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Zachary N. Vealey, Lidor Foguel, & Patrick H. Vaccaro

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1 Zachary N. Vealey, Lidor Foguel, & Patrick H. Vaccaro
Proton Transfer and Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bonding: Shifting Vibrational Landscapes Dictated by Large Amplitude Tunneling Zachary N. Vealey, Lidor Foguel, & Patrick H. Vaccaro Department of Chemistry, Yale University 225 Prospect St., New Haven, CT USA

2 Proton Transfer and Tunneling
Deceptively simple migration of hydron between donor and acceptor sites Tunneling Coordinate Relative Intensity MA Unimolecular transformation represents a prototypical chemical reaction 6-Hydroxy-2-Formylfulvene (HFF) Model systems provide valuable insight for dynamics in much larger entities TrOH Tunneling-mediated pathways promoted by the small mass of labile proton Proton-Transfer Rate: Continuum of Hydrogen Bonding and Tunneling Dynamics Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bond

3 Calculated Barriers and Structures
M06-2X/aug-cc-pVDZ H or D CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ Global Minimum Transition State CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ

4 Experimental Setup

5 U.S. National Science Foundation
Summary & Conclusions ~ PROBED A1B2 LOWEST-LYING SINGLET ELECTRONIC STATE OF HFF LIF spectra show extensive excited-state progressions of rxn-modulating modes Small (~24°) out-of-plane distortion predicted for transition-state geometry Rotational band-contour analyses reveal dramatic quenching of proton transfer INTERROGATED X 1A1 GROUND ELECTRONIC STATE OF HFF DF spectra reveal largest-ever reported vibrationless tunneling splitting Large magnitude tunneling reflected in mode-specific dynamics DKIE highlight continuum between tunneling and barrierless reaction dynamics ~ ONGOING AND FUTURE WORK Deploy multiple resonance techniques (SEP & RFWM) to elucidate ground state Investigate proton-transfer channels in neighboring electronic states of HFF Explore dynamics in weakly bound complexes built on the HFF scaffold WD02 Supported by: U.S. National Science Foundation

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