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Data Processing of Resting-State fMRI (Part 2)

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Presentation on theme: "Data Processing of Resting-State fMRI (Part 2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Processing of Resting-State fMRI (Part 2)
YAN Chao-Gan 严超赣 Ph. D. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China 1

2 Outline Statistical Analysis Results Viewing Multiple Comparisons
REST Image Calculator Other Functions 2

3 Statistical Analysis One sample T test Two Sample T test Paired T test
ANOVA analysis 3

4 One sample T test ALFF: mALFF-1 Preparation fALFF: mfALFF-1
ReHo: smReHo-1 FC: zFC 4

5 One sample T test 5

6 One sample T test smReHo mALFF g1-1 6

7 One sample T test 7

8 One sample T test m*-1 images zFC images Brain Mask Directory for
saving SPM.mat 8

9 One sample T test The generated spm.mat 9

10 One sample T test The generated spm.mat 1 10

11 One sample T test spmT_0001.img
HeightthresholdT = {p<0.05(FDR)} Extentthresholdk = 10 voxels 11

12 Two sample T test ALFF:mALFF Preparation fALFF: mfALFF ReHo: smReHo
FC: zFC Mask 12

13 Two sample T test Mask Brain Mask
Mask=(Patient_1T.img>Thrd)+(CON_1T.img>Thrd)>0 Patient_1T.img CON_1T.img Mask_2T.img (i1>1.96+i2>1.96)>0 13

14 Two sample T test Brain Mask or Mask_2T.img m* or zFC* images
for the two groups Directory for saving SPM.mat 14

15 Two sample T test The generated spm.mat 15

16 Two sample T test The generated spm.mat 1 -1 16

17 Two sample T test spmT_0001.img
HeightthresholdT = Inf {p<0.05(FDR)} Extentthresholdk = 0 voxels 17

18 Paired T test 18

19 Paired T test m* or zFC* images for each pair Brain Mask 19

20 Paired T test 20

21 ANOVA Analysis 21

22 ANOVA Analysis 3 Corresponding level Images for this group 22

23 ANOVA Analysis 23

24 Statistical Analysis in REST

25 One-Sample T-Test Brain Mask 0 for m*-1 images 1 for m* images
T Statistic Image 25

26 Two-Sample T-Test T Statistic Image: positive corresponds to the mean of Group 1 is greater than the mean of Group 2 26

27 Two-Sample T-Test Two-Sample T-Test with covariates: e.g. gray matter proportion images (Oakes et al., 2007, Neuroimage) Please make sure the correspondence between the group images and the covariate images: order and voxel size Other covariate can be also specified as text files. (E.g. age, brain size, IQ etc.) 27

28 Paired T-Test Situation 1 – Situation 2 Please make sure the
correspondence T Statistic Image 28

29 ANOVA or ANCOVA ANCOVA: e.g. gray matter proportion images (Oakes et al., 2007, Neuroimage) F Statistic Image Please make sure the correspondence between the group images and the covariate images: order and voxel size Other covariate can be also specified as text files. (E.g. age, brain size, IQ etc.) 29

30 Correlation Analysis The imaging measure: ALFF maps Traits: e.g.
MMSE.txt 19 15 23 14 30

31 Outline Statistical Analysis Results Viewing Multiple Comparisons
REST Image Calculator Other Functions 31

32 Results Viewing SPM5 xjview MRIcroN REST Slice Viewer 32

33 Results Viewing - SPM5 33

34 Results Viewing - SPM5 34

35 Results Viewing - xjview

36 结果呈现—xjview 36

37 Results Viewing - MRIcroN

38 REST Slice Viewer 38

39 39

40 40

41 For Voxel size = 3*3*3 Voxels are connected if their faces touch rmm=4
Voxels are connected if their faces or edges touch rmm=5; SPM_Criterion Voxels are connected if their faces, edges, or corners touch rmm=6 41

42 42

43 43

44 44

45 45

46 46

47 This report is based on CUI Xu's xjview. (http://www. alivelearn
Revised by YAN Chao-Gan and ZHU Wei-Xuan : suitable for different Cluster Connectivity Criterion: surface connected, edge connected, corner connected. Number of clusters found: 7 Cluster 1 Number of voxels: 59 Peak MNI coordinate: Peak MNI coordinate region: // Right Cerebrum // Temporal Lobe // Superior Temporal Gyrus // White Matter // undefined // Temporal_Inf_R (aal) Peak intensity: # voxels structure 59 --TOTAL # VOXELS-- 40 Right Cerebrum 33 Temporal Lobe 20 White Matter 19 Temporal_Inf_R (aal) 16 Gray Matter 14 Superior Temporal Gyrus 13 Fusiform_R (aal) 11 brodmann area 38 8 Inferior Temporal Gyrus 7 Middle Temporal Gyrus 7 Limbic Lobe 6 Uncus 6 Temporal_Pole_Mid_R (aal) 5 brodmann area 20 3 Sub-Gyral Cluster 2 Number of voxels: 98 Peak MNI coordinate: 47

