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Measure E Technology Update

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1 Measure E Technology Update

2 The Bond: “...ensure all students have access to up-to-date classrooms with updated classroom technology...provide and maintain up-to-date technology data and communication equipment... upgrade instructional technology in the classroom for improved student learning…” Upgrading Technology Infrastructure - Including: Wireless Systems, Computers, Projectors, Servers, Switches, Interactive Displays, Handheld Devices, Printers, Document Projectors, Network Security, Phone Systems, and other Miscellaneous Equipment.

3 Tech Bond Committee Recommendations:
Consistency with choice, model workspace, training and support, reliability and availability of equipment. Flexible device choices for teachers and students depending on the task at hand. Purchase shared carts of devices for teachers to use - supported by the findings in the district ethnographic study. Put training for teachers in place before purchasing the hardware 20 member committee met 6 times over the course of school year.

4 Tech Bond Projects in Process
Infrastructure Upgrades: Core Router/Switch Upgrades Wireless AP Enhancements New/Upgraded Building Projects BYOD Support: BYOD - Connectivity & Security Develop Policies & Support Protocols 21st Century Classroom: Assess needs & install model classrooms Teacher/Staff Laptop Replacements: Inventory and replace Student Computer Lab Replacements: Move toward mobile lab model Enhanced Site Connectivity

5 Tech Bond Purchases: Over $980,000 of tech bond dollars have been spent to date. Focus has been on priority areas including: Replacement of core infrastructure (switches, networking, servers) Online New Music Building at SHS Demo AV Rooms at LGHS and SHS Classroom Tech Upgrades Security Camera Systems Upgrading AV Systems

6 IT Project Updates: Infrastructure Review:
All data collected and audit completed. Currently in review phase. Wireless Connectivity Upgrades: Equipment purchased, uniform SSIDs rolled out, 75% of transition plan is complete. Develop a Multi-Year Technology Budget beyond the Bond: In development. Classroom AV Upgrades: Evaluating rollout options based on system review and feedback from staff. Technology Request Process: New request process in place. Reduced wait time for equipment.

7 Moving Forward: Projects
Currently reviewing audit and infrastructure data to develop recommendations for implementation of: Remaining network and AV upgrades Enhanced district-wide connectivity solutions Enhanced Security Purchase components for the two new buildings at LGHS and a building renovation at SHS Review Google Master pilot program and plan for 2018 options Fill identified gaps in instructional technology

8 Moving Forward: Tech Plan
Continue Professional Development opportunities through technology collaboration events, workshops, and inter-district support opportunities. Continue implementation of the Digital Learning Plan and Technology Bond Committee recommendations This fall reconvene The Technology Committee to solicit input and update the Digital Learning Plan for


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