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Published byAdi Hermanto Modified over 6 years ago
Paul Heckbert Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University
Review Paul Heckbert Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
y’=y 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
y’=-y, stable but slow solution
12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
y’=-y, unstable solution
12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Jacobian of ODE ODE: y’=f(t,y), where y is n-dimensional Jacobian of f is a square matrix if ODE homogeneous and linear then J is constant and y’=Jy but in general J varies with t and y 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Stability of ODE depends on Jacobian
At a given (t,y) find J(t,y) and its eigenvalues find rmax = maxi { Re[i(J)] } if rmax<0, ODE stable, locally rmax =0, ODE neutrally stable, locally rmax >0, ODE unstable, locally 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Stability of Numerical Solution
Stability of numerical solution is related to, but not the same as stability of ODE! Amplification factor of a numerical solution is the factor by which global error grows or shrinks each iteration. 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Stability of Euler’s Method
Amplification factor of Euler’s method is I+hJ Note that it depends on h and, in general, on t & y. Stability of Euler’s method is determined by eigenvalues of I+hJ spectral radius (I+hJ)= maxi | i(I+hJ) | if (I+hJ)<1 then Euler’s method stable if all eigenvalues of hJ lie inside unit circle centered at –1, E.M. is stable scalar case: 0<|hJ|<2 iff stable, so choose h < 2/|J| What if one eigenvalue of J is much larger than the others? 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Implicit Methods use information from future time tk+1 to take a step from tk Euler method: yk+1 = yk+f(tk,yk)hk backward Euler method: yk+1 = yk+f(tk+1,yk+1)hk example: y’=Ay f(t,y)=Ay yk+1 = yk+Ayk+1hk (I-hkA)yk+1=yk -- solve this system each iteration 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Stability of Backward Euler’s Method
Amplification factor of B.E.M. is (I-hJ)-1 B.E.M. is stable independent of h (unconditionally stable) as long as rmax<0, i.e. as long as ODE is stable Implicit methods such as this permit bigger steps to be taken (larger h) 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Large steps OK with Backward Euler’s method
12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Popular IVP Solution Methods
Euler’s method, 1st order backward Euler’s method, 1st order trapezoid method (a.k.a. 2nd order Adams-Moulton) 4th order Runge-Kutta If a method is pth order accurate then its global error is O(hp) 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Solving Boundary Value Problems
Shooting Method transform BVP into IVP and root-finding Finite Difference Method transform BVP into system of equations (linear?) Finite Element Method choice of basis: linear, quadratic, ... collocation method residual is zero at selected points Galerkin method residual function is orthogonal to each basis function 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
2nd Order PDE Classification
We classify conic curve ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+ey+f=0 as ellipse/parabola/hyperbola according to sign of discriminant b2-4ac. Similarly we classify 2nd order PDE auxx+buxy+cuyy+dux+euy+fu+g=0: b2-4ac < 0 – elliptic (e.g. equilibrium) b2-4ac = 0 – parabolic (e.g. diffusion) b2-4ac > 0 – hyperbolic (e.g. wave motion) For general PDE’s, class can change from point to point 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Example: Wave Equation
utt = c uxx for 0x1, t0 initial cond.: u(0,x)=sin(x)+x+2, ut(0,x)=4sin(2x) boundary cond.: u(t,0) = 2, u(t,1)=3 c=1 unknown: u(t,x) simulated using Euler’s method in t discretize unknown function: 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Wave Equation: Numerical Solution
for t = 2*dt:dt:endt u2(2:n) = 2*u1(2:n)-u0(2:n) +c*(dt/dx)^2*(u1(3:n+1)-2*u1(2:n)+u1(1:n-1)); u0 = u1; u1 = u2; end k+1 k k-1 j-1 j j+1 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Wave Equation Results 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Poor results when dt too big
dx=.05 dt=.06 Euler’s method unstable when step too large 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
PDE Solution Methods Discretize in space, transform into system of IVP’s Discretize in space and time, finite difference method. Discretize in space and time, finite element method. Latter methods yield sparse systems. Sometimes the geometry and boundary conditions are simple (e.g. rectangular grid); Sometimes they’re not (need mesh of triangles). 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
PDE’s and Sparse Systems
A system of equations is sparse when there are few nonzero coefficients, e.g. O(n) nonzeros in an nxn matrix. Partial Differential Equations generally yield sparse systems of equations. Integral Equations generally yield dense (non-sparse) systems of equations. Sparse systems come from other sources besides PDE’s. 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Example: PDE Yielding Sparse System
