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Published byTheodore Dalton Modified over 6 years ago
Lecture 19 Preview: Measurement Error and the Instrumental Variables Estimation Procedure
Review: Explanatory Variable/Error Term Correlation and Bias Introduction to Measurement Error What Is Measurement Error? Modeling Measurement Error The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure and Dependent Variable Measurement Error The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure and Explanatory Variable Measurement Error Summary: Explanatory Variable Measurement Error Bias Explanatory Variable Measurement Error: Attenuation (Dilution) Bias Might the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure Be Consistent? Instrumental Variable (IV) Estimation Procedure: A Two Regression Procedure Mechanics The Two “Good” Instrument Conditions Measurement Error Example: Annual, Permanent, and Transitory Income Definitions and Theory Might the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure Suffer from a Serious Econometric Problem? Instrumental Variable (IV) Approach The Mechanics Comparison of OLS and IV Approaches The Two “Good” Instrument Conditions Revisited Justifying the Instrumental variable (IV) Estimation Procedure
Explanatory Variable and Error Term Are Positively Correlated
Review: The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure, Explanatory Variable/Error Term Correlation, and Bias Esty = bConst + bxx Esty = bConst + bxx Explanatory Variable and Error Term Are Positively Correlated Explanatory Variable and Error Term Are Negatively Correlated Estimated Equation More Steeply Sloped Than Actual Equation Estimated Equation Less Steeply Sloped Than Actual Equation OLS Estimation Procedure for Coefficient Value Is Biased Up OLS Estimation Procedure for Coefficient Value Is Biased Down
Measurement Error What Is Measurement Error?
Whenever we measure a value we know that we cannot do so perfectly. Physics Assignment: Measure the amount of time it takes a one pound weight to fall six feet. Twenty Trials: Use a very accurate stop watch to measure how long it takes the weight to fall six feet. Question: Will your stop watch report the same amount of time on each trial? Answer: No. Some times will be lower than other times. Sometimes you will be a little premature in clicking the stop watch button; other times you will be a little late. It is humanly impossible to measure the actual elapsed time perfectly. No matter how careful you are, sometimes the measured value will be a little low and other times a little high. How can we model measurement error? yMeasuredt = yActualt + vt vt represents measurement error. vt is a random variable. We don’t know if the measured value will be low (if vt will be negative) or if the measure value will be high (if vt will be positive) before the trial is conducted. The mean of vt’s probability distribution equals 0: Mean[vt] = 0. Question: Why is it important for the mean of vt’s probability distribution to equal 0? Answer: Since the mean of vt’s probability distribution equals 0, the measured value of yt will not systematically overestimate or underestimate the actual value of yt.
Lab 19.1 Measurement Error: Dependent Variable
yActualt = Const + xActualxActualt + et et is the model’s error term. vt is a random variable. vt represents measurement error; the mean of its probability distribution equals 0 yMeasuredt = yActualt + vt Mean[vt] = 0 yActualt = yMeasuredt – vt Since the mean of vt’s probability distribution equals 0, the measured value of y will not systematically overestimate or underestimate the actual value. yActualt = Const xActualxActualt et yMeasuredt – vt = Const xActualxActualt + et yMeasuredt = Const xActualxActualt et + vt yMeasuredt = Const xActualxActualt t where t = et + vt vt up Question: Are the explanatory variable, xActualt, and the new error term, t, correlated? xActualt unaffected t up The new error term is not correlated with the explanatory variables. So, no bias should result. Type of Actual Mean (Average) Variance of Measurement YMeas Coef of the Estimated Estimated Error Var Value Coef Values Coef Values None 2.0 Dep Vbl Dep Vbl Dep Vbl 2.0 1.7 2.0 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 Lab 19.1 What are the ramifications of dependent variable measurement error?
