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Research Project Advanced Engineering.

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1 Research Project Advanced Engineering

2 Research Topics: Step 1: Find a topic you enjoy! Here are some ideas:
Planes, Cars, Motorcycles, Subways, Trains, Bikes, etc Cell Phones Medical Devices or Implants Virtual Reality Bridges, Buildings, Construction Solar Power 3D Printing Robotics Machines Energy Efficiency Sports Music Drones

3 Questions: Step 2: Ask yourself questions about the topics you enjoy. Relate the questions to engineering. How do self driving cars work? How safe are they? How can we extend battery life but still keep the battery small? How is 3D printing changing the world? How could it help companies and people? How does a civil engineer design a building that will not fall? How does a civil engineer design a bridge that will support the cars? What are engineers doing with virtual reality and how can this help us in the future or with education? How does a bullet train work and what do engineers need to consider when designing it? How can we get prosthetic parts to act more like the actual human body?

4 Pick Your Final Question
Step 3: Decide what you want your essential question to be for you research paper and presentation.

5 Start Your Research Step 4: Use keywords to find research on your topic. Gather relevant information from multiple sources Does it help answer your essential question? Use internet, articles, books, newspaper, Google Scholar, YouTube, etc Use library database: Gale, ProQuest, World Book, Salem Skim material first to determine if it is useful, then collect save it to read over later

6 Assess the Credibility and Accuracy
Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source Where was is published? Who published it? What date was the information published? Is it up to date? Is the same information available from another source? Ask yourself, “What makes this source credible?”

7 Integrate Without Plagiarizing
Integrate your research without plagiarizing Cite in text using the correct citation tools Have a bibliography Techniques to avoid plagiarism Pharaphrasing Quote sandwich (Introduce it, Quote it, Explain it) Example: Elizabeth Wong comments “The language was a source of embarrassment. More times than not, I had tried to dissociate myself from the nagging, loud voice that followed me wherever I wandered in the nearby American supermarket outside Chinatown” (291). Citations

8 Time to Write Research Paper Requirements: 3-5 Pages Double space
Times New Roman Size 12 font Bibliography (does not count as your 3-5 pages) Paper should include an intro, body, and conclusion Include a thesis statement in your introduction paragraph Paper should be organized, maintain a clear focus, and have a logical sequence Supporting research should be accurate and relevant Spelling and grammar needs to be correct

9 Presentation Presentation Requirements:
Title page with name and class period What was your essential question? Why did you choose this? What did you learn? Tell us about your topic. Cite your sources Conclusion about your results and information. If you could continue your research about this topic what would you look up? If you could do this project over what would you do differently? Allow for questions at the end Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct on your slides Slides should be consistent, clear, and easy to read. They should include appropriate pictures related to your topic. Use bullet points. No one wants to read paragraphs of information on a slide.

10 Presentation Day Presentation Day Requirements:
Must dress professional Use notecards to stay on track Note cards should be bullet points (not word for word what you are going to say) Make eye contact with your classmates Project your voice so everyone can hear Do NOT use the words “Um” “Uh” or “Like” Transform Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm Be aware of nervous habits (tapping, clapping, snapping) Be excited to teach us about your topic Be prepared

11 Visual Design: Include a visual that you have designed yourself
Be creative and use your engineering skills Use your resources 3D Printer Laser Cutter AutoCAD, Solidworks, Revit, Photoshop Anything you have at home

12 Helpful Resources: VHS:
Scholarly journals, newspapers, and references: =BasicSearch&it=static&sw=w&p=GPS&lm=AC~y&auth Count=1 Articles: Professional Photos:

13 Get Started! 10% of this project will count for class participation. Use your class time efficiently!

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