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Holy Child.

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Presentation on theme: "Holy Child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holy Child

2 Holy Child little baby in the manger Sent to earth to redeem us from our sin

3 Holy Child heaven sings and now trembles For never One so holy has come to earth

4 Here’s my life fully open to you Jesus Come inside as I bow to worship you

5 There is room in my heart oh Holy Savior You’ve come to give your life so that I may live

6 Holy Child God’s Holy Child Meek and mild God’s Holy Child

7 Lord you are our Redeemer sent from heaven Lord you are Prince of peace and Lord of all

8 Lord you’ve come to deliver us from darkness And bring the light of heaven to our hearts

9 Lord you are more precious than silver Lord you are costlier than gold

10 Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds And nothing I desire compares with you

11 King of kings reigning over all creation Sitting at the loving Father’s right hand

12 Soon you’ll come for your bride who’s clothed in beauty To be with you in glory forevermore


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