Measurement Error: Explanatory Variable
et is the model’s error term yActualt = Const + xActualxActualt + et ut is a random variable. ut represents measurement error; the mean of its probability distribution equals 0 xMeasuredt = xActualt + ut Since the mean of ut’s probability distribution equals 0, the measured value of the explanatory variable, x, will not systematically overestimate or underestimate the actual value. xActualt = xMeasuredt – ut yActualt = Const xActual xActualt et = Const xActual(xMeasuredt – ut) et = Const xActual xMeasuredt xActualut et = Const xActualxMeasuredt et xActual ut = Const xActualxMeasuredt t where t = et – xActual ut Review: Bias and explanatory variable/error term correlation: Explanatory variable and error term are positively correlated Explanatory variable and error term are uncorrelated Explanatory variable and error term are negatively correlated OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased upward OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is unbiased OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased downward Question: Are the explanatory variable, xMeasuredt, and the error term, t, correlated?
Model: yActualt = Const + xActualxMeasuredt + t
xMeasuredt = xActualt + ut t = et – xActual ut If xActual < 0 If xActual = 0 If xActual > 0 ut up ut up ut up xMeasuredt up t up xMeasuredt up t unaffected xMeasuredt up t down The explanatory variable, xMeasuredt, and error term, t, are positively correlated The explanatory variable, xMeasuredt, and error term, t, are uncorrelated The explanatory variable, xMeasuredt, and error term, t, are negatively correlated OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased upward OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is unbiased OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased downward Biased toward 0 Biased toward 0
Model: yActualt = Const + xActualxMeasuredt + t where t = et – xActual ut
Summary: Explanatory Variable Measurement Error xActual < 0 xActual = 0 xActual > 0 OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased upward, toward 0 OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is unbiased OLS estimation procedure for coefficient value is biased downward, toward 0 Lab 19.2 Checking Our Logic: Measurement Error Simulation Type of Actual Mean (Average) Measurement XMeas Coef of the Estimated Magnitude Error Var Value Coef Values of Bias Exp Vbl Exp Vbl Exp Vbl 20.0 1.0 Exp Vbl Explanatory variable measurement error: When the actual coefficient value is positive, downward bias results. 1.11 .89 .56 .44 .56 .44 .00 .00 When the actual coefficient value is negative, upward bias results. Interesting Observations: Sign of the mean is correct. When the actual coefficient value is zero there is no bias. Magnitude of the mean is too low.
Explanatory Variable Measurement Error: Attenuation or Dilution Bias
Attenuation or Dilution Bias: The mean of the coefficient estimate’s probability distribution lies between 0 and the actual value of the coefficient: The sign of the mean of the probability distribution is correct. The magnitude of the mean of the probability distribution is too low. As a consequence of explanatory variable measurement error, the estimation procedure underestimates or “attenuates” or “dilutes” the actual effect of the explanatory variable. Question: How can we explain attenuation bias intuitively? xMeasuredt = xActualt + ut yActualt = Const + xActualxActualt + et xActual = 2 Question: What is the overall average? Typically yActualt up by 2 xActualt up by 1 ut unchanged Typically yActualt up by less than 2 xMeasuredt up by 1 Typically yActualt unaffected xActualt unchanged ut up by 1
Least Squares (OLS) Estimation Procedure, Explanatory Variable Measurement Error, Bias, and Consistency Question: When explanatory variable measurement error is present, might the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure for the coefficient value be consistent? If so, it would be good news. Lab 19.3 Estimation XMeas Sample Actual Mean of Magnitude Variance of Procedure Var Size Coef Coef Ests of Bias Coef Ests OLS OLS OLS 1.11 0.89 0.2 1.11 0.89 0.1 Conclusions: When the error terms and the explanatory variables are correlated, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure for the coefficient value: is biased – bad news. is not consistent – bad news. Where Do We Stand? When explanatory variable measurement error is present the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure is neither unbiased nor consistent. Question: What should we do when explanatory variable measurement error is present? Strategy: Consider a different estimation procedure. Ideally, that procedure would be unbiased, but failing that perhaps it will be consistent.
