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Chapter 3 Cell Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Cell Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Cell Structure

2 Chapter 3C Types of Cells

3 III. Types of Cells All cells fall into one of two major categories:
A. Eukaryotic cells B. Prokaryotic cells

4 A. Eukaryotic Cells Have a “true nucleus” with a nuclear membrane
2. Cells in humans, animals, plants, fungi, algae, and protozoans

5 A. Eukaryotic Cells 3. Contain all or most types of organelles

6 B. Prokaryotic Cells No nuclear membrane
* Nucleoid region instead 2. Contain only organelles that are not surrounded by a membrane 3. Bacteria cells

7 Diversity Among Eukaryotes
Eukaryotic cells have much variety Cilia and flagella Chloroplasts Vacuoles Cell walls

8 What are the differences & similarities?

9 Irreducible Complexity
Proposed by Michael Behe in his book, Darwin’s Black Box The parts of a cell are so dependent on one another that if just one part does not work right, the entire cell would most likely die.

10 Irreducible Complexity
The cell cannot be reduced to something less complex and still function properly. Irreducible complexity points to a Designer of the cell and of the universe.

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