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American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division

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1 American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division
Agenda Item #4.a American Nuclear Society Fusion Energy Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Susana Reyes, FED Chair June 10, 2015, San Antonio, TX

2 Fusion Energy Division (FED) Mission
Promotes the development of fusion energy as a sustainable energy source with favorable economic, environmental, and safety attributes Cooperates with other organizations on common issues of multidisciplinary fusion science and technology, conducts professional meetings, and disseminates technical information in support of these goals Members focus on the assessment and resolution of critical developmental issues for practical fusion energy applications

3 FED Executive Committee
Officers ( ) Chair Susana Reyes Vice Chair Arnie Lumsdaine Secretary/Treasurer Paul Humrickhouse Ex Officio Minami Yoda (Past Chair) Hans Gougar (PDC Chair) Executive Committee members-at-large 2016 Jean Paul Allain, Kevin Kramer, Kelsey Tresemer 2017 Neill Taylor, Blair Bromley, Craig Taylor 2018 Takeo Muroga, Keith Rule, Ahmad Ibrahim

4 FED Standing Committees, Liaisons
Nominating Committee Chair Minami Yoda Honors and Awards Committee Chair Nermin Uckan Program Committee Chair Arnie Lumsdaine Membership Committee Chair Ahmad Ibrahim Newsletter Editor Laila El-Guebaly Fusion Science and Technology Editor FED Webmaster Mark Tillack ANS Board Liaison Andrew Klein IEEE Liaison MS&T Liaison Lance Snead RPS Liaison Paul Wilson Young Members Liaison

5 FED Governance FED adopted the Standard Bylaws in November 2009
FED has written a set of Division Rules, submitted to the BRC in May 2012 FED has a current Strategic Plan and Tactical and Succession Plan Communication: FED website ( Newsletter is published twice a year, June/December and past issues are available at the website

6 FED Membership Trends

7 Total Membership as of March 31, 2015
FED Membership Stats Fusion Energy (FED) Total Membership as of March 31, 2015 Students 33% 304 Educational Inst.-Staff 16% 146 National Lab 13% 118 Retired 9% 79 Consult. Co. 6% 53 Utility 5% 47 Govt. Agency 4% 37 Manufacturing 35 Arch./Engr. 3% 25 Other 24 Prvt. Research Lab 2% 18 Service Co. 15 Supplier 1% 6 Active Military 8 Test Lab 0.3% 3 Construct. Co. 0.1% 1 Total 100% 919

8 Division Services to Membership
FED Newsletter is ed to ~900 FED members and over 1,200 interested fusion professionals Continue to contribute to the ANS NEED scholarship Achieved funding for establishing a fully funded FED scholarship Engaged in peer recognition through activities such as: Edward Teller Award FED Awards (Achievement and Technical Accomplishment and Best Student Paper Awards) FED continuously supports the ANS student conference and travel of students to ANS conferences Division continues to engage in professional development activities through the PDCC, YMG, workshop activities, local section activities and student sections activities

9 Division Contributions to ANS
ANS Position Statement on Fusion Energy in revision Participation with other Professional Societies: IEEE liaison Other: Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Contribution of blogs in Nuclear Cafe Society Leadership: FED Chair sits on US DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) FED members are active nationally FED promotes and supports non-meeting publications in Fusion Science and Technology Impact factor 0.95

10 Division Finances Primary source of FED funding is the TOFE meeting, held every two years, which alternates from stand-alone to embedded FED confers several awards at TOFE and provides additional support for student travel to the meeting FED has just achieved the 60K level to fund a student scholarship, this has been a long standing goal of the Division

11 Division Finances 2013 2014 2015† Starting balance $48,092 $56,523
$61,283 Dues allocation $1,866 $1,714 $1,712 Meeting income $8,335* $9,140** - Awards $1,196 Nat’l meeting phone costs $858 $527 $800 NEED scholarship $500 Student travel to TOFE $3,000 Student travel to Nat’l meetings $300 Annual student conference Other $112 $71 Ending budget $60,395 *From the 2012 TOFE; expenses associated with this meeting were paid in 2012 **From the annual meeting, and 2014 TOFE †Budget, updated to reflect actual starting balance

12 Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership
2015 Division Metrics Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation Annual: 2 sessions Winter: 2 sessions Succession Planning Tactical and Succession Plan Updated in 2015 ANS Position Statements Fusion Energy (in review) Professional Development Planning Prof. Development workshop at 22 TOFE Class I, Class II Topicals 2015 M&C 2016 ANS Topical on the Technology of Fusion Energy (22 TOFE) 2016 Tritium Conference Membership Trends % change % change % change % change 2015 Participation with Outside Professional Societies Fusion has liaison with IEEE Scholarships Contributed to NEED fund Achieved level to fund a FED scholarship Class III Topicals (Embedded) 2014 ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (21 TOFE) Communications 2 newsletters in 2015 Website updated 2015 Blog in Nuclear Cafe Society Leadership All PDC All NPC 100% Jun , x% Nov Presentation to BOD June 2015 Peer Recognition/ Awards Edward Teller FED Awards (Achievement & Tech. Accomplishment) Best Student Paper Award Class VI Topicals 2015 ICENES 2015 IFSA Division Planning Tactical and Succession Plan Updated in 2015 Strategic Plan Updated 2013 Non-Meeting Publications Fusion Science & Technology Journal Student Support 2015 Student Conference Annual Meeting travel support Winter Meeting travel support Division’s Commitment to YMG Liaison re-established in 2013

13 Summary The FED is a healthy Division with growing membership (+6% growth in 2015) Division has reached the level of $60k in operating funds needed for a student scholarship Division metrics and vitality measurement show positive trend The FS&T journal is respected in the fusion community Ongoing work with Public Policy Committee to issue updated version of the FED Policy Statement

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