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Presentation on theme: "ETAQ MASTERCLASS UNIT 3 MAY 2018"— Presentation transcript:

ESSENTIAL ENGLISH Fiona intro ETAQ MASTERCLASS UNIT 3 MAY 2018 Fiona Laing Susan Sherlock Olivia Ernst

2 Presenters… Fiona Laing Olivia Ernst Susan Sherlock
Forest Lake State High School HOD – English Currently acting DP Olivia Ernst Forest Lake State High School 10 years Leads ENC program Susan Sherlock Bundamba State Secondary College HOD – English All teaching on Ipswich rail corridor Fiona

3 how Unit 3 could be planned
By the end of today, I will be able to… UNDERSTAND how Unit 3 could be planned 3 IDENTIFY bridges to potential barriers in implementing Unit 3 Essential English in my school 2 UNDERSTAND options for supporting students to develop their skills ready for Unit 3 1 Fiona


5 CURRENT CHALLENGES: Bundamba State Secondary College
Disengaged students Who believed they weren’t capable or challenged Who believed they weren’t ‘worth it’ Who could not connect to the curriculum Susan Teachers who were disengaged Tired study plan Poor results Needed to change and improve the culture – teachers and students

6 The New QCE Syllabus What to do? Offered opportunities for a revamp
Needed to better understand our context Needed to better understand our students Needed to engage staff in the change The New QCE Syllabus CULTURE CHANGE NEEDED SUSAN

BSSC PROCESS… SUBMIT AND APPROVE STUDY PLAN IMPLEMENT AND REVIEW have already made changes STEP 5 REVAMP THE STUDY PLAN Include similar text types and tasks GET WRITING Just do it! STEP 4 BACKWARDS MAP How can ESSENG be realized in JNR? *QAR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED? Build into JNR STEP 3 ESSENTIAL ENGLISH What was required? WHAT IDEAS DO WE HAVE? THAT OUR KIDS WILL ENGAGE WITH? STEP 2 WHAT TO KEEP? What works? WHO? Invested staff team STEP 1 Susan – BSSC process WHAT ELSE? Framed the syllabus change as a positive Liaised with local HoD network Spoke with QCAA staff for advice Looked at outcomes from previous years to help decision making

8 Potential Barrier 1: Timing
How is your school timing the start of unit 3? Poll: School has finalised timing for SATE units School is starting Unit 3 in term 4 year 11 School is starting Unit 3 in term 1 year 12 Fiona

9 Implications for timing of Common Internal Assessment (CIA)
Forest Lake SHS’ proposed timing: Implications for Common Internal Assessment? Share with your partner how you see timing working at your school. Fiona

10 What did Forest Lake do to build a positive culture for English Communication?
Created links between units – English and English Communication Introduced newspapers for each junior year level for two weeks Made newspapers a large part of the visual and written literacy building Paid attention to building cultural knowledge to allow students access to English across the years Built a serious culture of exams for ENC Fiona

11 Exam Prep – The Forest Lake SHS English Communications exam narrative
Began year 11 in 2004 Introduced: Exams in the hall 1st semester (just like the others) Exams twice in semester 1, 3 and 4 First exam – open book 2nd exam – short answer (including paragraphs) 3rd exam (semester 3) – 100 words notes allowed – persuasive letter on issue 4th exam (semester 4) – 100 words notes allowed – essay words Seen topics for year 12 exams Fiona

12 Exam Prep at Forest Lake SHS – for Essential English
Mirroring exams from grade 11 to grade 12 Using previous content to build in language Increasing exam stamina Timed writing – all units Paragraph practice PEEL PEE+EEL PEE+EE+EEL Confidence in Senior to play around with structure Ladder of Achievement Olivia

13 Ladder of Achievement Provide a pathway to successful achievement from the beginning Provide regular opportunities to practice (fortnightly?) Teacher feedback sometimes Student feedback sometimes Track individual progress up until CIA FIONA

14 Ladder of Achievement Level 3
P-E-E-E-E-L – All elements contribute to answering the given question Can also use an alternative paragraph structure such as: Lawyer – Hammer – Slam Dunk (Write That Essay) Variety of simple, compound and complex sentences for effect Punctuation and grammar is accurate Ideas are sequential and/or cohesive Level 2 P-E-E-E-E-L – All elements attempt to achieve purpose Variety of simple, compound and complex sentences Punctuation and grammar is mostly accurate Ideas are mostly sequential and/or cohesive Level 1 P-E-E-L or P-E-E-E-E-L – Mostly correct but some elements not yet achieving purpose Variety of simple and compound sentences Punctuation and grammar needs revision An attempt has been made to use connectives - sequential/comparative or contrasting Fiona

UNIT 3 – TOPIC 1 INFORMATION SESSION Homelessness UNIT 1 INFORMATION SESSION Workplace topics YEAR 11 YEAR 12 MIRROR IA1 IA1 MIRROR CIA CIA UNIT 1 STIMULUS EXAM Workplace Discrimination Written scenario Visual representation UNIT 3 – TOIC 2 STIMULUS EXAM CIA Seen Written Unseen Visual Olivia

