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Skeletal Organization

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1 Skeletal Organization
6.0 Identify bones that compose the skeletal system. 6.2 Identifying subdivisions of the skeleton as axial and appendicular skeletons

2 Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton
Bones of the upper and lower limbs (???) Bones that anchor the limbs to the axial skeleton Axial skeleton =bony and cartilaginous parts that support and protect the organs of the head, neck and trunk

3 Axial Skeleton: Skull Hyoid bone Vertebral column Thoracic cage
Cranium Facial bones Hyoid bone Vertebral column Vertebrae and intervertebral discs Sacrum Coccyx Thoracic cage Ribs Sternum

4 Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral girdle Scapula Clavicle Purpose??? Upper limbs Humerus – upper arm Radius & ulna – lower arm Carpals – wrist bones Metacarpals – bones of the palm Phalanges – finger bones

5 Appendicular Skeleton, continued….
3. Pelvic girdle – made up of 2 coxae (hipbones), plus the sacrum and coccyx 4. Lower limbs Femur – upper leg Tibia & fibula – lower leg Patella – knee cap Tarsals – ankle bones Metatarsals – bones of the feet Phalanges - ???



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