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Curriculum Verification and Results Reporting Portal

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Verification and Results Reporting Portal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Verification and Results Reporting Portal
(CVR) Registration and Use Danielle Rowland, M. Ed.

2 What is the CVR? Annual Roster Verification process
Collects data for more accurate information in Value Added use to fulfill the requirements of Act 54. Reports value-added results to appropriate personnel Differing functionalities for differing User Groups

3 October 1, 2011-March 1, 2012 (tentative dates)
State-wide release of value added results ( testing) February 1, 2012-February 29, 2012 (tentative dates) View only process will open to determine necessity of optional, second LEADS upload (LEADS/CVR). March 1, 2012 – March 31, 2012 Second LEADS upload (LEADS/CVR). *April 23, 2012-May 11, 2012 Teachers will have access to verify class rosters. *April 23, 2012-May 18, 2012 Principals will have access to verify teacher’s class roster changes. Data Managers will have access to the CVR. *Roster verification dates change yearly, as this process will always immediately follow testing CVR Schedule

4 CVR REGISTRATION Who should/can register? Current year
*Current year superintendents *Current year district CVR Data Managers *Current year principals *Current year teachers instructing core content courses, grades 4-8 Current year is determined by data submitted to the State through the Profile of Educational Personnel (PEP) data base. Core content courses are defined by state course codes that are aligned with content tested on state assessments.

Click here to continue into the portal

6 Returning Users First-time Users This is what you will see when you Continue to Registration/Login Page.

7 On your first visit to the portal, PLEASE review the User Guide either through this document or by watching a quick video. Then click on the ‘Register’ button on the right side of the screen. 








15 *View own Value-Added results report
CVR for Teachers *Edit Rosters *View verified data *View own Value-Added results report

16 CVR for Teachers Roster Verification
1. Select ‘Student List’ tab Select ‘Update’ tab Choose correct year Teacher’s classes will appear in a table at the bottom 2. 3. 4.

17 CVR for Teachers Roster Verification

18 Roster Verification--adding students
CVR for Teachers Roster Verification--adding students

19 Verification Completion
CVR for Teachers Verification Completion

20 CVR for Teachers Viewing Verified Data

21 CVR for Teachers-Viewing Verified Data

22 Viewing Teacher Results Report
CVR for Teachers Viewing Teacher Results Report Single Content Area

23 Viewing Teacher Results Report Multiple Content Areas
CVR for Teachers Viewing Teacher Results Report Multiple Content Areas

24 Viewing Teacher Results Report Overall Composite Result
CVR for Teachers Viewing Teacher Results Report Overall Composite Result

25 CVR for Principals *View and edit Teacher Rosters
*View changes to Teacher Rosters *View verified data by teacher *View who has/not verified data *View Value-Added results of individual teachers *View Value-Added results of all teachers

26 CVR for Principals Roster Verification
1. Select ‘Student List’ tab Select ‘Update’ tab Choose correct year Select School and Teacher Teacher’s classes will appear in a table at the bottom 2. 3. 4.

27 CVR for Principals Roster Verification

28 Roster Verification by Teacher
CVR for Principals Roster Verification by Teacher

29 Viewing Roster Changes
CVR for Principals Viewing Roster Changes

30 CVR for Principals-Verification Complete

31 CVR for Principals-Viewing Verified Data

32 CVR for Principals-Viewing Verified Data

33 CVR for Principals- Verification Progress Reports

34 CVR for Principals- Verification Progress Reports

35 CVR for Principals Viewing Results by Individual Teacher

36 CVR for Principals Viewing Results by Whole School
*the smaller numbers on the bottom of the page indicate additional pages*

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