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Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus

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2 Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus
by Mary Shelley

3 Mary Shelley

4 Prometheus Greek mythology a Titan who championed mankind
stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals Zeus punished him by having him bound to a rock while an eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day


popular 1760’s – 1820’s wild, remote, dreary settings; lots of castles, moors and rain contains a hero/villain strives to incite terror contains evidence of the supernatural mixes romance and horror evokes a sense of mystery and dread


8 Gothic Lit: Characteristics
a distressed heroine moral conflicts abound questions where man’s power begins and ends explores the macabre (muh-cahb) nature of mankind macabre: suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome. Macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle Ages.

9 Mary Shelley’s STYLE: rich vocabulary (a plethora of SAT words to enjoy!) elaborate sentence structure allusions aplenty jumbled chronology shifting narrators

10 “The FRAME Story”


12 This is a “CAUTIONARY TALE”
There’s a warning about something taboo… someone disregards it… unpleasant consequences ensue!

13 Major Themes: the importance of intellectual curiosity and achievement AND the responsibilities that accompany them; knowledge can be dangerous the importance of familial relationships AND the pain that comes when ties are severed loneliness; alienation from society the natural world as a catalyst for and reflection of human emotion nature vs. nurture

14 meaning of the work (theme)
Irresponsibility Science Revenge Abandonment Isolation Change Passion Creation Destruction Consequence Fear Trust Persecution Duality Fitting in Family God Nature vs. Nurture Knowledge Curiosity Relationships Cowardice Neglect Mental health Redemption Compassion Responsibility Obligation Prejudice Power Self-preservation Nature (the physical world) Alienation Birth / Death Judgment Self-worth Egocentricism Ambition Lollipops Acceptance Rationality Shame Secrets Enlightenment The Unknown


16 Romanticism an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement
originated in the late 18th century in western Europe a movement against norms of the Age of Enlightenment a philosophical revolt against rationalism the exaltation of the senses and emotions over reason and intellect the rediscovery of the artist as a supremely individual creator emphasis on individual expression and imagination

17 A word about… SPARKNOTES :-o

18 Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich 1818

19 Eugène Delacroix La Liberty Guidant le Peuple

20 In Nature’s Wonderland Thomas Doughty (1835)

21 If you like Gothic Literature, check out…

22 Letters through Chapter 10…
Discussion questions Letters through Chapter 10…

23 Letters through Chapter 10
Robert Walton: What purpose does he serve? Elizabeth & Victor Henry’s role The Creation: How does Frankenstein do it? Why does Victor create the Creature? The Creature’s appearance; Victor’s reaction to it. Does the Creature have a name? What does Victor call it? Victor’s isolation / separation from friends and family. How does the Creature learn to talk? William’s murder. Justine guilty? Similarities between Victor and the Creature Hollywood depiction of the Creature vs. the novel Student Generated Discussion Prompts, Letters through Chapter 10

24 What does Frankenstein owe his creation? Should he make him a companion?
The evolution of the creature into a complex being; learned behavior vs. nature. The DeLaceys: their story / their role The Creator and The Created: which one is the monster? Allusions: The Bible, Paradise Lost, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, etc. Connections to present day. Discussion Prompts

25 Discussion Prompts The Climax Victor’s advice to Walton.
Read aloud: the Monster’s reaction to Victor’s death. Ultimately, who is the real monster? Discussion Prompts

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