48 48

49 49

50 Create Brodmann Mask Template\brodmann.nii Or
Template\Brodmann_61x73x61.nii 50

51 Create Brodmann Mask 51

52 Data Resample 0 – Nearest Neighbor 1 – Trilinear
2- 2nd degree b-spline 52

53 Outline Statistical Analysis Results Viewing Multiple Comparisons
REST Image Calculator Other Functions 53

54 Multiple Comparisons P=0.05
Probability of not getting a false positive result: = 0.95 P=0.05 Probability of not getting a false positive result: = 0.95 P=0.05 Probability of not getting a false positive result: = 0.95 P=0.05 Probability of not getting a false positive result: = 0.95 P=0.05 Probability of not getting a false positive result: = 0.95 0.955=0.774 54

55 Multiple Comparisons Bonferroni correction: 0.05/5=0.01
Family-Wise Error (FWE) correction False Discovery Rates (FDR) correction Monte Carlo simulations (AlphaSim) 55

56 FDR Theory False discovery rate Qe=E(V/(V+S))=E(V/R)
Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 56 56 56

57 FDR Theory Let H1, …, Hm be the null hypotheses and P1, …, Pm their corresponding p-values. Order these values in increasing order and denote them by P(1), …, P(m). For a given q, find the largest k such that P(k) ≦ kq/m. Then reject (i.e. declare positive) all H(i) for i = 1, …, k. 57 57 57

58 FDR in REST 58 58 58

59 FDR in REST 59 59 59

60 FDR in REST 60 60 60

61 Multiple Comparisons Monte Carlo simulations (AlphaSim) ? 61

62 REST AlphaSim 62

63 63

64 Cl Size Frequency Cum Prop p/Voxel Max Freq Alpha

65 Outline Statistical Analysis Results Viewing Multiple Comparisons
REST Image Calculator Other Functions 65

66 REST Image Calculator 66

67 REST Image Calculator 67

68 REST Image Calculator Example expressions:
(a) g Subtract 1 from each image in group 1 (b) g1-g2 Subtract each image in group 2 from each corresponding image in group1 (c) i1-i2 Subtract image 2 from image 1 (d) i1> Make a binary mask image at threshold of 100 (e) g1.*(i1>100) Make a mask and then apply to each image in group 1 mean(g1) Calculate the mean image of group 1 (i1-mean(g1))./std(g1) Calculate the z value of i1 related to group 1 (g) corr(g1,g2,''temporal'') Calculate the temporal correlation between two groups, i.e. one correlation coefficient between two ''time courses'' for each voxel. (h) corr(g1,g2,''spatial'') Calculate the spatial correlation between two groups, i.e. one correlation coefficient between two images for each ''time point''. 68

69 Outline Statistical Analysis Results Viewing Multiple Comparisons
REST Image Calculator Other Functions 69

70 Power Spectrum 70

71 Power Spectrum 71

72 Power Spectrum 72

73 Power Spectrum 73

74 Granger Causality Analysis Contributed by Mr. ZANG Zhen-Xiang

75 Theory of Granger Causality
Signed path coefficient Chen et al, 2009, ISMRM Granger 1969; Ding et al., 2006 75

76 Theory of Granger Causality
Residual based Granger 1969; Ding et al., 2006 76

77 77

78 NIfTI nii to NIfTI pairs

79 NIfTI .nii to NIfTI pairs

80 Reading and Writing functions
[Data Vox Head]=rest_readfile('brodmann.nii'); Data – 181*217*181 double Vox – 1 1 1 Head - Structure Processing: BA20Data=(Data==20); Writing: rest_WriteNiftiImage(BA20Data,Head,'BA20.img'); 80

81 Solve Problem "Out Of Memory"
1. Reboot your computer and do not run any other programs. 2. Enlarge your memory. 3. MATLAB Version 7.1 or above is suggested. 4. You can turn on the 3GB switch of Windows XP!!! Please see more details in 5. If this problem remains, please install Linux, especially 64 bit Linux and Matlab. 81

82 Solve Problem "Out Of Memory"
Enable the 3GB switch on Windows XP * Right-click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Startup and Recovery -> Settings -> Edit. Modify the following line (maybe not exactly same) in the boot.ini file: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="WinXP Pro 3GB" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB * Save and close -> Restart your computer. Enable the 3GB switch on Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit) * Right-click Command Prompt in the Accessories program group of the Start menu. Click Run as Administrator. * At the command prompt, enter "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072" * Restart the computer. 82

83 Further Help Further questions: 83

84 All the group members! Thanks to
SPM Team: Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL MRIcroN Team: Chris RORDEN Xjview Team: CUI Xu …… DONG Zhang-Ye GUO Xiao-Juan HE Yong LONG Xiang-Yu SONG Xiao-Wei YAO Li ZANG Yu-Feng ZHANG Han ZHU Chao-Zhe ZOU Qi-Hong ZUO Xi-Nian …… All the group members! 84

85 Thanks for your attention!

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