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Monarchy vs. Republic The Debate in Canada.

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1 Monarchy vs. Republic The Debate in Canada

2 Monarchy in Canada the BNA Act, 1867 also officially established Canada as a constitutional monarchy, and the British monarch as the Canadian Head of State. represented in Canada by the Governor General (federally) and Lieutenant Governors (provincially/territorially). officially, the British monarchy is the executive authority in practice, however, executive and legislative power was exercised by the country’s elected legislatures (the federal House of Commons and the provincial/territorial legislatures) and their respective cabinets

3 Monarchy as the Head of State
act as a symbol of the Canadian state and nation represents its institutions, peoples, traditions, etc. the monarch holds no political power

4 Monarchs in Canada Since 1867, Canada has had six monarchs Four Kings
Two Queens

5 Victoria:

6 Edward VII:

7 George V:

8 Edward VIII: 1936 Abdication

9 George VI:

10 Elizabeth II: 1952 - Present

11 Heirs to The British Throne
Prince Charles Prince William

12 Public Opinion in Canada
in 2009 survey found Queen Elizabeth II to be the person second-most trusted by Canadians, following behind David Suzuki an October 2009 poll found that more than 60% of Canadians felt that constitutional monarchy was an outdated form of government polls also found that nearly 60% approved of Prince Charles becoming king 53% desired a severance of "ties" to the monarchy 49% wanted Canada to be a republic with an elected head of state

13 Become a Republic or Keep Monarchy?
Get into groups Select a writer and a presenter Record the pros of keeping the Monarchy Record the pros of becoming a Republic Come to a consensus on what Canada should do with the Monarchy Explain WHY you came to that decision Be ready defend your decision

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