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APUSH EXAM – Friday May 5th, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH EXAM – Friday May 5th, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH EXAM – Friday May 5th, 2017
Section II: Part B Long Essay — 1 Question | 35 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score Students select one question among two. Explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history. Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence.

2 AIM: How can we effectively write the LEQ portion of the APUSH Exam?
Thesis  context  support  synthesis

3 HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS(refer to pg. 5 in your packet…)
The Comparison Essay: This essay simply requires you to describe and explain the reasons for similarities and differences in how two societies responded to a major theme or event. The Causation Essay: This essay requires you to describe and explain the reasons for causes AND/OR effects of a historical development or process. However, if the prompt requires discussion of both causes or effects, responses must address both causes and effects. The Change and Continuity Over Time Essay: This essay requires you to describe and explain the reasons for historical continuity AND change over time. The Periodization Essay: This essay requires you to describe and explain the ways in which the historical development specified in the prompt was different from OR similar to developments that preceded and/or followed.

4 Don’t simply rephrase or copy the prompt!
Paragraph #1— THESIS Don’t simply rephrase or copy the prompt! Answer the prompt Can be 1-3 sentences Articulate, sophisticated Address multiple perspectives State factors you’ll argue

5 This indicates that you know the big picture!
Paragraph #2— CONTEXT  Set the historical stage What led to this issue, debate? What caused this problem? What do we need to understand about this issue? What is the broader historical context? Important! This indicates that you know the big picture! Be specific!

What historical EVIDENCE supports your THESIS? Why does this EVIDENCE support your THESIS? In a nutshell: each paragraph discusses a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE OF EVIDENCE explaining the above points… The more examples you provide and explain, the better off you’ll be  Tip! 3 is a manageable number of SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS

7 Paragraph #6— SYNTHESIS
How does your thesis, evidence, etc. connect to other historical periods, geographic areas, contexts, or circumstances How can you extend your argument? Can you show contradictory evidence? Use this as your conclusion

8 Don’t simply rephrase or copy the prompt!
Paragraph #1— THESIS Answer the prompt Can be 1-3 sentences Articulate, sophisticated Address multiple perspectives State factors you’ll argue Question:

9 This indicates that you know the big picture!
Important! Be specific! Paragraph #2— CONTEXT Set the historical stage What led to this issue, debate? What caused this problem? What do we need to understand about this issue? What is the broader historical context? Question: British policy for the first 150 years of settlement reflected the idea of salutary neglect. Although the colonies were under the direct political authority of Parliament and the King, each colony developed its own separate system of governance which operated largely independent of the crown. For example, in the Virginia colony, the House of Burgesses passed legislation which oversaw the Tidewater region. With the exception of a few little-enforced Navigation Laws, the British government was largely uninvolved with colonial affairs. Part of this was because of internal British turmoil, such as the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution. Salutary neglect came to an end after the Seven Years’ War, which was fought for continental supremacy between England and France and required stricter regulation and oversight by the British government.

10 3 is a manageable number of
Tip! SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs #3-5— SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS What historical EVIDENCE supports your THESIS? Why does this EVIDENCE support your THESIS? FOR DBQ: Which DOCS support your point? Question: Student 1

11 3 is a manageable number of
Tip! SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs #3-5— SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS What historical EVIDENCE supports your THESIS? Why does this EVIDENCE support your THESIS? FOR DBQ: Which DOCS support your point? Question: Student 2

12 3 is a manageable number of
Tip! SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs #3-5— SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS What historical EVIDENCE supports your THESIS? Why does this EVIDENCE support your THESIS? FOR DBQ: Which DOCS support your point? Question: Student 3

13 Use this as your conclusion
Paragraph #6— SYNTHESIS How does your thesis, evidence, etc. connect to other historical periods, geographic areas, contexts, or circumstances How can you extend your argument? Can you show contradictory evidence? Question:

14 When you write It! Phrases that Show Comparison
Phrases that Show Contrast Phrases that Show Causation Similar to…, Both…, Like…, Compared to…, In the same way…, Analogous to…, One connection between One difference between… Unlike…where…, In contrast to…, Whereas…, Though…, One reason that explains why…was… One cause of…was… One effect of… Because of… Consequently… As a result…

15 Also consider… This is a timed essay. How will you write it under the on-demand time constraints? Improvement comes with practice…so Tuesday is not the last LEQ we’ll do before the AP Exam!

16 Need Further Assistance? Go to YouTube and watch
“How to do the redesigned long essay for APUSH” by JoczProductions

17 COMPARISON TASK The Northeast The South The West Direct Comparisons:
Compare and Contrast the impact of the Market Revolution (1800–1848) on the economies of TWO of the following regions: Brainstorm What you know about the impact of the Market Revolution in these regions. Choose the two you have the most information about. Highlight similarities/ Circle Differences (You will need to provide specific examples to support your claims (how/why/cause/effect – what makes them similar/different) Direct Comparisons: Write three comparative statements that specifically address the task. You must have at least one specific similarity and one specific difference 1. 2. 3. Note: These statements can either be used in the Thesis or as your topic sentences. Your Thesis must address the task, be sure to include time period, the two regions AND at least one specific similarity and one specific difference COMPARISON

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