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Usklađivanje porodičnog i poslovnog života

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1 Usklađivanje porodičnog i poslovnog života
Ekonomska komisija Ujedinjenih nacija za Evropu Odeljenje za statistiku Usklađivanje porodičnog i poslovnog života Nato Kurshitashvili Srbija,18. i 19. maj 2010.

2 Šta znači usklađivanje porodičnog i poslovnog života?
The term ‘reconciliation of work and family life’ has been in EU policy texts for a few decades. However, it was feminist researchers who talked about the gender division within families and the sharing of family responsibilities. The term ‘reconciliation of work and family life’ has come to be used in relation to employment policies. Reconciliation policies are the policies that help reconciling family and work life at national, company or family level. Sometimes we also come across the term ‘family-work balance’ which is used interchangeably with the reconciliation of family and work life.

3 Usklađivanje porodičnog i poslovnog života je fundamentalni aspekt promovisanja jednakosti u oblasti rada i smanjenja siromaštva The International Labor Organization defines the reconciliation between work and family as one of the greatest challenges of our time. Reconciliation of work and family is a fundamental aspect of promoting equality in the world of work and of reducing poverty. It is also an essential condition for making progress towards gender equality.

4 Zbog čega ovo pitanje u poslednje vreme postaje sve važnije u EU?
Why it has become increasingly important? Reconciliation of work and family life has become increasingly important in recent years across the EU, due to changes in the pattern and demands of work and changes in family structure. More specifically, globalization of the economy, the fast pace of technological development and an increasingly ageing population, combined with the low fertility rates and increase in female employment and the renewed Lisbon targets for increased participation in the labour market, necessitate organizational changes and higher flexibility, fulfilling the needs of workforce and employees simultaneously. The above factors have an impact upon both individual workers and the success of companies. Thus, the issues of the balance between work and leisure, between career and family, have emerged as a core concern of EU policy, national governments and collective bargaining. As a response to the emerging needs, some countries have implemented new family policies with an emphasis on parental employment rates. They can be designed with the aim of supporting women in overcoming the obstacles to full participation in the labour market in comparison to their male counterparts.

5 Ako uzmemo u obzir ukupne stope zapošljavanje, žene značajno zaostaju za muškarcima.
Labour force As we have just mentioned, the main goal of these employment policies are to fully exploit the labour force of both men and women. However, looking at the women’s total employment rates, the women are significantly lagging behind. For women and men to be able to access the labour market on the same footing, there is a need for institutional policies to enable reconciliation of family and work life. In this presentation we will learn about key reconciliation policies and examine the data sources and measurement issues specific to this matter.

6 Postojeće politike Ustanove za brigu o deci Pravo na odsustvo s posla
Fleksibilno radno vreme What policies exist? Various policies to achieve reconciliation usually include childcare facilities leave entitlements flexible working arrangements financial allowances. We will briefly examine each of the policies in the upcoming slides. Materijalna davanja

7 Ustanove za brigu o deci
Stope zaposlenosti po broju dece, zemlji i polu, %, Childcare facilities As we know, family responsibilities can have a particular constraint on women’s participation in the labour force, since time use surveys show it is usually women who do most of the unpaid care work. The extent and form of women’s participation in the workforce is often linked to whether they have small children or other people requiring care in their households. For example, as the chart shows, for employment rates in Austria, France, Serbia and Hungary, the share of women in full-time employment decreases as the number of children they have increases. However, an increase in the number of children has little effect on the employment rate of male parents. Male Female Izvor: Baza podataka Odeljenja za statistiku UNECE, sadrži zvanične nacionalne podatke

8 Ustanove za brigu o deci
Childcare facilities As care responsibilities often constitute an obstacle to women participating in full-time employment, the provision of childcare services is very important. The graph shows the ratio of the number of places available for children aged 0-2 years in child-care centers per 100 children aged 0-2 years in selected countries of the UNECE region. The overall availability of childcare facilities for young children is low with significant variation between countries. Izvor: Baza podataka Odeljenja za statistiku UNECE, sadrži podatke iz nacionalnih i međunarodnih izvora,

