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9th and 10th Grade Parent Information Night

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1 9th and 10th Grade Parent Information Night
Monday, September 24

2 Freshman Year Timeline
Transition to high school Accuplacer (November): Practice sites available on Miss Looper’s website Student Led Conferences: October 18-19, March 28-29 Individual Graduation Plan Conferences: February 2019 End-of-Course Tests (Algebra 1, English 1, Biology): May 2019

3 Freshman Success Speakers
Transcripts (September): Your students received their transcripts last week. Please review and Miss Looper if something is missing. Safe Harbor (October) Mental Health of America (March) More to come

4 Sophomore Year Timeline
Accuplacer (September 24-October 5) PSAT: October 10 Student Led Conferences: October 18-19, March 28-29 Individual Graduation Plan Conferences: February Students will receive their transcripts this Friday in Blazer Block.

5 High School Requirements
English: 4 units Math: 4 units Science: 3 units Social Studies: 1 unit Government: .5 unit Economics: .5 unit US History: 1 unit Physical Education: 1 unit Computer Science: 1 unit Foreign Language: 1 units Senior Project: 1 unit Electives: 6 units Total: 24 units

6 College Course Trade Options
PSC 201 for government ENG 101 AND ENG 102 for English 4 All other college courses will count in the elective category

7 End-of-Course Tests Exams taken at the end of Algebra 1, English 1, English 2 (NEW!!), Biology, and U.S. History Count 20% of final grade Administered in May

8 GPA (Grade Point Average)
GPA is calculated by averaging all classes that are taken for high school credit (including college classes and high school classes taken in 7th/8th grade) Students earn points per grade based on the Uniform Grading scale

9 GPA 80% in every class= 3.0 GPA

10 Eligibility Guidelines
College Classes GPA Accuplacer Recommendations

11 GPA For current freshmen, end-of-year GPA must be 3.5+ to take college classes next year. (85+ overall average) For current sophomores, end-of-year GPA must be 3.0+ to take college classes next year (80+ overall average) GPA requirements subject to change

12 Accuplacer New placement testing that began Spring 2017
Untimed, online test Test on reading, writing, and math Freshmen will be tested in November through Freshman Success. Sophomores may sign up to take the Accuplacer now. (September 24-October 5)

13 Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Conferences :
9th and 10th Grade IGPs held in February GMC classes, graduation progress, college classes, and career development will be discussed Information on how to schedule will come out via Blazer News in January

14 Why does GPA matter? How does it connect to college admissions?

15 GPA for College Admissions
The GPA that colleges use for the initial admissions process is based on: 9th,10th and 11th grade Any classes taken in 7th or 8th grade for high school credit

16 GPA Averages for SC Clemson 4.28
University of South Carolina College of Charleston North Greenville University 3.8

17 LIFE 2 of 3 criteria Top 30% of graduating class* 3.0 cumulative GPA*
1100 SAT or 24 ACT *BASED ON CLASS RANK AND GPA at the END OF THE SENIOR YEAR of high school AWARD AMOUNT $5,000 per year $20,000 over 4 years

18 Palmetto Fellows Recipients
Score at least 1200 SAT or 27 ACT by November test of Senior year, 3.5+GPA, top 6% of class at end of 10th or 11th OR Score SAT or 32 ACT and 4.0 GPA AWARD AMOUNT Up to $6,700 per year for freshman year Up to $7,500 per year for sophomore, junior and senior year $29,200

19 College Admissions: Parent Action Plans
Schedule college visits! Set academic goals and monitor student progress! Make a college wish list

20 PSAT (10th and 11th only) College readiness practice test for sophomores and juniors October 10 (1A and 2A) 10th graders will take it for free! Results available in December College instructors will be notified, but students are responsible for informing instructors as well.

21 Parent Portal Please see Mrs. Clark in during school hours.
You must show ID and sign for the password.

22 Questions?

23 Discipline Protocol Mr. Dillard

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