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Presentation on theme: "GSI(SHIP・HITRAP・ESR)"— Presentation transcript:

Research facility (Trap / Ring) Kanada TRIUMF (TITAN) Schweden (SIMLETRAP) Deutschland GSI(SHIP・HITRAP・ESR) Mainz/MPI-K China IMP (CSRe) Japan RIKEN(R3 SLOWRI) Finnland Jyvaskyla(JYFL) USA Harvard Seattle (UW-PTMS) MSU (LEBIT) Argonne (CPT) Schweiz CERN(ISOLDE) Frankreich GANIL(SPIRAL2) 1

2 R process The common mystery in the universe and nucleus U Fe
How is formed the element from iron to uranium? One of the biggest 11 mysteries in physics. US journal Discover Nuclear chart U satble unstable predicted ~1700 ~8000 R process Proton number Rapid neutron capture supernova explosion Fe Stability index ~ mass (E=mc2) Target nuclei Nuclear fusion in Sun Nuclear Mass determination    r process path Neutron number 2

3 Where the substance which forms us comes from ? ?
The beginning of universe (Big Bang) The world where the star shines(now) Synthesis of H, He, Li capture reaction Interstellar gas Supernova explosion Element of integer times the α‘ particles (upto Fe) Neutron (upto Bi) Era of quiet nuclear combustion High density star and gas (B) (A) (C) heavy element synthesis 209Bi(r-process) Puzzle; actual place of r-process most major candidate; Supernova explosion

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