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RDS Survey RDS Conference October 2009

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Presentation on theme: "RDS Survey RDS Conference October 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 RDS Survey RDS Conference October 2009
Michael Thewlis Employment Research and Consulting

2 Aims of the research Revisit 2004 RDS survey Collect new information
Impact of working time and driver regulations Provide evidence on regulations and information for FRS

3 Qualitative research Interviews CLG Northern Ireland Scotland
Employer and employee organisations RDS lead officers and firefighters Survey methods, questions and design

4 Triangulated data on workforce
Surveys All current RDS firefighters Recent RDS leavers RDS management leads Postal questionnaire Online option Employer and employee Triangulated data on workforce Data for modeling

5 Timetable November Surveys designed and piloted December
Questionnaire finalised January Surveys sent out February Initial report March Final report

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