Instrumental Variable Approach – A Correlated Variable and Two Regressions
Instrument – Correlated Variable: Choose a “Good” Instrument: A “good” instrument must have two properties: Correlated with the “problem” explanatory variable. Uncorrelated with the error term. Regression 1 Dependent Variable: “Problem” explanatory variable; Explanatory Variable: Instrument, the correlated variable. Regression 2 Dependent Variable: Original dependent variable Explanatory Variable: Estimate of the “problem” explanatory variable based on the results from Regression 1. Claim: While the instrumental variable estimation procedure does not solve the explanatory variable measurement error bias problem, it mitigates the problem. While the instrumental variable estimation procedure is biased, it is consistent when a good instrument is used. That is, as the sample size becomes larger: The magnitude of the bias becomes less. The variance of the coefficient estimate’s probability distribution becomes less. You may think of this as a “half a loaf is better than none” strategy. Since we cannot devise an unbiased estimation procedure, we are doing the next best thing. We are devising a consistent estimation procedure. We shall justify our claim by using a simulation. Before doing so however, we shall illustrate the “nuts and bolts” of the instrumental variable estimation procedure with an example.
Measurement Error Example: Annual, Permanent, and Transitory Income
Loosely speaking, permanent income equals what the household earns per year “on average;” permanent income equals the average of annual income. In some years, the household’s annual income is more than its permanent income, but in other years it is less. Transitory income equals the difference between annual income and permanent income: Sometimes transitory income, IncTranst, is positive, sometimes it is negative, on average it is 0. IncTranst = IncAnnt IncPermt or equivalently, IncAnnt = IncPermt IncTranst Health Insurance Coverage and Permanent Income Theory: Additional permanent per capita disposable income in a state increases health insurance coverage within the state. Model: Coveredt = Const + IncPermIncPermPCt + et Theory: IncPerm > 0 In reality, permanent income and transitory income cannot be observed. The only annual income information is available to assess the theory. Model: Coveredt = Const + IncPermIncAnnPCt + t Theory: IncPerm > 0 Health Insurance Data: Cross section data of health insurance coverage, education, and income statistics from the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2007. Coveredt Adults (25 and older) covered by health insurance in state t (percent) IncAnnPCt Per capita annual disposable income in state t (thousands of dollars) HSt Adults (25 and older) who completed high school in state t (percent)
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
Model: Coveredt = Const + IncPermIncAnnPCt + t Theory: IncPerm > 0 Dependent Variable: Covered Explanatory Variable: IncAnnPC EViews Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Dependent Variable: Covered Explanatory Variable(s): Estimate SE t-Statistic Prob IncAnnPC 0.0352 Const 0.0000 Number of Observations 51 Estimated Equation: EstCovered = IncAnnPC Interpretation: We estimate that a $1,000 increase in annual per capita disposable income increases the state’s health insurance coverage by .227 percentage points. Critical Result: The IncAnnPC coefficient estimate equals The positive sign of the coefficient estimate suggests that increases in disposable income increase health insurance coverage. This evidence supports the theory. H0: IncPerm = 0 Disposable income has no effect on health insurance coverage H1: IncPerm > 0 Additional disposable income increases health insurance coverage .0352 Question: Can we use the Prob column? = Prob[Results IF H0 True] = 2 Answer: Yes. Question: Might an econometric problem be present here? Answer: Yes, because annual income can be viewed as permanent income with measurement error.
