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EU policy framework II: the Commission's social policy agenda

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1 EU policy framework II: the Commission's social policy agenda
Radek MALY Head of Unit "Modernisation of Social Protection Systems" DG EMPL, European Commission

2 Commission Work Programme 2017
Adopted on 25 October Main social policy initiative: proposal for a European Pillar of Social Rights and related initiatives Based on the 2016 public consultation European Pillar of Social Rights (Q1 2017) setting out principles for a Union built on social fairness Accompanied by related initiatives on: Work-life balance Access to social protection

3 'New Start' for Work-Life Balance: update
Recap: legislative and non-legislative measures for better work-life balance and female labour market participation concerning: Leaves (Maternity, Paternity, Parental, Carers' leave) Flexible working arrangements Child-care Long-term care Second phase of social partner consultation carried out July Sept 2016 The Commission is analysing the responses received and aims is to bring forward a proposal in early 2017.

4 'Access to social protection' initiative
New initiative, reflecting early outcomes of the European Pillar of Social Rights consultations. Related to the Pillar principles of Flexible and secure labour contracts; Secure professional transitions and Adequate and sustainable social protection. Purpose: Ensuring adequate access to social protection for people on a-typical contracts and in various forms of self-employment to improve both fairness and efficiency of EU labour markets. The precise content and form (legislative/non-legislative) of the initiative to be determined through an impact assessment.

5 European Semester: state of play
Commission 2016 CSR proposals endorsed by the Council in July: Increasing adequacy and coverage of social and employment benefits (10 MS) Improving adequacy and sustainability of pensions (10 MS) Actively improving elderly workers employability (2 MS) Supporting social services including available, affordable full- time childcare facilities (5 MS) 2017 Annual Growth Survey: 16 November (planned)

6 Thank You!

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