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Presentation on theme: "THE FINNISH ESF-DELIVERY SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

Director Pertti Toivonen Ministry of Labour, Finland ESF-Committee Ministry of Labour

2 Objective areas of EU Programmes in Finland
2/9 Objective areas of EU Programmes in Finland Objective area 1 Transition period area Objective area 2 Objective area 3 Province order E&E Center border E&E Centres 1. Uusimaa 2. Varsinais-Suomi 3. Satakunta 4. Häme 5. Pirkanmaa 6. South Eastern Finland 7. South Savo 8. North Savo 9. North Karelia 10. Central Finland 11. Southern Ostrobothnia 13. Northern Ostrobothnia 12. Swedish Ostrobothnia 14. Kainuu 15. Lapland Objective 3 programme is implemented in Finland outside Objective area 1 and the Åland Islands. Ministry of Labour

3 The Paying Authority and Managing Authority Functions
3/9. The Paying Authority and Managing Authority Functions  MoL is the MA (Managing Authority) for Object 3 and Equal and PA (Paying Authority) for ESF in Finland. (Based on a national law)  Functions are separated within MoL based on the the Commission Regulation 438/2001 Ministry of Labour

4 4/9 Management of the State Budget ESF Funds in Finland – Part of PA Function  ESF Funds from the EU come to MoL Finland budget where there is one single budget item for them.  Both EU funds and state national co-financing funds are all in the state budget (annually).  Annual breakdown in the state budget is based on programmes (SPD’s) which are approved by the Government and the Commission.  Every intermediate ministry has one single item in their budget for national state co-financing.  Both EU and State cofinancing budget items have the same (N+2) commintment period as with the Commission Ministry of Labour

5 The State Budget and Financial Allocation
5/9 The State Budget and Financial Allocation 15 days from approval of budget PAYING AUTHORITY (ESF = MoL) BUDGET EU National EU INTERMEDIATE MINISTRIES Document adjustment within 1 month from allocation of EU and national funds in different administration BUDGET PROPOSAL EU Adjustment of the document days from budget proposal 15 days from approval of budget Autumn n-1 10 days from paying authority’s assignment National EU Nat. Nat. EU Nat. Budget proposal negotiations between local and central adminstration EU Local authority (MoL= TE-centers) EU Nat. Local authority March-April n-1 EU Municipal and Private Shares attached at Regional level EU Nat. Nat. Cooperation document of the Region REGIONAL OBJECTIVES (Objective 1 and 2) Implementation of the Programme PROJECTS End of February n-1 n = financial administration year Ministry of Labour

6 DELIVERY SYSTEM Objective 3 TE-Centers and Employment offices
6/9 DELIVERY SYSTEM  Strategies and programmes are launched by Management by Result System  Implemented Regionally Objective 3 TE-Centers and Employment offices Provincial State Offices (ME) Regional Objectives Regional Councils MYR TE-centers and Employment offices Yearly guidelines and broad financial breakdown based on programmes are agreed on in the Regional Management Committees (MYR). Based on partnership (1/3 state, 1/3 municipalities, 1/3 private) Ministry of Labour Ministry of Labour

7 7/9 DELIVERY SYSTEM  Management by Result negotiations - between ministries and TE-centers or Provincial State Offices - Agreed on more detailed annual result targets and funds accordingly Structural Funds: include both EU share and State cofunding share  Implemented by project promotors  Follow-up and monitoring: TEPA and ESRA datasystems Monitoring and Reporting Project Management Ministry of Labour Ministry of Labour

8 Financial information and monitoring
8/9 Financial information and monitoring The authorities have the payment information in their own IT-systems and accounting systems Payment data (all financial shares) is transferred to MoL IT-system (ESRA-system) from accounting systems and IT-systems of the authorities Commitments and payment information of municipality, other public and private financial shares of Labour administration are tranferred to ESRA-system from operational IT-system called TEPA. Payment data can be taken from the ESRA-system for various reports (project and measure level) Ministry of Labour

9/9 MONITORING PHYSICAL INDICATORS  Project promoter fill in the forms for monitoring data twice a year  Electronic forms are sent via Internet to the authorities who made the project decisions  The authorities feed the data in the IT-system of the Ministry of Labour (ESRA-system) or send it from their own IT-systems.  Monitoring data is available from the ESRA-system for various reports, annual implementiation Reports Ministry of Labour


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