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Program of Studies – 9th Grade Course Selection

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1 Program of Studies – 9th Grade Course Selection 2018-2019
Loudoun County High School

2 Useful resources LCHS School Counseling Website Program of Studies
9th grade course selection sheet

3 What is? 22% Number of LCHS 2017 graduates that went to a TWO year college. (69% - FOUR year college) 116 Number of current seniors who have a GPA of 4.0 or better. 103 2017 LCHS graduates who applied to JMU (68) (28) 1514 Total students at LCHS 350 - rising 9th graders from JLS

4 Letter to Parents

5 Course Request Sheet

6 Typical 9th Grade Schedule
English 9 Math Science – Earth Science Social Studies – World History/Geo I Health/PE Foreign Language Study Hall/Resource Elective

7 Levels of Classes Honors – Course content is rapidly paced with additional depth. Lessons are often designed to be complex, abstract, and open ended. (weighted) Academic – Course content and expected student performance require additional reading and writing at grade level. AP – Advanced Placement courses are college-level courses that students complete while in high school. Students need to take a test at the end of that academic year to earn credit. (weighted) DE – Dual Enrollment courses are courses that students take that are BOTH college and high school credit baring. (weighted)

8 Know your diploma options
In Virginia, diploma options available to all students: Advanced Studies Diploma Standard Diploma

9 Credits Earned A unit of credit is earned by passing a course with a minimum of 140 clock hours of instruction. A verified unit of credit is earned by passing a course and its related end-of-course Standards of Learning test where an end-of-course test is required.

10 Standard Diploma Academic Areas Credits SOL Verified Credits English 4
2 Social Studies 3 1 Mathematics Laboratory Science Health and Physical Education Foreign Language, Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education Economics and Personal Finance Electives (Must include 2 sequential electives.) Student Selected Verified Credit Total 22 5

11 Advanced Studies Diploma
Academic Areas Credits SOL Verified Credits English 4 2 Social Studies 1 Mathematics Science Foreign Language 3 or 4 Health and Physical Education Fine or Career and Technical Education Economics and Personal Finance Electives 3 Student Selected Verified Credit Total 26 5


13 Teacher Recommendations
By now teachers should have talked to your students about their recommendations on what course they should take next year. Core area courses will be loaded into StudentVue by Simpson teachers at the end of February. Please consider their recommendation when selecting your child’s courses for next year. Balance

14 Course Selection Process
Simpson Teachers recommended core subjects for their students. High School Counselors visited Simpson to discuss elective options. Student course selections loaded into instructional data base. Parent Night to learn more about course offerings at LCHS. Review 3rd quarter report card.

15 Course Selection Process
Changes: Course selection letters will be mailed out by LCHS on April 16th . Finalize any changes by April 30th. Please be in contact with the Middle School to discuss any changes that you want to consider. to finalize the change. Course changes during the school year are difficult. No course changes the first week of school. No level changes until interims reports (week 5)

16 Transcript

17 Expunging Removes the grade from the student’s transcript
Applies only to high school credit courses Forms will come from the Middle School Return form to high school Due date is very important Cannot be reversed

18 Activity & Athletic Participation
In order to be eligible to participate in any Virginia High School League competition, a student must be currently enrolled in five subjects for credit or the equivalent, and have passed five subjects for credit or the equivalent the previous semester. If a passed course is being repeated, that course may not be counted as one of the five subjects for credit. Students who are planning to participate in Division I and II interscholastic sports in college should see their school counselor and/or athletic directors to learn about NCAA regulations.

19 What Colleges Expect Strong academic record
Students who have completed the most challenging course of study appropriate for their abilities, including a rigorous senior year schedule Improvement over the high school years Solid standardized test performance (SAT & ACT) Extracurricular, Athletic, and Community Involvement Colleges are seeking well-rounded students who demonstrate a variety of interests and a connection to the world around them “Quality vs. Quantity” Well-prepared application package – required demographic forms, essays/personal statements, and teacher/counselor recommendations Stress the importance of your son or daughter getting to know his/her teachers/counselors in high school

20 The Transition Year READ Time Management Take initiative
Self Management Just because you can, does not mean you should.

21 Other Notes Be the best version of yourself. Get Involved
@ 380 students (Simpson, Private, ROTC) Private school students – sols Math is not a race! “A” Day – “B” Day Academic Programs – AOS, AET, and MATA Use the PSAT results Be the best version of yourself.

22 TIMELINE February 12th + 13th – Scheduling @ JLS
February 21st – Parent Information Night April 16th – Course selection letters mailed April 18th - Middle School students visit LCHS during the day April 18th – Rising Freshman Athletic Orientation April 30th – Course selection deadline August 21st - Freshman Parent Orientation Night August 21st - Get Raider Ready and Freshman Orientation Picnic August 23rd – FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL (Thursday)

23 Quiz What is a weighted class?
What percentages of the seniors go on to a four year colleges? How many credits do students need to graduate from LCHS? What is a verified credit?

24 Where do I go next?

25 In addition Special Ed Department – 131 Counselor Presentations
7:15 – DE vs AP

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