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Statistics 200b. Spring David Brillinger

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1 Statistics 200b. Spring 2008 David Brillinger
Statistical Models (2003) by A. C. Davison Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Variation Chapter 3: Uncertainty Chapter 4: Likelihood A tool for making statistical inferences (uncertain conclusions based on data) Midterm March 12, in class. Through Chapter 4.


3 Chapter 4: Likelihood. "value y of r.v. Y with p.d.f f(y;)  in  f known" "goal to make statements about distribution of Y based on observed data y" that are plausible, given y observed"

4 Likelihood, L. L() = f(y;)  in  regarded as function of  for fixed y "L will be relatively larger for  near that which generated the data" When Y's i.i.d., y = (y1,...,yn) sample L() = f(y;) =   f(yj;)

5 Normal. IN(,2)  = (,2) data: (y1,...,yn) L() =  f(yj;) =  [exp{-(yj- )2/2 2 } / {2} ] l() = log L() = - { log 2 }/2 - { (yj - )2}/2 2

6 An aside One sees that all one needs is l() is a maximum at

7 Poisson. L() = y exp{-} / y! >0, y = 0,1,2,3,... Goes to 0 as   0 or  Maximum at  = y sample y = (y1,...,yn)  f(yj;) = ^(y1+...+yn) exp{-n} / C Maximum at  =

8 Exponential distribution
f(y;) = -1 exp{-y/} y >  > 0 L() =  f(yj;) = -n exp{-(y1+...+yn)/} Maximum at  =

9 L() maximized at  approx 168 L(168) = 2.49E-27 L(150) = 2.32E-27
Spring failure at 950 N/mm2 cycles 1 | 244 1 | 66799 2 | 03 decimal point is 2 digit(s) to the right of the | L() maximized at  approx 168 L(168) = 2.49E-27 L(150) = 2.32E-27 150 is .93 times less likely than 168 Might declare s with L() > .5 L(168) "plausible"

10 Spring failure times at stress 950 N/mm2
units of 1000 cycles stleaf L() maximized at theta approx 168 L(168) approx 2.49E-27 L(150) approx 2.32E-27 "150 is .93 times less likely that 168" Values with L() > .5 L(168) " plausible": (120,260)

11 Weibull. f(y;,) = y-1 exp{-(y/)}/ y>0 ,  > 0 L(,) =  f(yj;,) Contour plot of log L(,) Maximized at approx (181,6) Exponential for  = dotted line

12 Richard Feynman

13 Challenger data. Space shuttle exploded after launch 28 January 1986 Presidential Commission - cause: O-rings not pliable in cold weather or holed in pressure test Thermal distress Data Plot proportions r/m vs temperature x1 and pressure x2 m=6 Statistical model, R binomial Bin(m,π), R=1,...,6 π = eu /(1+eu) u = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2


15 rj O-rings out of m with thermal distress at launch temperature xj
Pr{distress} = π = eu /(1+eu) u = β0 + β1 x R ~ IBinomial (m,π), m = 6 L(β0 ,β1) =  Pr{Rj = rj; β0 ,β1} Contour plot maximum at (β0 ,β1) approx (5,-0.1) ridge


17 Summaries. "key idea is that in many cases log likelihood is approx quadratic in the parameter" {More later} Example exponential samples of sizes 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 each sample has = exp{-1} the maximum of the log likelihood is at l() = -n (log  /n) l'( ) = l"( ) = -n/ 2 maximum likelihood estimate,



20 Likelihood, L. L() = f(y;)  in  regarded as function of  for fixed y "L will be relatively larger for  near that which generated the data" When Y's i.i.d., y = (y1,...,yn) sample L() = f(y;) =   f(yj;) l() = log L() =  log f(yj;)

21 Maximum likelihood estimate
likelihood equation. when things exist. score statistic/vector. observed information.

22 Local maximum? Computation and representation iterate to convergence

23 log RL() = l() - l( )  ( - )2l"( )/2 "In many cases the likelihood can be summarized in terms of the mle and the observed information -l"( ). " In a sense one can act as if the distribution is approximately normal There are large sample optimality results, but there are problems too, e.g. the uniform on (0,)

24 Observed information Fisher information I() = EJ()

25 Normal distribution

26 Properties of U(), u()
E(U()) = nE(u()), E(u()) = 0 Remember

27 Var U() = n Var u() Var u() = i()

28 0: true parameter value
U(0), J(0) sums of i.i.d.'s LLN and CLT EU(0) = 0, Var(0) = I(0) = ni(0) EJ(0) = I(0) = ni(0) I(0)-1 J(0)  1 in probability I(0)-1/2 U(0)  Z in distribution, as n   Z ~ Np (0,Ip )

29 In normal case


31 Approximate 100(1-2)% CI for real 0
CR for vector 0


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