9 Pravo na odsustvo s posla
Visina naknade Dužina odsustva Mogućnost fleksibilnog korišćenja odsustva Leave entitlements Leave entitlements such as maternity and parental leave play a key role in influencing employment rates of women. The effectiveness of leave policies depends on a range of factors such as level of payment, length of leave, and flexibility in using the leave and the labour market sector in which they are employed. Another aspect that is often missing in leave policies is equal opportunities for women and men. If it is mainly women who take long parental leave periods, then this might strengthen stereotypical assumptions about men and women’s domestic responsibilities and might fuel discrimination against the recruitment and promotion of women. Gender inequality in leave entitlements can be corrected through a range of institutional arrangements, such as adopting policies on paid paternity leave use of parental leave on a part-time basis by both women and men the ability to use blocks of leave rather than take leave in a continuous period the right to defer leave and the right to reduce working hours. Sektor tržišta rada, itd.

10 Fleksibilno radno vreme
rad sa skraćenim radnim vremenom podela radnog vremena klizno radno vreme rad od kuće ili preko telefona rad uz pravo na neplaćeno odsustvo broj radnih sati utvrđen na godišnjem nivou, itd. Flexible working time arrangements As the term is closely linked to employment policy, it now also includes flexible forms of employment. Flexible arrangements may include the following possibilities: part-time work (part time hours of work may be arranged to suit both the employer and the employee) job sharing (this allows two or more workers to share one full-time position) flexibility in working hours (flexi-time – this enables workers to adjust or personalize their working time) Home working or teleworking (this permits workers to balance their work and home commitments and cuts our the difficulties associated with commuting) term time working – this is potentially very useful for parents who can not find adequate childcare during the school hours. Annualized hours – such schemes set out the average hours that employees are expected to work at normal rates of pay over the period of a year. They allow extra work to be accommodated in return of extra time off in lieu when demand contracts. Financial allowances are another dimension of reconciliation policies. They include family allowances and financial payments on the occasion of a child’s birth. Child-related tax allowances exist in most countries, but the policies vary. In only a few cases are financial benefits targeted towards dual-income families, thus promoting equal sharing of paid work. In the Netherlands, for example, tax allowance is paid to parents if both earn a certain amount of money from activities outside their household and if their child is younger than 12 years of age.

11 Izvori podataka Postoji više izvora podataka koji mogu da se koriste za merenje stepena usklađivanja porodičnog i poslovnog života Data Sources Now that we have briefly gone through the main policies, we should look at the possible data sources on the reconciliation of family and work life. In general, statistical offices often find it challenging to identify methodological instruments to measure the reconciliation of work and family life. Nevertheless, there are a number of data sources which are useful.

12 Ankete radne snage (LFS)
Ad hoc modul iz EU-LFS godine: Koliko je učešće stanovništvo u radnoj snazi Koliki stepen fleksibilnosti je omogućen na poslu U kojoj meri se uzima odsustvo. Labour Force Survey Most countries conduct regular Labour Force Surveys. Data from the LFS alone are not sufficient to formulate reconciliation policies. In order to better utilize the Survey, statistical offices may elaborate/add some specific questions in the questionnaire or add an ad-hoc module on reconciliation. For example, the ad hoc module on reconciliation of family and work life was included in the European Union Labour Force Survey in 2005 (to remind about the handout!). The module aimed at: 1) Establishing how far persons participate in the labour force as they would wish, and where they are unable to do so, whether the reasons are connected to a lack of suitable care services for children and dependant persons; 2) Analyzing the degree of flexibility offered at work in terms of reconciliation with family life; 3) Leave provisions. The module covered child care and other care responsibilities, use of parental leave, and the reasons for working or not working.

13 Istraživanja o korišćenju vremena
Vreme provedeno na gledanje tv i videa i kućanske poslove, po polu i zemlji ( ) Time Use Surveys Time-use surveys collect information on how people allocate their time among different types of activities and provide a detailed picture of people’s daily lives. Time-use surveys represent a useful source of information on how women and men divide their time between paid work, housework, study, personal care, family tasks and leisure activities. In showing the different patterns of time-allocation associated with gender, time-use surveys highlight roles and conditions of women and men in family and social life. Time-use surveys are often considered as a superior source to the labour force questionnaires since they allow work to be contextualized within a 24 hour framework and provide an estimation of hours actually dedicated to an activity. Data from time-use surveys may enable a better understanding of the impact of unpaid work on women’s participation rates. To better illustrate the differences in time-allocation patterns by men and women, these two graphs compare the amount of time spent daily by men and women on TV and video and on domestic activities for Spain and Latvia. As we see, in both countries women spend much more time on domestic activities than watching television, while men in both countries on average spend slightly more time on TV and video than working at home. TV and video Domestic activities Beleška: podaci prikazani u broju sati, pri čemu decimale predstavljaju stote delove sata Izvor: Baza podataka o rodnoj statistici UNECE,

