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Evidence for Evolution Rate of Evolution

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1 Evidence for Evolution Rate of Evolution
Topics in Evolution Evidence for Evolution Rate of Evolution

2 Direct Evidence of Evolution - Fossils
Fossils provide the direct evidence of evolution. The direct evidence makes evolution a fact. Some Types of Fossils: Preserved in amber or tar pits or frozen climates, imprints, bones, molds, casts Fossils can reveal body structure, behavior and even movement

3 Fossils – Direct Evidence for Evolution
Fossils – Provide direct proof of evolution

4 Indirect Evidence for Evolution
Inferences can be made to support the theory of evolution and provide the indirect evidence for evolution What is an inference? a. The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. b. The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence. ... From the free dictionary

5 Comparative Anatomy – Indirect Evidence
Comparing similar structures from different species Inherited from the same ancestor These are similar structures in Vertebrates. They were inherited From a common ancestor

6 Indirect Evidence for Evolution – Comparative Embryology

7 Indirect Evidence for Evolution - Biochemistry
All organisms use DNA There is remarkable similarity in the DNA of different species All organisms use ATP for energy This proves common ancestry among all organisms

8 Rate of Evolution Darwin believed evolution was a very slow process. This is called Gradualism In the 20th century, Punctuated Equilibrium was proposed. It states that evolution occurs in short bursts. Which is correct? Most scientists believe that both are correct. It depends on the particular event

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