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Recall the real number line:

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1 Recall the real number line:
Coordinate of a point Origin 13 3 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Neg. real numbers Pos. real numbers

2 < > < > We can use inequalities to describe
intervals of real numbers < (recall the symbols?) > < > Ex: Describe and graph the interval of real numbers for the inequality given x > –2 All real numbers greater than or equal to negative two –2 –1 1 –1 1 –2 Closed bracket – value included in solution.

3 Ex: Describe and graph the interval of real
numbers for the inequality given 0 < x < 3 All real numbers between zero and three, including zero –1 1 2 3 –1 1 2 3

4 Interval Notation [a, b] closed a < x < b (a, b) open
Bounded Intervals of Real Numbers (let a and b be real #s with a < b; a and b are the endpoints of each interval) Interval Notation Interval Type Inequality Notation Graph [a, b] closed a < x < b a b (a, b) open a < x < b a b [a, b) half-open a < x < b a b (a, b] half-open a < x < b a b

5 8 8 8 8 Interval Notation [a, ) closed x > a (a, ) open x > a
Unbounded Intervals of Real Numbers (let a and b be real #s) Interval Notation Interval Type Inequality Notation Graph [a, ) 8 closed x > a a (a, ) 8 open x > a a ( , b] 8 closed x < b b ( , b) 8 open x < b b

6 Bounded, closed interval
More Examples… Convert interval notation to inequality notation or vice versa. Find the endpoints and state whether the interval is bounded, its type, and graph the interval. [–3, 7] –3 < x < 7 Endpoints: –3, 7 Bounded, closed interval –3 7

7 8 x < –9 Endpoint: –9 Unbounded, open interval More Examples…
Convert interval notation to inequality notation or vice versa. Find the endpoints and state whether the interval is bounded, its type, and graph the interval. x < –9 4. (– , –9) 8 Endpoint: –9 Unbounded, open interval –9

8 Additive inverses are two numbers
whose sum is zero (opposites?) Example: Multiplicative inverses are two numbers whose product is one (reciprocals?) Example:

9 Other Properties from Algebra
Let u, v, and w be real numbers, variables, or algebraic expressions. Commutative Property Addition: u + v = v + u Multiplication: uv = vu Associative Property Addition: (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) Multiplication: (uv)w = u(vw)

10 Inverse Property Addition: u + (– u) = 0 Multiplication: Identity Property Addition: u + 0 = u Multiplication: (u)(1) = u Distributive Property u(v + w) = uv + uw (u + v)w = uw + vw

11 Exponential Notation a = a a a … n factors
Let a be a real number, variable, or algebraic expression and n is a positive integer. Then: a = a a a … n n factors n n is the exponent, a is the base, and a is the nth power of a, read as “a to the nth power”

12 Properties of Exponents
(All bases are assumed to be nonzero) m n m + n 1. u u = u u m = m – n u u n 3. u = 1 1 – n 4. u = u n

13 ( ) Properties of Exponents 5. (uv) = u v 6. (u ) = u u u 7. = v v
(All bases are assumed to be nonzero) m m m 5. (uv) = u v n m mn 6. (u ) = u ( ) m u m u = v m v

14 c x 10 Scientific Notation Where 1 < c < 10,
m Where 1 < c < 10, and m is any integer c x 10 Let’s do some practice problems…

15 Guided Practice Proctor’s brain has approximately 102,390,000,000 Neurons (at least before the rugby season). Write this number in scientific notation 11 x 10 – 9 2. Write the number x in decimal form

16 ( ) Guided Practice (3x) y ab b 12x y a 3x b 4y
For #3 and 4, simplify the expression. ( ) 2 2 3 2 (3x) y ab 3. 4. 3 –1 5 b 12x y 2 3 a 3x 2 2 b 4y

17 Guided Practice 6.364 x 10 (3.7 x 10 )(4.3 x 10 ) 2.5 x 10
Use scientific notation to multiply: – 7 6 (3.7 x 10 )(4.3 x 10 ) 5. 7 2.5 x 10 6 6.364 x 10 Homework: odds p. 11 #5-21, 29, 31, 37-51, odd Note: Name and assignment should be written on the top line of your paper.

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