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Year Two Maths Workshop November 2017

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1 Year Two Maths Workshop November 2017

2 Agenda Welcome The Curriculum , including ‘Mastery Curriculum’
Greater Depth Growth Mind-set Concrete manipulatives Lesson Structure Sample lesson (Chilli Challenges) How You Can Help Questions

3 National Curriculum The 3 strands of the maths national curriculum.
Each very important but recently there has been an increased emphasis on reasoning and problem solving and an emphasis on an ability to apply maths. This slide and the next one were shared at a recent maths session for parents at Tudor Grange  - as this shift is very much evident in the new reformed GCSE and teaching needs to support this. In Year 2 – Maths SATs – 2 Papers – Arithmetic and Mathematical Reasoning

4 Mastery Curriculum The essential idea behind ‘mastery’ is
Recently, there has been a lot of national research into ‘mastery’ and the success of this approach in other countries. The essential idea behind ‘mastery’ is that all children need a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning. Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2012 Recent statistics and league tables have suggested that UK children are falling behind their counterparts in other parts of the world, most notably China and Singapore. Experts have studied best practice in these countries and concluded that delivering a ‘Mastery Curriculum’ in maths could be key to raising standards.

5 Teaching for Mastery Mastery is an inclusive way of teaching that is grounded in the belief that all pupils can achieve in maths therefore the large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum at the same pace. Differentiation is achieved by emphasising deep knowledge, (rather than acceleration) and through support and intervention as needed. At Streetsbook we have always been proud of our maths teaching and our SATs results have borne this out. But in order to prepare children for the mathematical demands that will be made on them going forward we have decided to embrace some key features of ‘teaching for mastery’ whilst at the same time continuing to meet the learning needs and styles of very young children.

6 Teaching for Mastery Mastery is not about just being able to memorise key facts and procedures. This can lead to superficial understanding that can easily be forgotten Whilst knowing number and times table facts and being confident in the procedures involved in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing remain important, for meaningful learning - ‘Mastery’ to occur we need more.

7 Teaching for Mastery A concept is deemed ‘mastered’ when learners
can represent it in multiple ways can communicate solutions using mathematical language can independently apply the concept to new problems There is an emphasis on deep knowledge sometimes called ‘Greater Depth’ Streetsbrook maths lessons aim to support this idea

8 Growing Mathematicians
What makes a good mathematician? We aim to grow the mathematicians of the future but what skills will they need?

9 Growing Mathematicians
Number sense - a flexibility to work with numbers Use & apply skills and knowledge Think and reason mathematically Conceptual understanding Generalise & find patterns Mathematical Vocabulary Problem solvers Estimate Fluent calculators - Number facts Perseverance/resilience Risk-takers Positive responses to challenge An extensive list – some more obvious than others The three at the bottom have been shown to be crucial to success but also some of the most difficult to ‘teach’ At Streetsbrook we are trying to encourage these attributes by promoting an ethos in maths sessions which values and actively develops these skills – sometimes called developing a ‘Growth Mindset’ rather than a ‘Closed Mindset’ In it’s simplest terms in a maths session ‘Closed mindset’ would say – I can’t do this, it’s too difficult for me, I’m no good at maths. But.. ‘Growth mindset’ would say – This is challenging, I can’t do it yet but perhaps I can use some of what I already know and with hard work and some support I’m sure I’ll get there.

10 Growing a Growth Mind-set
Use puzzles and games – anything with a dice (these build number sense) Be encouraging , even if they are wrong (Oh I see what you are thinking… rather than… no, that’s wrong) Don’t associate maths with speed (this can lead to maths anxiety, especially in girls) Never share the idea that you were bad at maths at school or you dislike it (maths achievement has been shown to drop, particularly when mothers share this with daughters) Encourage number sense – a flexibility to work with numbers ( ) Think about the praise you give (I like how you worked that out… rather than… You are so clever at maths) Remind children that ‘mistakes’ grow their brain Some things to think about when encouraging or ‘growing’ a Growth Mind-set

11 Concrete manipulatives
One of the changes we have made at Streetsbrook has been to invest in concrete manipulatives (thank you to the PTA for facilitating this) as a key learning tool for all children. In the past resources like this have been mostly associated with Early Years or children who are struggling but we now see them as central to out teaching approach across all abilities and all year groups

12 CPA Approach Why? Concrete Pictorial Abstract
All three aspects of this approach are important and play a role in promoting deep learning.

13 NOT just as an aid to help less able students to work out answers
CPA Why? NOT just as an aid to help less able students to work out answers NOT as way to find answer quickly

14 CPA Why? Concrete resources allow children to ’see the maths’
What does 43 look like? How does it relate to 34 / other numbers etc. Concrete resources support transition to /aids understanding of abstract questions ( ) (23 – 19) Concrete resources promote deep knowledge “A pupil, who has worked out the answer using an abstract method, can be challenged to use concrete manipulatives to convince others that they are correct.” 

15 CPA Why? ‘Maths lessons shouldn’t be about teaching tricks; they are about giving pupils the tools to understand the problem in front of them’

16 Sample Lesson Problem Starter Practical Phase (Concrete/Pictorial)
Practical Phase (Concrete/Pictorial) Recording Phase (Chilli Challenges) (Differentiation, including Greater Depth) Reflection Phase (Questioning and Reasoning) This is the planning template for the majority of maths lessons at Streetsbrook - embedding the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract ethos. We will experience it in action shortly but first a word about Chilli Challenges – which you may have already heard about from your children!

17 Chilli Challenges Rather than traditional ability groupings (historically statistics have shown that children who find themselves in the Less Able Group at age 5 will stay there for their whole school career, as expectations of them are set low) we have tried to build in flexible differentiation which allows children to be appropriately challenged on a daily basis and in all areas of maths. Tasks will be broadly similar but the degree of challenge within the task will increase. Initially staff will support children in selecting their entry point but as time progresses children will begin to select the level of challenge best suited to them and will progress from there. In the sample lesson that follows there will be an opportunity to see this in action.

18 Sample Lesson

19 How can you help? As previously discussed…
Puzzles and games – especially anything with a dice …Have fun! Be encouraging , even if they are wrong (encourage resilience when challenged) Don’t associate maths with speed Never share the idea that you were bad at maths at school or you dislike it Encourage number sense – a flexibility to work with numbers Think about the praise you give Remind children that ‘mistakes’ grow their brain In addition … Support children in learning and understanding number facts and times tables Ask them to explain their ideas, thinking, working out Value the process as well as the answer Make the most of real maths – money, time, measurement … How can you help?

20 Questions? Thank you for coming!

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