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Formal Models of Distributed Systems

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1 Formal Models of Distributed Systems
Ali Ghodsi – UC Berkeley / KTH alig(at)

2 Formal Modeling

3 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Granularity of Models Biggest challenge of modeling Choosing the right level of abstraction! Model must be powerful enough to construct Impossibility proofs A statement about all possible algorithms in a system Our model should therefore be: Precise: explain all relevant properties Concise: explain a class of distributed systems compactly 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

4 Model of Distributed Systems
Based on model from Attiya & Welch

5 Model of Distributed Computing
What is a distributed system? bunch of nodes/processes sending messages over a network to solve a common goal (algorithm) How do we model this? p1 p2 p3 p4 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

6 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Modeling a Node A single node has a bunch of neighbors Can send and receive messages Can do local computations Model node by state transition system (STS) Like a finite state machine, except Need not be finite No input Not necessarily finite state machine, but in reality nothing is infinite  11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

7 State Transition System (informal)
A state transition system consists of A bunch of states Rule for which state to go to from each state (transition function) The set of starting states (initial states) 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

8 State transition system - example
Example algorithm: Using graphs: X:=0; while (X<2) do X = X + 1; endwhile X:=1 Formally: States {X0, X1, X2, X1’} Transitions function {X0→X1, X1→X2, X2→X1’} Initial states {X0} X1 X1’ start X0 X2 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

9 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Modeling a Node State machine of node i Bunch of states Qi Each state consists of 1 inbuffer set for each neighbor 1 outbuffer set for each neighbor Other data relevant to algorithm Initial states inbuf[j] is empty for all j p2 outbuf[1] inbuf[1] outbuf[3] inbuf[3] outbuf[2] inbuf[2] p1 p2 p3 p4 Outbuf represents the network, could have been called link or network 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

10 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
State of one node p2 outbuf[1] inbuf[1] outbuf[2] inbuf[2] outbuf[3] inbuf[3] Example states x=0 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=0 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={m0} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={m2} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={m2,m3} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=2 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={m4} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

11 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Transition functions All of the state, except outbufs, is called the accessible state of a node Transition function f takes accessible state and gives state, and adds at most 1 new msg in each outbuf[i] of new state. all inbuf[i] of new state must be empty x=0 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={m0} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} f 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

12 Transition functions formally
Model in Attiya & Welch is a little bit broken This is a tedious fix… State of a node (with k channels) is triple <I,O,s> I is a vector of inbufs, <I[1],…,I[k]> O is a vector of outbufs, <O[1],…,O[k]> s is the local state We require that for any two f(<I1,O1,s1>)=<I2,O2,s2> and f(<I3,O3,s3>)=<I4,O4,s4> I2=I4=<,…,>, i.e. all inbufs are empty, and If I1=I3 and s1=s3 then s2=s4, i.e. don’t “observe” channel (1), O1[i]O2[i] and O3[i]O4[i], i.e. only append messages, and O2[i]-O1[i] = O4[i]-O3[i], i.e. don’t “observe” channel (2) Skip this slide if you like! 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

13 Single node perspective
This is how computers in a distributed system work: 1. Wait for message 2. When received message, do some local computation, send some messages Goto 1. Is this a correct model? [D] Determinism? I/O? Atomicity? 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

14 Single Node to a Distributed System
A configuration is snapshot of state of all nodes C = (q0,q1,…,qn-1) where qi is state of pi An initial configuration is a configuration where each qi is an initial state Configuration p1 p2 p3 x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={} x=4 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={m7} inbuf[3]={} x=11 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} outbuf[3]={} inbuf[3]={m3} 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

15 Single Node to a Distributed System
The system evolves through events Computation event at node i, comp(i) Delivery event of msg m from i to j, del(i,j,m) Computation event comp(i) Apply transition function f on node i’s state Delivery event del(i,j,m) Move message m from outbuf of pi to inbuf of pj 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

16 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Execution An execution is an infinite sequence of config0, event1, config1, event2, config2… config0 is an initial configuration If eventk is comp(i) configk-1 changes to configk by applying pi’s transition function on i’s state in configk-1 If eventk is del(i,j,m) moving m from i’s outbuf for link i↔j to j’s inbuf for link i-j 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

17 Single Node to a Distributed System
p2 Example execution p1 1 1 p3 2 1 config0 config1 config2 x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} p1 p1 p1 event1 event2 x=4 outbuf[1]={m7} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} x=4 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} x=4 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={} outbuf[2]={} inbuf[2]={} p2 del(2,3,m7) p2 comp(3) p2 x=11 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={} x=11 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={m7} x=12 outbuf[1]={m8} inbuf[1]={} p3 p3 p3 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

18 Some definitions for later use…
Each comp(i) is associated with a transition If f of process i maps state1 to state2: the triple (state1,state2,i) is called a transition Transition (s1,s2,j) is applicable in configuration c if The accessible state of node j is s1 in c A del(i,j,m) is applicable in configuration c if m is in outbuf for link i↔j of node i in c A transition should really also have the process id … 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

19 Single Node to a Distributed System
Example execution p1 p2 1 config0 config1 x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} x=1 outbuf[1]={m1} inbuf[1]={} p1 p1 event1 comp(2) x=11 outbuf[1]={} inbuf[1]={m7} x=12 outbuf[1]={m8} inbuf[1]={} p2 p2 associated with transition x=11 inbuf[1]={m7} x=12 outbuf[1]={m8} inbuf[1]={} ( , , 2) 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

20 Some definitions for later use… (2)
If transition e=(s1,s2,i) is applicable to conf c Then app(e,c) gives new configuration after the event comp(i) If e=del(i,j,m) is applicable to conf c Then app(e,c) gives new configration after the event del(i,j,m) Some notation abuse… overloading function app 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

21 Schedules (Asynchronous Model)
Our processes are deterministic Given some message, update state, send some messages, and wait… Non-determinism comes from asynchrony Messages take arbitrary time to be delivered Processes execute at different speeds A schedule is the sequence of events Message asynchrony determined by del(i,j,m) Process speeds determined by comp(i) All non-determinism embedded in schedule! 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

22 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)
Schedules (2) Given the initial configuration The schedule determines the whole execution Not all schedules allowed for an initial conf. del(i,j,m) only allowed if m is in outbuf of i in previous configuration 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

23 Admissible executions (aka fairness)
An execution is admissible if each process has infinite number of comp(i), and every message m sent is eventually del(i,j,m) Why infinity? Executions are infinite When algorithm is finished, only make dummy transitions (same state) 11/20/2018 Ali Ghodsi, alig(at)

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