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Cimel: User Interface Synergy

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Presentation on theme: "Cimel: User Interface Synergy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cimel: User Interface Synergy
Presented by: Shreeram Sahasrabudhe Research Assistant, CIMEL Multimedia Team

2 User Interface - Take 1 Embedded track list (Very slow and non-scalable) Similar square buttons

3 User Interface - Take 2 XML based track list – Faster, Scalable
Bookmarks tab added – future use More logical and individualistic buttons ( Made by Lutz Brothers and supported by our surveys and focus groups over the earlier square ones )

4 User Interface - Now Bookmarks tab removed –wasn’t missed and consuming real estate Added Screen and Chapter meter(s) The Windows Task Bar is visible Text box colors

5 Developer work (Individual Movies)
More Additions: Audio level control added Bug Report – message with userID, time, current screen logged on server For the Developer: Embedded audio Dynamic audio Audio, text, textbox colors, etc done by functions calls Textbox width automatically adjusts to fit given text Textbox visibility now controlled Time Effort

6 Text box colors

7 Emerging Trends For better integration: As multimedia movies
Expected use of Explore button For better integration: Should we have a menu in explore button? What should it be? Or should User Interface give more information to present appropriate ‘Emerging Trends’ movies? Some movies are inquiry based exercises, how do these connect to goals of Emerging Trends? Discussion

8 Collaborative Tool(s)
Tool(s) in development Currently brings up a slide show of features Integration Issues: What will “Collaborate” button invoke? Should new multimedia features (e.g. Volume control), be also affect the tool(s)? Vice versa? Should multimedia recommend that learner look at specific materials in MFAQ archive?  Can there be links?" Discussion

9 Current and future work…
Documentation Updates: We have recent updates of multimedia developer documentation on the server /Cimel/Developer Documentation/ on server and at Extensive documentation on user interface to be done Improvements to User Interface: Custom background colors for comfort and attention Find button implementation

10 Continued … Generating a plan for automation of just-the-facts page creation <TREE_MENU_NESTED> <TREE>Software Engineering <TREE>Why Software Engineering? <TREE ACTION="URL" LINK="movies/SE/Software_Can_Be_Frustrating.swf“ HTMLLINK="movies/SE/facts/se_why_sw_engg..htm#s1" HTMLMENULINK="facts-menu.htm#se_wse" TARGET="this.testswf"> Software can be Frustrating!</TREE> XML Automatic Generation

11 Thanks!

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