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Presentation on theme: "Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification

2 Why do we classify things?
Because we are scientists and we like order. It shows the relationship between organisms.

3 Modern Classification
D – dumb Domain K – kids Kingdom P – pick Phylum C – candy Class O – over Order F – fancy Family G – green Genus S – salads Species

4 Domain There are 3 Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya We are focusing on Eukarya because that is where animals are

5 Kingdom There are 6 Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia 4 of the kingdoms fall under the domain Eukarya Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia

6 Characteristics of animalia
Cell Type: Eukaryote Cell Structures: No cell walls or chloroplasts Number of Cells: Multicellular Mode of Nutrition: Heterotrophic Examples: Sponges, worms, insects, fishes, birds, and mammals

7 What animals do to survive
Feeding – heterotrophs Respiration – gas exchange – how do they get oxygen? Circulation – way of moving materials around in their body Excretion – getting rid of waste Response – do something, because of something Movement – even if the organism stays in the same spot Reproduction – most animals reproduce sexually

8 Invertebrates Organized by characteristics that its members do not have They have no backbone or vertebral column Over 95% of animals fall in this category

9 Animal tree

10 Embryonic Development

11 Nerdy Science Quote “The most important moment in your life is not birth or marriage, but gastrulation.” Gastrulation is when the blastula (pretty much the zygote that has divided a whole bunch) folds – it determines whether or not a protostome or deuterostome

12 Embryonic Development
Protostome - “mouth first” – most inverts Deuterostome – “second mouth” – echinoderms and vertebrates

13 3 Germ Layers Ectoderm (outermost) Mesoderm (middle)
Endoderm (innermost)

14 Questions What does protostome mean? What does deuterostome mean?

15 Questions What is the middle germ layer?
What is the outside germ layer? What is the inside germ layer?

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