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in Billund Municipality

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1 in Billund Municipality
Billund Vand A/S - Utility company – in Billund Municipality LEGO International Airport Turists (Drinking Water, sewage and Energy) Ole P Johnsen CEO, Billund Water

2 Wastewater in Denmark Basic sewage treatment early 1900’ies and first mechanic sewage treatment plant built in 1948 First Danish Water Action Plan in 1987: regulation of nutrients from agriculture, national criteria for removal of nutrients at WWTP’s (first in Europe), restoration of rivers and lakes 5,5 million inhabitants consume on average 106 liters of water per day at a price of 8,5 € pr m3, Water consumption in Denmark has decreased 15% over the last 10 years, while production has increased. 90% of Danish households are connected to one of the 674 WWTP’s.

3 Organisation, policy and regulation
Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark: Environmental policy and regulation, WFD implementation Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate: Regulation and policy related to supply of services: water, energy, waste Ministry of Business and Growth: Economic regulation of water utilities Separation of authority and operations Municipalities: Local water and environment authority, responsible for local water plans and compliance with legislation Water and sewage utilities: organised as private companies, larger owned by municipalities, responsible for water supply, sewage abstraction and treatment, storm water management and partly climate change adaptation

4 Why Billund BioRefinery – WWTP & Energy
Household Waste and Industrial Waste available High Quality in sludge to use as fertilizer in agriculture Opportunity to double the biogas production Supported by the Danish Ministry of Environment – as the Danish“Light house projects” to demonstrate the Water Treatment for the future Water Quality optimization Biogas production Ressource recovery



7 An unique solution…. + New Technologies Known technologies
STAR control IFAS anammox An existing WWTP with co-digestion Improved Fertilizer Exelys DLD New Technologies + Filtration for polishing effluent + cleaning stormflow Known technologies Hvordan er BBR opbygget? En blanding af nyt og kendt/velafprøvet – der sammen med et solid og effektivt fundament giver en unik løsning. Tilblivelsen af løsningen var en proces, hvor vi hele tiden havde maksimal effektivitet for øje, forsøgte at indtænke de udviklingsperspektiver, som vi tror fremtiden bringer, men samtidig også skulle opbygge et økonomisk bæredygtigt koncept. STAR control Anaerobic digestion Energyproduction Energy efficient aeration


9 Improved efficiency Improved quality Increased capacity
Residues as input Valuable outputs + 110 % + 10 % + 130 %

10 Improved energyefficiency with Billund BioRefinery
+ 160 % + 160 % 20/11/2018

11 What have we achieved until now with Billund BioRefinery – WWTP & Energy ?
Effective watertreatment below 2 mg/l N, below 1 mg/l P High demand from farmers who want to use sludge for organic fertilizer on their croops Production on 130 % mere energy than used Great interests from the Danish Environment minister Water Quality optimization Biogas production Ressource recovery

12 Thank you for your attention
And we are open for visits and inspirations Best Regards Ole P Johnsen

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