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TRB Annual State Partnership Visit

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1 TRB Annual State Partnership Visit
Transportation Research Board TRB Annual State Partnership Visit AASHTO RAC July 27, 2016

2 TRB State Partnership Visits
Working together State DOTs The overriding goal of each visit is to provide the TRB staff with a broad perspective of the activities, issues and needs of the state DOT, so TRB can provide the DOTs with the best return on its TRB investment. Inform TRB of problems/issues of importance to the state DOT and other organizations visited; Keep the state representative and the DOT up to date on any assistance/information that TRB currently has that can help the department in addressing these problems/issues; Suggest problems/issues that TRB needs to address in the future; and Recommend activities that TRB should consider undertaking in order to continue to provide the best service to the state DOT and other transportation organizations. Current issues facing the State DOT Feedback & Suggestions on TRB Activities to address current and future needs

3 TRB State Partnership Visits
Working together TRB Staff The overriding goal of each visit is to provide the TRB staff with a broad perspective of the activities, issues and needs of the state DOT, so TRB can provide the DOTs with the best return on its TRB investment. Inform TRB of problems/issues of importance to the state DOT and other organizations visited; Keep the state representative and the DOT up to date on any assistance/information that TRB currently has that can help the department in addressing these problems/issues; Suggest problems/issues that TRB needs to address in the future; and Recommend activities that TRB should consider undertaking in order to continue to provide the best service to the state DOT and other transportation organizations. Provide updates on TRB Activities and Programs Identify TRB products that may help address issues that DOT is currently facing

4 How Does it Work? February: TRB State Reps Survey
March: Initial State Visit Staff Assignments March – May: TRB Staff Contacts State Reps to schedule Visit March – Dec: State Visits

5 Visits Customized to Your Needs
Type of Visit: Conventional Multi-Day Visit Mini Visit Other No Visit

6 Visits Customized to Your Needs
Focus of Visit: TRB staff expertise in Modes or Disciplines you would like to discuss Other TRB Staff (NCHRP, etc) you would like on the visit Special Requests

7 Mix and Match – Your Choice
Structure of State Visit TRB staff visits individuals in their office or meetings can occur in a conference room. Presentations by TRB staff to larger groups Off-site visits to universities, other transportation agencies, and/or facilities Participation of TRB staff in the DOT research peer review

8 Who to Involve? State DOT research personnel
State DOT Chief Executive Officer Directors of key divisions/bureaus of the state DOT Other State DOT staff having an interest in TRB Leaders, faculty, staff/students of Universities and other key transportation organizations (FHWA Division Office) (Please note that TRB staff is very interested in meeting with the CEO to obtain his/her perspective on issues affecting the department, the nation and the DOT/TRB partnership.)

9 Questions Q: Could you provide some guidance as to who DOT could request as a TRB representative for an upcoming TRB visit? Could TRB provide a staff list with reference to expertise? A: Please request at least 3 areas of interest as TRB may not be able to accommodate everyone's first choice. TRB State Representative Resources Webpage has links to staff expertise

10 Questions for Discussion
Based on past experience, could TRB put together a suggested meeting format for the annual visit with suggested options.

11 Successful Visits State DOT Chief Executive Officer and/or Directors of key divisions/bureaus of the state DOT. TRB Lunch Presentation for Younger Staff or those who want to learn more about TRB Mix of Participants (Group or one-on-one) Off-Site Visit

12 Questions for Discussion
What suggestions and/or recommendations does TRB have to improve TRB Annual visit? A: The Success of the Visit is enhanced by the ability of TRB staff and the State Rep to focus in of the issues that will best help the State DOT. The earlier these issues are identified to better equipped TRB staff can be in suggesting TRB Products and Services that may be able to help.

13 Your Role The TRB State Representative Plays a key role in the State Partnership Visits TRB State Representative Resources Webpage

14 Questions for Discussion
What suggestions do you have to improve TRB Annual visit?

15 Research & Education Section
James Bryant TRB Research & Education Section

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