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Chemical Reactions Important to Physiology- Break Down, Build Up

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Reactions Important to Physiology- Break Down, Build Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Reactions Important to Physiology- Break Down, Build Up
Decomposition reaction (catabolism): AB A + B Synthesis reaction (anabolism): A + B AB Exchange reaction (reversible): AB A + B Catabolism-break down polysaccharides to monomers (glucose) for absorption into bloodstream Anabolism-build proteins from monomers (amino acids) for growth and development Exchange – carry oxygen in blood stream on hemoglobin and release at tissue level

2 Energy In, Energy Out Exergonic reactions: Endergonic reactions:
produce more energy than they use Example: Cellular respiration Endergonic reactions: use more energy than they produce Example: hydrolytic reactions require energy to use water molecules to break apart macromolecules during digestion Most chemical reactions that sustain life cannot occur unless the right enzymes are present

3 Materials in Reactions
Reactants: materials going into a reaction Products: materials coming out of a reaction Enzymes: proteins that lower the activation energy of a reaction

4 Enzymes control metabolism by lowering Activation Energy
Chemical reactions in cells cannot start without help Activation energy gets a reaction started Figure 2–7

5 Lower the activation energy, increase the speed of a reaction (millions of reactions per minute!)

6 Shape and Function Protein function is based on shape
Shape is based on sequence of amino acids Denaturation: loss of shape and function due to heat or pH

7 Enzyme Names Often named for the reaction they catalyze; usually end in -ase (e.g., hydrolases, oxidases)

8 Enzymes Enzymes are catalysts: Specificity: Regulation:
proteins that lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction are not changed or used up in the reaction Specificity: one enzyme catalyzes one reaction Regulation: the ability to turn off and on

9 How Enzymes Work Figure 2–21

10 How Enzymes Work Substrates: Active site: Product
reactants in enzymatic reactions Active site: a location on an enzyme that fits a particular substrate Product the end result of the enzymatic reaction

11 ADP and ATP (modified RNA nucleotides)
adenosine diphosphate (ADP): 2 phosphate groups di = 2 adenosine triphosphate (ATP): 3 phosphate groups tri = 3

12 Phosphorylation • Adding a phosphate group to ADP with a high-energy bond to form the high-energy compound ATP ATPase: (ATP synthase) the enzyme that catalyzes phophorylation

13 The Energy Molecule Chemical energy stored in phosphate bonds
Figure 2–24


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