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Jeopardy Early India Hinduism Buddhism Persia Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Early India Hinduism Buddhism Persia Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Early India Hinduism Buddhism Persia Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Life and Culture In India Early India Hinduism Buddhism Persia Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from H1 Which continent is India located on?

3 $100 Answer from H1 Asia

4 $200 Question from H1 List 2 important rivers in India.

5 $200 Answer from H1 Indus River and Ganges River

6 $300 Question from H1 List 2 of India’s mountain ranges.

7 $300 Answer from H1 Himalayas and Hindu Kush

8 $400 Question from H1 What was the name of the nomadic
group that migrated in northwest India and asserted dominance?

9 $400 Answer from H1 Indo-Aryans

10 $500 Question from H1 List the 2 Indian Empires discussed in class.

11 $500 Answer from H1 Mauryan and Gupta

12 $100 Question from H2 Hinduism began in which country?

13 $100 Answer from H2 India

14 $200 Question from H2 What was rebirth based on karma?

15 $200 Answer from H2 Reincarnation

16 $300 Question from H2 What is the knowledge that all
thoughts and actions result in future consequences?

17 $300 Answer from H2 Karma

18 $400 Question from H2 What were the sacred writings of
Hinduism called?

19 $400 Answer from H2 Vedas and Upanishads

20 $500 Question from H2 True/False: Hinduism is the dominant
religion of India today.

21 $500 Answer from H2 True

22 $100 Question from H3 Who was Siddhartha Gautama?

23 $100 Answer from H3 Buddha, founder of Buddhism

24 $200 Question from H3 What was another word for
salvation to the Buddhists?

25 $200 Answer from H3 Nirvana

26 $300 Question from H3 True/False: Buddhism spread from
India to other parts of Asia.

27 $300 Answer from H3 True

28 $400 Question from H3 Which emperor of India helped to
spread Buddhism by sending out missionaries?

29 $400 Answer from H3 Asoka

30 $500 Question from H3 List 2 things Hinduism and Buddhism
have in common.

31 $500 Answer from H3 Reincarnation, Karma, began in India

32 $100 Question from H4 How did most Indians get the
materials that they needed?

33 $100 Answer from H4 Traded crops

34 $200 Question from H4 Who did the woman have to obey in ancient India?

35 $200 Answer from H4 Husbands and fathers

36 $300 Question from H4 How many planets did the ancient
Indians identify?

37 $300 Answer from H4 7

38 $400 Question from H4 What is it called when you infect a
person with a small portion of a disease to prevent further infection?

39 $400 Answer from H4 Inoculation

40 $500 Question from H4 List 4 contributions of ancient India.

41 $500 Answer from H4 Math, astronomy, literature,
Round earth, murals, etc…..

42 $100 Question from H5 What was the name of the road system
that linked together the Persian Empire?

43 $100 Answer from H5 Royal Road

44 $200 Question from H5 What were the Persian governors called?

45 $200 Answer from H5 Satraps

46 $300 Question from H5 Who conquered the Persians?

47 $300 Answer from H5 Greece

48 $400 Question from H5 What father and son team invaded
Greece but failed to conquer the whole civilization?

49 $400 Answer from H5 Darius I and Xerxes I

50 $500 Question from H5 Struggle between good and evil and
The idea of final judgment….these Are beliefs of what Persian religion?

51 $500 Answer from H5 Zoroastrianism

52 Final Jeopardy Zoroastrianism influenced what 3 other
modern day religions?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Christianity, Judaism, Islam

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