14 Istraživanje EU o prihodima i životnom standardu - EU-SILC
Detaljna pitanja o tome kako su deca zbrinuta: Broj sati tokom kojih su deca zbrinuta nedeljno Analizirano po pružaocima brige za svako dece u starosnoj grupi 0-12 Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) The Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) is a survey of the European Union which is designed to compliment the EU Labour Force Survey. EU-SILC includes questions on employment, hours worked, types of contracts, reasons part-timers are not in full-time employment, and reasons for changing a job. Recently, a module was added containing detailed data on childcare services.

15 Uticaj roditeljstva na stope zaposlenosti
Indikatori Uticaj roditeljstva na stope zaposlenosti Bez dece? Sa decom? Indicators For the purposes of assessment and comparability of current reconciliation policies, it is important to adopt a common set of indicators that measure progress. It is unclear, however, which indicators are the most appropriate to evaluate national welfare policies. Even so, there is a set of indicators on which statistics are usually available. For example, since parenthood has a strong impact on women’s participation rates in the labour force, it would be a good idea to measure the ‘Impact of parenthood on employment rates’ - an absolute difference in employment rates of men and women of the age group without the presence of any children and with the presence of a child in the age category of 0-6. The data for this indicator are provided in the Labour Force Surveys.

16 Indikatori Uticaj bračnog stanja na stope zaposlenosti po polovima
Broj mesta u predškolskim ustanovama i centrima za dnevni boravak Dužina odsustva, ponderisana u odnosu na visinu naknade Broj zaposlenih sa skraćenim radnim vremenom zbog brige o deci Also, the following indicators may capture the progress of the reconciliation policies: Impact of marital status on the employment rates by sex Number of available places at pre-schools and day care centers Length of leave, weighted by the level of payment Share of employees working fewer hours because of care of children or other dependents Time spent on domestic work by sex Time spent on ‘free time’ activities by sex. Vreme provedeno na obavljanju kućanskih poslova po polovima Vreme provedeno na ”slobodne” aktivnosti po polovima

17 Stručne kvalifikacije zaposlenih Odnos broja vaspitača/dece
Broj muškaraca koji uzimaju odsustvo, itd. Indicators (2) There are a number of quality indicators on which statistics are not available. For example, the data usually allow us to measure only quantity of childcare services, not quality. Since quality plays an important role in making a decision on whether to take a child to the childcare service or not, it would be a good idea to have data on the quality indicators, such as educational attainment of staff or carer/child ratio. As discussed above, the fact that paternal leave is usually not considered in the policies might result in problems for reintegration of women back into the labour market as well as reinforcement of the gender division of labour, since few fathers use such leave even though it is in principle available to them. Indicators that will measure gender dimension in using their parental leave take-up by fathers and mothers represent the take-up rate by men as well as by women for which data are usually missing.

18 Zaključak Koji statistički alati bi mogli da se bolje iskoriste za prikupljanje podataka o usklađivanju porodičnog i poslovnog života? Ankete radne snage Istraživanja o korišćenju vremena EU-SILC, itd. Conclusion As we have seen, there are various sources that can provide valuable information for reconciliation policies. Each source can be unique and important in its way. For example, LFS gives comprehensive data on employment, unemployment, working conditions and segregation on the labour market and the 2005 ad hoc module provides additional information on equal opportunities in the labour market; EU-SILC offers information on how children are cared, while time-use surveys are invaluable for providing the data on the share of domestic work that women do. Despite the various data sources, however, diversity of work-family policies and the multidimensional character of reconciliation make the design of methodological instruments very difficult. Moreover, when obtained, figures are hard to interpret without any knowledge of the institutional background. Nevertheless, utilization of existing data sources could go a long way to help policy makers better understand the problems and better shape country specific reconciliation policies.

19 Ekonomska komisija Ujedinjenih nacija za Evropu Odeljenje za statistiku

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