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Student Development Theory

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Presentation on theme: "Student Development Theory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Development Theory
Lighting the Way for the Work that We Do SUSAN KOLLS NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY

2 @carpetschemes on Instagram
#goodmorningnu @carpetschemes on Instagram

3 Who am I? Associate Director, Student Financial Services
Management Team SA, FA, SEO, CAVS, CFI, EMCC Direct/Indirect Reports Previous Experience First-Year Engineering Students Internal Transfer Program Organizations and Memberships NACADA MASFAA EASFAA Massachusetts Bursars Committee Purpose Inspiration Expectation

4 Agenda Inspiration Philosophy and Mission
Know Thyself/Know Thy Institution Five Questions Icebergs Theory Applying Theory Dropping Knowledge Gathering Inspiration Q & A

5 Why We Advise

6 Students

7 Hamilton:Why We Do What We Do
Advising happens everywhere This is what we work toward… Passion Conversation Courage Resolution So – How do we get there?

8 Philosophy Positive Self-Motivating Include Theory Reason Structure
NACADA Core Competencies

9 Know Thyself And Thy Instituion Goals: Avoiding Assumptions
Remain Reflective Be Self-Aware Be Institutionally Savvy And Thy Instituion

10 What do you Know? About yourself? Honesty Absolutes Reality Constant

11 What do you assume? Greater honesty Underlying assumptions
People like us may not be like us People like each other may not be like each other Who we are includes assumptions

12 What about your institution?
How is it unique? Four areas of knowledge: Structural Human capital Political Symbolic

13 What about diversity? Visible and Invisible Diversity within Diversity
Institutional Diversity

14 What do you think you know now?
Absolutes Yourself Your Institution Assumptions Basic Characteristic Diversity Visible Invisible Placement within Now you just have to listen…

15 Five Questions How do… What are… Is this student… What…
Our experiences differ? What are… The visible and invisible diversities? Is this student… The same as all students on my campus? What… Characteristics allow for success? Support does the student need? Support does the campus offer?

16 Theory – An Introduction
Advising has always happened Information Formal Change: More career focused education Change: Prescriptive Developmental Advising as… A Profession Teaching

17 Defining Advising Relational Informational Conceptual Communication
Bond Informational Management Delivery Conceptual History Ethics Theory

18 Student Identity Theory
Identity Development Long and Complex Everyone’s doing it Non-majority Combinations of Identity Constant Discovery It’s exhausting…

19 Perry Cognitive structures are shaped by how people view their experiences We are on a continuum of growth Intellectual Ethical Each step of our growth represents a point of view

20 More Perry The Basics Dualism Multiplicity Relativism

21 Perry and Emotional Development
Development is not always linear Progress and Regress Both Progress and Regress help

22 Let’s Talk about Brains
Just for a minute… Basically – your brain has two paths Consequences Considerations

23 Arranging the Appointment
Technique/ Action Advisors Theory Rules and Regulations Neurology Issue Resolution Neurology Rules and Regulations Rational Thinking/ Problem Solving Emotional Development Advisees

24 Medical Intervention SPIKES Setup Perception Invitation Knowledge
(2 minutes) SPIKES Setup Perception Invitation Knowledge Empathize

25 Coffee Break DECAF Decide Emotional Development Connections
Active Listening Follow-Up

26 Decide What you need to communicate… How you’re going to communicate…
Where you’re going to communicate… When you will stop…

27 Emotional Development
Integral to college experience Teachable Moments Flow Skill level v. situation Relief Next steps

28 Connections Real or perceived Alternate Paths

29 Active Listening Smiles! Eye Contact Ask Away Empathize and Sympathize
Be Aware/Be Wary

30 Follow Up Doable Do it Assignments Follow Up Fill In

31 Finding Inspiration I contend we are designed in departments that are not effectively linked. As a result, the institutions do not meet modern efficiency and productivity standards. More importantly, they do not meet effectiveness standards because they do not help students with a whole experience. Simply put, most institutions are not designed correctly. - Pamela-Shockley-Zalabak Chancellor University of Colorado Colorado Springs (1 minute)

32 Questions? Comments? Thank You!

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