16 Topic 1 at Forest Lake SHS
In Topic 1, students read, listen to and view a range of texts that invite audiences to take up positions on community, local and/or global issues. YOUTH HOMELESSNESS Watch Oasis (main text) Explore different media portrayals Research the causes of homelessness Investigate community help services Discuss slacktivism Lead in to CIA Use resources on Homelessness Revisit critical literacy terms Olivia

17 Sample Assessment for Topic 1
Context: After watching the documentary, Oasis, we have become aware of a number of issues facing young homeless people in Australia. Task: You are to present a 3-5 minute persuasive speech agreeing or disagreeing with Professor Burdekin’s statement: Olivia

18 Language of Media – metalanguage for representation
Visual Written Framing Focal Point Lighting Colour Symbols Positioning Bias Stereotypes Evaluative language Emotive language Repetition Rhetorical questions Figurative language Olivia

19 Exam Prep - Visual Olivia

20 Backward mapping Creating a culture Grade7 through to Senior
Content Genre Skills Grade 8 – Critical literacy Teens in the Media unit Olivia

Comprehension strategy Variety of text types Q A R Susan Exam conditions

UNIT 3 – TOPIC 1 PERSUASIVE SPEECH Social and community issues Youth unemployment DV Drugs and alcohol UNIT 1 PERSUASIVE SPEECH Representations of family TV shows YEAR 11 YEAR 12 MIRROR IA1 IA1 MIRROR CIA CIA UNIT 1 STIMULUS EXAM Work Scenario Written scenario Visual representation (WHS) UNIT 3 – TOIC 2 STIMULUS EXAM Gun Control Spoken word poem - Political cartoon Susan

23 Activity: Example CIA Question
Aim: to give you practice with how to prepare your students before being given the actual CIA from the QCAA Task: You are to write question to guide students to respond to the visual stimulus item to follow. Think about: Assessment Objectives Language that is used in the specifications Susan

24 CIA Assessment objectives
This assessment technique is used to determine student achievement in the following objectives: Use patterns and conventions of written & visual texts to position audiences to accept or reject representations of an Australian social group. Use appropriate roles and relationships with audiences. Explain representations of identities, places, events and concepts. Explain the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs about community, local or global issues underpin texts and influence meaning. Explain how language features and text structures shape perspectives on community, local or global issues in media texts and invite particular responses. Select and use subject matter to support perspectives. Sequence subject matter and use mode-appropriate cohesive devices to construct coherent written texts Make mode-appropriate language choices according to the register variables informed by purpose, audience and context Use language features to inform audiences . Note: Objectives 1, 2, 7 and 8 are not assessed in this instrument. Susan

25 CIA Specifications: Students will respond to representations of an identity or identities, place, event or concept in an unseen media text by writing a response that identifies, considers and explains how the elements or components that make up the text communicates ideas and information. SUSAN Your Turn

UNIT 3 - CIA SPOKEN WORD POETRY EXCERPT Students have heard and seen Will have an excerpt in the exam POLITICAL CARTOON Simple Exposed to similar as prep SEEN UNSEEN Susan – how BSSC has implemented ISSUE: gun control is needed CONCEPT: video games increase gun violence GUN CONTROL

27 Model CIA SEEN Explain how the audience is positioned to accept the intended message about the gun control issue represented in IN-Q’s social media text Wrong Side of History. You will identify and explain how the author has used specific language features and text structures to shape the meaning of the text. Explain how the artist of the political cartoon Games and Guns has represented the idea that video games increase the risk of gun violence. Identify and explain how the visual text structures shape the representation of gun violence. UNSEEN SUSAN

28 STIMULUS - UNSEEN Read teacher exemplar and mark it against our
version of the instrument- specific standards. SUSAN POLITICAL CARTOON

29 Explain vs Analyse 3. Construct and explain representations of identities, places, events and concepts. 4. Make use of and explain the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin texts and influence meaning. 5. Explain how language features and text structures shape meaning in popular culture texts and invite particular responses. FIONA

30 Explain vs Analyse Explain: make an idea or situation plain or clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts; give an account; provide additional information Analyse: dissect to ascertain and examine constituent parts and/or their relationships; break down or examine in order to identify the essential elements, features, components or structure; determine the logic and reasonableness of information; Examine or consider something in order to explain and interpret it, for the purpose of finding meaning or relationships and identifying patterns, similarities and differences To share: What effect does this choice have on work with Essentials classes? FIONA

31 Brainstorm How could you implement some plans for preparing for the CIA into your school? What could you do now to prepare? What do you continue to do? How will you maintain the momentum with just four tasks? What are your major challenges? Staff? Community? Students? OLIVIA

32 Conclusion Be positive about what your students can achieve Keep collaborating Use ETAQ Facebook group to ask questions/have discussions Does anyone else have something to share for English Communication/Essential English for state conference? Contacts: Bundamba State Secondary College Forest Lake State High School Forest Lake State High School FIONA

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