Laplace’s Equation in 2-D: 2u = uxx +uyy = 0 domain is unit square [0,1]2 value of function u(x,y) specified on boundary solve for u(x,y) in interior 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Sparse Matrix Storage Brute force: store nxn array, O(n2) memory but most of that is zeros – wasted space (and time)! Better: use data structure that stores only the nonzeros col val 16 bit integer indices: 2, 5, 6, 7,10 32 bit floats: , 1,-4, 1, 1 Memory requirements, if kn nonzeros: brute force: 4n2 bytes, sparse data struc: 6kn bytes 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
An Iterative Method: Gauss-Seidel
System of equations Ax=b Solve ith equation for xi: Pseudocode: until x stops changing for i = 1 to n x[i] (b[i]-sum{ji}{a[i,j]*x[j]})/a[i,i] modified x values are fed back in immediately converges if A is symmetric positive definite 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Conjugate Gradient Method
Generally for symmetric positive definite, only. Convert linear system Ax=b into optimization problem: minimize xTAx-xTb a parabolic bowl Like gradient descent but search in conjugate directions not in gradient direction, to avoid zigzag problem Big help when bowl is elongated (cond(A) large) 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Convergence of Conjugate Gradient Method
If K = cond(A) = max(A)/ min(A) then conjugate gradient method converges linearly with coefficient (sqrt(K)-1)/(sqrt(K)+1) worst case. often does much better: without roundoff error, if A has m distinct eigenvalues, converges in m iterations! 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Example: Poisson’s Equation
Sweep of Gauss-Seidel “relaxes” each grid value to be the average of its four neighbors plus an f offset Many relaxations required to solve this on a fixed grid. Multigrid solves it on a hierarchy of grids. 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Elements of Multigrid Method
relax on a given grid a few times coarsen (restrict) a grid refine (interpolate) a grid 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
A Common Multigrid Schedule
Full Multigrid V Cycle: time coarsest grid 11 finest grid kk k/2k/2 ... final solution =relax =interpolate =restrict 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Some Iterative Methods
Gauss-Seidel converges for all symmetric positive definite A Conjugate Gradient (CG) Method convergence rate determined by condition number note that condition number typically larger for finer grids Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient instead of solving Av=f, solve M-1Av=M-1f where M-1 is cheap and M is close to A often much faster than CG, but conditioner M is problem-dependent Multigrid convergence rate is independent of condition number, problem size but algorithm must be tuned for a given problem; not as general as others note: don’t need matrix A in memory – can compute it on the fly! 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Cost Comparison on 2-D Poisson Equation, kk grid, n=k2 unknowns METHOD COST Gaussian Elimination O(k6) = O(n3) Gauss-Seidel O(k4logk) = O(n2logn) Conjugate Gradient O(k3) = O(n1.5) FFT/cyclic reduction O(k2logk) = O(nlogn) multigrid O(k2) = O(n) optimal! 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Function Representations
sequence of samples (time domain) finite difference method pyramid (hierarchical) polynomial sinusoids of various frequency (frequency domain) Fourier series piecewise polynomials (finite support) finite element method, splines wavelet (hierarchical, finite support) (time/frequency domain) 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
What Are Wavelets? In general, a family of representations using: hierarchical (nested) basis functions finite (“compact”) support basis functions often orthogonal fast transforms, often linear-time 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Nested Function Spaces for Haar Basis
Let Vj denote the space of all piecewise-constant functions represented over 2j equal sub-intervals of [0,1] Vj has basis 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Function Representations – Desirable Properties
generality – approximate anything well discontinuities, nonperiodicity, ... adaptable to application audio, pictures, flow field, terrain data, ... compact – approximate function with few coefficients facilitates compression, storage, transmission fast to compute with differential/integral operators are sparse in this basis Convert n-sample function to representation in O(nlogn) or O(n) time 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Time-Frequency Analysis
For many applications, you want to analyze a function in both time and frequency Analogous to a musical score Fourier transforms give you frequency information, smearing time. Samples of a function give you temporal information, smearing frequency. Note: substitute “space” for “time” for pictures. 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
Comparison to Fourier Analysis
Basis is global Sinusoids with frequencies in arithmetic progression Short-time Fourier Transform (& Gabor filters) Basis is local Sinusoid times Gaussian Fixed-width Gaussian “window” Wavelet Frequencies in geometric progression Basis has constant shape independent of scale 12 Dec. 2000 15-859B - Introduction to Scientific Computing
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