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Memory Student Success.

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1 Memory Student Success

2 Memory Facts Learning stays with you.
In order to forget something, you first have to learn it. You can’t forget anything you don’t learn or understand. The human mind can remember 5-7 unrelated ideas for a short time. It takes about minutes of practice over several days to successfully memorize and retain information. Freud concluded that motivation, desire, and emotion play a large part in “brain power.” With the exception of disease, injury, and death, the brain never forgets anything.

3 Memory Facts The average adult cannot remember 50% of what he or she has just read. At least 40% of total learning time should be spent reviewing new information. Adult attention spans average from minutes. We forget new information rapidly at first (if not rehearsed or practiced). Then, the rate of forgetfulness levels out over time.

4 How Memory Works 1st is a process called encoding. It is the process of readying information for storage (think of putting files in folders) 2nd is called storage. It is the process of saving information for later use – memory. (think of putting folders in filing cabinets) 3rd is called retrieval. It is recalling information from storage. (finding folders in the file drawers and using that information) These three processes are happening all the time in our brains.

5 Types of Memory Sensory Memory – fleeting impressions usually involving the five senses: Taste Sound Smell Feel Sight

6 Types of Memory Motor Skill Memory – usually involving physical movement Riding a bicycle Swimming Tying your shoes

7 Types of Memory Verbal/Semantic Memory – usually involves language
Associated with the meaning of words or mathematical symbols. It’s what helps us remember the language we speak.

8 Types of Memory Photographic Memory – remembering visual information
Picture memory Usually lasts only a short period of time

9 Types of Memory Short-Term Memory – temporary storage of selected memory items; any thoughts/experiences in the mind at any specific point in time Spelling words for the week Melodies to popular songs License plate numbers Cramming for a test

10 Types of Memory Long-Term Memory – usually permanent storage of large amounts of material; unlimited in capacity for indefinite periods of time Your name, address, etc. Birthdays Foreign languages

11 Memory How can we improve memory???

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