depth and detail of thought that leads to a future action. G Goals, aim; what do you want to do? R Reality; what is happening now? O Options; what could you do? W Actions; what will you do and when? Slide Aim Understand the ‘GROW’ tool for creating understanding through questioning. Slide Outline There are many tools similar to the GROW tool. It is the concept we are looking at. It is common to ask where or what are people doing now and then get to ask where they want to get to. GROW is a tool that provides a structure to help get quality detail and create a future pathway from a line of questioning. The aim of the GROW model is to help create learning and understanding. Outline how at first the techniques may feel un-natural but after some practise you can quickly fit it to your own style and make it seem totally natural. Question to ask – “This is a common technique for coaching, but how might it apply in the coach developer role” Possible answers: When a facilitator asks questions, instead of giving their view, they get participants to find their own answer. When doing exercises/activities it helps participants find there own solutions etc A questioning approach can be used in recesses when talking with individuals or small groups etc

6 Questioning for Understanding
GROW Example G “Ideally, where would you like to go with your coach developer role?” R “So tell me about where you are at now?” O “What are some of the different ways you can achieve your aim and get over some of the hurdles?” W “So what are you going to do now?” Slide Aim Example questions using the ‘GROW’ tool for coach developers.

7 Reflection Take a couple of minutes to write down what questioning means for you in the context of your work. Slide Aim To practise reflecting as a part of the process of learning. Slide Outline Individually and quietly get people to reflect on the discussions on questioning and write down what meaning they might take away that could be useful at work or generally.

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