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Bones 1.

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1 Bones 1

2 Skeletal System 206 bones in your body compose your Skeleton
The bones of your skull, ribs, spine, and sternum form the Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton is the bones of your arms, legs, scapula, clavicle and pelvis

3 Let’s Label The Skeleton!!
O. Cra… N. Ma… M. Cla… L. Sca… K. Hu… J. St… I. Ri… Cranium Mandible Clavicle Scapula Humerus Sternum Rib Cage H. Ver… G. Ra… F. Pel… E. Ul… D. Fe… C. Pa… B. Fi… A. Ti… Vertebrae Radius Pelvis Ulna Femur Patella Fibula Tibia 3

4 What’s In a Bone? Red Marrow Yellow Marrow

5 The bone’s surface is covered by a tough membrane called Periosteum
Compact Bone is the layer under the periosteum which is composed of a mineral crystal cylinders called Haversian Canals which contain blood vessels.

6 - In between haversian canals are Osteocytes which are the living bone
-A network of connective tissue inside the compact bone is called Spongy Bone. (Hard for support) -Bone Marrow is a soft tissue in the spongy bone that produces red and white blood cells and also stores fat for energy reserve


8 Bones contain a soft tissue called
Marrow Red Marrow found in spongy bone produces cells Red blood Yellow Marrow found in the central cavities of long bones stores Fat There are also tiny canals within compact bone that contain small Blood vessels

9 Growing Bone Most bones start out as a soft flexible tissue called cartilage

10 Joints Definition: A point in the body where two or more bones meet
Function: allows the skeleton to move (with the help of muscles!) Muscles act to cause movement at joints, without them we would be STATIC

11 Complete the Table Joint Bones Meeting Elbow Shoulder Hip Knee 3 2 4
Radius, Ulna, Humerus Humerus, Clavicle, and Scapula Femur and Pelvis Femur, Fibula, Patella and Tibia

12 Classification of Joints
3 types in the body: 1. Fixed Joints: no movement possible between bones e.g. Skull, Pelvis

13 Classification of Joints
2. Cartilaginous Joints: cushion of cartilage allows only slight movement between bones e.g. Ribs, Vertebral Column

14 Example…

15 Classification of Joints
3. Synovial Joints: freely moveable joints of the body e.g. Hip, Knee, Ankle Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Thumb

16 Important Structures Ligament ? What are they?
Bands of tough, slightly elastic connective tissue Connect one bone to another Help prevent dislocation

17 Important Structures Tendon ? What are they?
Very strong connective tissue Connect muscle to bone A way to remember them is that we eat them!

18 Cushioning the Joints

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