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Where in the Latin America?

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1 Where in the Latin America?
Latin America Geography and Environmental Issues Where in the Latin America? This presentation demonstrates the new capabilities of PowerPoint and it is best viewed in Slide Show. These slides are designed to give you great ideas for the presentations you’ll create in PowerPoint 2010! For more sample templates, click the File tab, and then on the New tab, click Sample Templates.

2 Mexico Location: North America Climate:
Northern Mexico has a steppe or desert climate. Dry climate with some rain home to vast, grass-covered plains or desert shrubs Southern Mexico has a Savanna climate. The mountainous areas in central Mexico determines the climate based on the elevation. Such as the Sierra Madre Mountains.

3 Mexico’s Natural Resources
SILVER! More silver is mined in Mexico than in any other country. Mexico also has large deposits of Oil. Also mined: Gold, Iron, Copper, Zinc, and Manganese

4 Venezuela: Climate and Natural Resources

5 Location: South America Climate:
Venezuela Location: South America Climate: Northern part has a steppe climate Central Venezuela has a Savanna Climate usually hot with seasonal rain Southern Venezuela has a tropical climate typically hot and rainy year round

6 Venezuela’s Natural Resources
OIL! Venezuela is an oil rich country. Venezuela has easy access to the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean allowing for easy exporting of oil around the world. Venezuela also has deposits of natural gas and mines Iron, Gold, and Manganese The government gets about half of its money from the oil business. Even provides oil to Cuba at a reduced price!

7 Brazil: Climate and Natural Resources

8 Brazil Location: South America. The biggest country in South America.
Climate: Northern Brazil has a tropical climate. Central Brazil has a Savanna Climate. Southern Brazil has a Humid Subtropical Climate. What is the weather like in a humid Subtropical climate?

9 Brazil’s Natural Resources
SUGAR!!! Sugar cane is Brazil’s number one exported natural resource. It can easily trade with other countries because of its 7 seaports on the Atlantic coast. Brazil also has oil, Iron, Tin, Manganese, and aluminum. And plenty of hydroelectric power! What about the Amazon rain forest? 20% of the World’s oxygen comes from the Amazon rain forest!

10 Cuba: Climate and Natural Resources

11 Cuba Location: Caribbean sea Climate:
Savanna: hot with seasonal rainfall

12 Cuba’s Natural Resources
Land is used mostly for farming This is because they have a large amount of arable land. What is arable land? They grow: Fruit and sugar cane which are the main exports The also mine: Copper, Gold, and Nickel. Cuba also has a deposit of oil


14 On your map, color the most populated areas in one color and the less populated areas in a different color. In the key indicate, what color represents the and the less populated areas.

15 Latin America Languages: Must include Spanish, Portuguese, French and English on Key
Map 2 Green-Spanish Blue- French Hint: All countries in Latin America are Spanish except: Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, and Haiti

16 Where in the Latin America?
Latin America: Environmental Issues Where in the Latin America?

17 Air Pollution in Mexico City, Mexico
Latin America: Environmental Issues Air Pollution in Mexico City, Mexico

18 Air Pollution in Mexico City
nearly 20 million people live here second most populated city in the world--Tokyo is first city’s population & location contribute to its bad air pollution problem considered to be the most polluted city in the world

19 Air pollution over Mexico City
Smog underneath the clouds, surrounded by mountains

20 Causes of Air pollution in Mexico City
huge population = lots of cars high elevation--less oxygen so fuels don’t fully burn --higher level of gases that harm eyes, lungs, & the heart Sierra Madre mountains surround city & trap in polluted air

21 Mexico City Surrounded by mountains

22 Effects of Air Pollution
Increase in asthma Acid Rain

23 Solutions for Air pollution in Mexico City
To reduce air pollution, the city promotes public transportation (buses, subway). The city is also testing buses that run on cleaner burning fuels new restrictions on car use workshops to teach people about the environment

24 Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation
Latin America: Environmental Issues Amazon Rainforest: Deforestation

25 Amazon Rainforest largest rainforest in the world
most of the rainforest is in Brazil experiences a hot, humid, & rainy tropical climate home to a huge variety of plants, trees, insects, birds, & animals produces 1/3 of the earth’s oxygen (about 20%)

26 Amazon Rain Forest Brazil

27 Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest
The Brazilian government built a major highway system. opened rainforest to loggers Brazil’s population has increased

28 Amazon Rainforest Before

29 Amazon Rainforest After

30 Results of deforestation
Plants & animals are losing their homes; many are endangered, and some are becoming extinct. Loss of trees increases carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global warming.

31 Clear-cutting, slash and burn, and Mud slide due to erosion

32 Solutions The government is passing laws to limit the number of trees
Companies are replanting trees and “farming” them until they are mature enough to cut again.

33 Venezuela: oil-related pollution
Latin America: Environmental Issues Venezuela: oil-related pollution

34 Black Gold in Venezuela
One of the world’s leading producers of oil has been producing oil for about 100 years Oil production has boosted economy Main source of income for many people Oil production results in toxic wastes, air pollution, & oil spills

35 Results of drilling for oil…

36 Causes Unscientific drilling Poor government involvement
Lack of proper machinery to clean effected areas

37 The effects Venezuela’s coast has become polluted with oil.
The environment is damaged Fishing industry is hurt Breathing problems for children and elderly

38 More effects of oil in Venezuela
Oil businesses have damaged Lake Maracaibo (largest lake in South America). Large amounts of oil have been removed from the area so the land is changing. eastern shore of the lake is dropping about three inches a year government is having to take precautions to keep water from flooding into nearby towns

39 What does this remind you of?
Oil Spill What does this remind you of?

40 Problems Money from selling oil is the country’s main source of income. Venezuelans are motivated to keep producing, selling, and burning oil--and polluting

41 Solutions Develop renewable energy sources
Focus on clean-up and prevention of pollution Involve government more Better training of workers (investing in human capital)

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