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Lions International Eye Centre, Korle Bu, Ghana

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1 Lions International Eye Centre, Korle Bu, Ghana

2 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Why West Africa? 90% of blindness occurs in developing countries 75% of this blindness is preventable 2.6 million people in West Africa are blind The region is vastly under-served, e.g. cataract surgery less than 20% of VISION 2020 target

3 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Why Training? Training is integral to any strategy to eliminate avoidable blindness Africa lacks higher surgical training programmes For the majority, training is out of financial reach “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life”

4 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

5 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

6 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Lions Clubs International Foundation £750,000 Lions MD105 (CSFII) £250,000 Moorfields Eye Charities £2,000,000

7 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

8 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

9 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

10 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

11 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Training ophthalmologists for the West Africa region

12 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Ian Murdoch MSc MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Ophthalmology

13 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Basic surgical training Small incision cataract surgery Trabeculectomy (glaucoma) Lid surgery Paediatric eye surgery

14 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Modular system WACS certificates Online training Digital communication Moorfields trainers Train the trainer

15 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana Medical Retina Course Nov 2016

16 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana So what of the future? Management of Moorfield House Equipment upgrades Sponsorship of courses Dissemination of courses (WHO)

17 Lions International Eye Centre
Korle Bu, Ghana

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