IncAnnPCt = IncPermPCt + IncTransPCt
Sometimes transitory income, IncTranst, is positive, sometimes it is negative, on average it is 0. Measurement Error IncAnnPCt = IncPermPCt ut Consequently, we can view annual income as permanent income plus measurement error. Mean[ut] = 0 IncPermPCt = IncAnnPCt ut Coveredt = Const IncPermIncPermPCt et Theory: IncPerm > 0 = Const IncPerm(IncAnnt ut) et = Const IncPermIncAnnt IncPermut et = Const IncPermIncAnnt et IncPermut where t = et IncPermut = Const IncPermIncAnnt t ut up Theory: IncPerm > 0 t down IncAnnt up Explanatory varaible, IncAnnt, and the error term, t, are negatively correlated Attenuation bias: Whenever the explanatory variable suffers from measurement error and the actual coefficient value is positive, the OLS estimation procedure for the coefficient value is biased toward 0. OLS estimation procedure for the coefficient value is biased downward
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
Instrumental Variables: An Instrument (a Correlated Variable) and Two Regressions Instrument – Correlated Variable: Choose a variable that is correlated with the “problem” explanatory variable (the explanatory variable suffering from measurement error that creates the ordinary least squares (OLS) bias problem). Adults completing high school (percent), HS Regression 1: Dependent variable: Problem explanatory variable. IncAnnPC Explanatory variable: Instrument, the correlated variable. HS Question: Would you expect education and income to be correlated? Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Dependent Variable: IncAnnPC Explanatory Variable(s): Estimate SE t-Statistic Prob HS 0.0230 Const 0.7543 Number of Observations 51 EViews Estimated Equation: EstIncAnnPC = HS
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
Regression 1: Estimated Equation: EstIncAnnPC = HS Regression 2: Dependent variable: Original dependent variable Covered Explanatory variable: Estimate of the “problem” explanatory variable based on the results from Regression 1. EstIncAnnPC Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Dependent Variable: Covered Explanatory Variable(s): Estimate SE t-Statistic Prob EstIncAnnPC 0.0000 Const 0.0002 Number of Observations 51 EViews Estimated Equation: EstCovered = EstIncAnnPC Interpretation: We estimate that a $1,000 increase in permanent per capita disposable income increases the state’s health coverage by 1.39 percentage points. Critical Result: The EstIncAnnPC coefficient estimate equals The positive sign of the coefficient estimate suggests that increases in permanent disposable income increase health insurance coverage. This evidence supports the theory. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Instrumental Variables (IV) Estimates IncPerm Estimate SE t-Statistic Prob Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Instrumental Variables (IV) <.0001
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
Good Instrument Conditions Revisited Instrument/”Problem” Explanatory Variable Correlation: The instrument, HSt, must be correlated with the “problem” explanatory variable, IncAnnPCt . Instrumental Variables (IV) Regression 1 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Dependent Variable: IncAnnPC Explanatory Variable(s): Estimate SE t-Statistic Prob HS 0.0230 Const 0.7543 Number of Observations 51 EstIncAnnPC = HS The estimate, EstIncAnnPCt , will be a “good” surrogate only if the instrument, HSt, is correlated with the “problem” explanatory variable, IncAnnPCt; that is, only if the estimate is a good predictor of the “problem” explanatory variable. The sign of the HSt coefficient is positive supporting our view that annual income and high school education are positively correlated. Furthermore, the coefficient is significant at the 5 percent level and nearly significant at the 1 percent level. Consequently, it is not unreasonable to judge that the instrument meets the first condition.
Instrument/Error Term Independence: The instrument, HSt, and the error term, t, must be independent. Coveredt = Const + IncPermEstAnnIncPC + t Question: Are EstIncPCt and t independent? t = et IncPermut EstIncAnnPCt = HSt Answer: Only if HSt and t are independent. The explanatory variable/error term independence premise will be satisfied only if the instrument, HSt, and the error term, t, are independent. Question: Is there a good reason to believe that they are correlated? No Unfortunately, there is no way to confirm this empirically with our data. NB: This can be the “Achilles heel” of the instrumental variable (IV) estimation procedure, however. Finding a good instrument can be very tricky.
Justifying the Instrumental Variable (IV) Estimation Procedure
Claim: When explanatory variable measurement error is present the instrumental variables estimation procedure for the coefficient value is biased but consistent. Lab 19.4 Estimation XMeas Sample Actual Mean of Magnitude Variance of Procedure Var Size Coef Coef Ests of Bias Coef Ests IV IV IV 2.24 0.24 8.8 2.21 0.21 5.4 2.17 0.17 3.4 Conclusions: When measurement error is present, the instrumental variable estimation procedure for the coefficient value is biased – bad news; is consistent – good news. Question: What have we learned about explanatory variable measurement error when the coefficient is nonzero? Answer: Both the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure and the instrumental variables (IV) estimation procedure for the coefficient value are biased. The ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation procedure is also not consistent. The instrumental variables (IV) estimation procedure is consistent when the good instrument conditions are satisfied.
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