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1 Schedule

2 Classes start Saturday May 27th 2017
Subject: Phonetics and Vocabulary From: 11:30 to 5:00 pm Dates of classes : May 27th, June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

3 Go to ‘more’ Then to ‘Gestalt Phonology’
Web Page Go to ‘more’ Then to ‘Gestalt Phonology’

4 Evaluation Criteria Participation in class………………… 50% Homework……………………………..40% % = 40% Attendance……………………………..10% Final Project ………………………….30% 60% % = 100% Final Exam….………………………….30% There will be 2 final products. Project (30%) PP presentation Exam (30%)

5 Simple rules NO Cell phones No Spanish Attend class Be on time
Turn in HW on time. Work 1 week late is -1; 2 weeks late 0 Do not plagiarize. Quotations must be sourced Pay attention NO Cell phones

6 Themes and Subthemes Phonology Phonetics in context
The importance of pronunciation Difficulties in pronunciation of English (focus on Spanish speakers) Concepts of pronunciation and understanding The debate: Segmental vs. Suprasegmental Intonation patterns Pedagogic implications Activities that are focused on the learners proficiency level Strategies for evaluating pronunciation

7 Themes and Subthemes cont.
Vocabulary Historical context Vocabulary adquisition The Implicit hypothesis of vocabulary learning The Explicit hypothesis of vocabulary learning Lexical competence Teaching vocabulary in the second/foreign language: meaning, semantic fields, collocation, chunking Pedogogic implications Activities that are focused on the learners proficiency level Strategies for evaluating vocabulary


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