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Deadline: Wednesday 6th July

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1 Deadline: Wednesday 6th July
Science Homework Express Name: ______________ Takeaway Homework Your task: Your aim is to learn the material on each double page spread. For each double page spread you need to: Lean and present it using the technique of one main and one side dish highlighted on the right. Read the pupil checklist to make sure that you are confident with the material Rag rate the list Use you revision guide, the double page spread or bitesize to help you. Mains Sides Pizza Poster. Create an A4 poster summarising one of the double page spreads. Make it eye catching, bright and colourful and factual – with plenty of detail (toppings!). Spicy Song Sauce. Create a poem or change the lyrics of a popular song to include the key facts from the one of the double page spreads Masala Mind map. Create an A3 mind map with images and colour summarising one of the double page spreads. Sweet and Sour Summary cards. Make some A6 summary cards for one double page spread with plenty of details on them – add some questions and answers to the back King Prawn Facts. Create a factsheet or mini newspaper about the unit including additional facts that you have researched yourself Tweet and Sour. Write a tweet (no more than 140 characters) summarising the unit we have just finished Word Ton Soup. Pick out all the keywords from the double page and write their definitions. Mini Spring Ques. Create a series of 10 simple questions to test the your knowledge of the double page spread Crispy Crossword. Make a crossword using only key words and/or HSW terms. Don’t forget to include detailed definition style clues. Deadline: Wednesday 6th July Pages: 74-75, 76-77, 82-23 If you have been absent you might also be given the following: 68-69, 70-71,72-73 GCSE Bitesize:

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