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Hint: read through your syllabus

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1 Hint: read through your syllabus
Things you need to know Hint: read through your syllabus

2 Ms. Conrad Is a graduate of ELHS (class of 2007)
She went to GCSU in Milledgeville for both her undergrad degree in literature and her Master’s degree in teaching. (Yes, it means she is a nerd) This will be her 5th year teaching at ELHS She has vocal nodes. (Yes, like in Pitch Perfect) She does not respond to s after 4:00 pm. She will respond to them super early the next morning, though. She has two s a Gmail and a school . Send work to the G-mail and questions to the school or through RemindChat.

3 Mr. Keane Graduated from Glynn Academy in Brunswick, Georgia (Class of 2000) Spent four years in the U.S. Marine Corps Infantry Attended North Georgia University (formerly Gainesville College) for undergraduate degree in Business Administration Attended Georgia State University for Bachelor’s in English Attended GSU for Master’s in Religious Studies and Teaching Plays guitar and sings in an underground Atlanta “Prog-Rock” band Does not usually answer s after school Prefers that work is sent to Gmail address

4 Course description Writing Information literacy and thinking skills
Critical thinking Expansion of vocabulary Enhanced reading and analytical skills Improved critical thinking skills Polished presentation skills Exposure to significant British Lit.

5 Texts Elements of Literature (purple book with castle) Animal Farm
Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Macbeth Animal Farm Frankenstein Selections of British Literature poetry Utopia Non-fiction Articles You can check out books, 1 day at a time. You lose it, you pay for it.

6 Grading Policy Cumulative grade= 80% Tests/Essays/Projects= 55%
Classwork/Homework/Quizzes= 45% Final= 20%

7 Attendance Policy In a nutshell you have to come to school. It is the law.

8 Makeup work It is your responsibility to retrieve make-up work.
You can find work in multiple places. Ask a friend before you ask me. You have 2 days to complete makeup work. A test must be made up within a week for credit (this can be done before or after school, not during class, lunch, etc.) Any assignment received prior to your absence is due when you get back

9 Latework Late work can receive up to 70% credit no more.
Deadlines are hard deadlines in this class. If you turn something in later in the period, later that day, or the next day they are all considered late. If you have a 504 plan or IEP that allows extended time you need to ask for the accommodation ahead of time and talk to me. If you do not have an assignment and will be turning it in later, you need to fill out a yellow sheet.

10 Homework All homework is assigned for practice not for busy work.
You are expected to spend time reviewing on your own. All assignments should be neat and legible. If a homework assignment will be taken for a test grade you will be notified when it is assigned.

11 Suggested Materials Paper Pens and Pencils Highlighters G-mail account
Crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue, etc. for projects

12 Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to adhere to all rules and guidelines dictated by the Student Handbook for the Henry County School System Be respectful and courteous to your teacher and peers. Bring all of your English materials to class each day. Keep your desk and the surrounding area clean. Assume responsibility for your actions and your assignments. No food or drinks, except clear water, will be allowed in the classroom.

13 Classroom Participation and Behavior
Yes, you are expected to participate. When you participate do so positively. When you do something wrong, typically after the first infraction is a warning, second infraction is a detention, and third is a write up. If you do something extreme, expect extreme consequences.

14 Technology You are allowed and even expected to use technology in this class. You will have Gmail accounts through the school you will submit work with. Don’t steal or break Ms. Conrad’s technology. Use it at appropriate times for educational purposes. There is no reason to be on snapchat, vine, Pokemon Go, etc. at school. If you are found with your technology out when it’s not appropriate. 1st time=warning 2nd time=taken up for period 3rd time= taken up for day 4th time= write up and taken to office

15 Conrad’s website Any assignment handed out in class will be on my website. Therefore there is no excuse for not completing your work.

16 Sign and return

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