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Fans – Lecture 2 Fan testing: Dr. C. L. Jones

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1 Fans – Lecture 2 Fan testing: Dr. C. L. Jones
Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

2 Axial flow fans propeller fan tube-axial fan vane-axial fan
Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

3 Radial flow fans centrifugal Sukup literature Dr. C. L. Jones
Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

4 cross-flow (tangential) fans
Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

5 mixed-flow tubular cent. fans
Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

6 Fan Curves AMCA Handout Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

7 Total pressure, total efficiency, static efficiency
Total Pressure: eqn. 5.1, pg 127 Find v: eqn. 5.2 Conversions: 1 “H2O = 249 Pa 1 ft/min = m/sec 1 lb/in^3 = kg/m^3 1 ft^3/min = m^3/sec 1 HP = Watts Total efficiency eqn. 5.3 Static efficiency eqn. 5.4 Assume 1750 rpm Outlet of 10” x 12” Q = cfm Static pressure = 2” 50 hp Density = 3.9E-5 lb/in^3 Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

8 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
Air and water are used to remove foreign material from products How much air required depends on the drag force FD ( sum of skin friction and pressure drag) Reference Figure 10.1 FD depends on the drag coefficient CD which is quantified using the Reynolds number. Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

9 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
NRe = Vdpρf/η Where: V = fluid velocity Dp = particle dimension ρf= fluid density η = absolute viscosity NRe<1.0, Stokes flow, FD=3πdpμV NRe<1,000 Laminar flow NRe >20,000 Turbulent flow Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

10 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
Terminal velocity: occurs when drag force balances gravitational force See Table 10.1 For a sphere Fdrag=CD(πd2/4)(ρfv2/2) CD depends on the Reynold number of the particle: Rep= ρfvd/μ If Rep<0.2, CD=24/Rep If Rep>200,000, CD=0.44 If Repis between 500 and 200,000, CD=(24/Rep)( (Rep)0.687) Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

11 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
Read Example Problem You will need to be familiar with it. This examples shows how to find a Reynolds number for a particle, the drag coefficient and the terminal velocity Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

12 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
Application example: Can corn stalks be separated from corn cobs pneumatically? What minimum air velocity can be used? How well will it be separated? How could we improve the separation? Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

13 Chpt. 10, Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties
Application example: A seed company would like to move soybeans through a pipe (5.25” inside diameter) pneumatically. What capacity should the air source (the fan) be rated for? Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

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